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Topics - YoshiSTAR_41

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After making many TWC emulators using PowerPoint and then OpenOffice, I decided to turn over a new leaf and created an emulator on Google Slides! No kidding! I'm serious!

Presenting, the "new" WeatherSTAR 5000! (made on google slides)

The WeatherSTAR 5000 has mostly every feature that the REAL WeatherSTAR 4000 had, but I revamped it by mixing colors!
(Oh wait, mixing colors, oh no, I meant mixing other STAR systems.) This includes the Latest Observations (Current Observations), which has two slides with four cities each (instead of one slide with 7 cities), the 36 Hour Forecast, which includes empty squares for pictures, and more slides.

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wmegH5idByyvluX78NZ3y8kU3GHABdOsfvK6_2tQMoE

Here are all the features on the WeatherSTAR 5000 (Version 1):
- Black Lower Display Line
- The YoshiSTAR Channel logo
- Most products used on WeatherSTAR 4000, revamped by me
- The “36 Hour Forecast” and “The Weather Bulletins” screens (new product!) are actually two separate products unlike the original 4000
- Using an Ad Crawl on the Black Lower Display Line is allowed
- The “36 Hour Forecast” allows you to put up a forecast picture of the exact weather
- The "3 Day Extended Forecast” was replaced by the "5 Day Extended Forecast”
- Two different products of the “Almanac” screen
- Beach products
- A “50 Capitals Forecast” screen was added, showing today’s or tomorrow’s forecast for all 50 capitals of the United States Of America (similar to the “50 Capitals Forecast” on my SQUEAK-X1 IntelliSTAR Emulator), in replacement of the "Travel Cities Forecast".
- The "Radar Loop" slide has two indicators: The top indicator includes precipitation of either rain (green), snow (white), or a mixture with ice (pink). The bottom indicator includes whether the precipitation will be light (green) or heavy (red). There's also an "Incomplete Data" on the bottom indicator, where I have no idea what kind of precipitation it is.
- Time Bar on the top right

How to use the WeatherSTAR 5000:
To use the WeatherSTAR 5000, you need to follow these steps:
[1] You must be at the presentation.
[2] Click on "File"
[3] Hover over "Make a copy", and click on "Entire presentation"
[4] Replace the default text with something you like
[5] Click on "OK".
It should take you to your copy of the WeatherSTAR 5000 immediately after. If so, you are ready to create your own forecasts!
Well, sort of, I have another download link for you: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1D_xGov8PLsrIUpeNAwRZfpre7JyXFhlu
This package features icons from the WeatherSTAR 4000 and the National Weather Service Weather Icons (credit to weatherstooge @ Photobucket). There's also a set of WeatherSTAR XL icons in the pack (also by weatherstooge) as an alternative, but it's highly recommended you use the 4000 icons.
This package also features narrations I created using Google Translate. Feel free to use them for a completely narrated local forecast! :)
Or don't.

Finally, this WeatherSTAR 5000 is only available on Google Slides for PC, Mac and other computer-type systems. If you have a tablet or anything else that's not an actual computer, I'm not sure you can create forecasts with it since the presentation will be so messed up.

Enjoy the 5000! Videos to come soon!

TWC Fan Art / Local Forecast Pack
« on: April 13, 2020, 02:34:36 PM »
Wanted something for your TWC emulations? You're lucky today! Click on the link below!

http://www.mediafire.com/file/5qywghz6y1zgsst/Local_Forecast_Pack.zip/file (30.08MB)

*had to link through MediaFire due to issues with this site's attachments*

Weatherscan Discussion / Any more Weatherscan unit pictures?
« on: March 01, 2019, 12:26:54 PM »
I found this picture on WeatherScan's facebook yesterday. It's the Chicago O'Hare Int'l Weatherscan unit from January 8, 2006.

General Emulator Discussion / This emulator needs an update...
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:18:01 PM »
*cc17926, if you're reading this, make sure you follow these updates below for a even reliable, better emulator*

1. LDL
Some of the Weatherscan XL Emulator videos have a Blue/Halloween LDL. Now in the present, the LDL option doesn't exist. The LDL is required in the future.

2. Blue scrolls
OK, so the blue scrolls (Regional Weather Roundup, Tabular State Forecast and Zone Forecast Product) aren't really that important and should be removed. They just scroll current weather conditions and other spam.

3. More segments
I know the Traffic Report and Outdoor Activity segments are there, but although they ARE there, I think we need more segments, like the Ski Report for the winter and the return of the Golf and Spanish forecasts...

4. Boat and Beach fix
Whenever I try to open the emulator with the Boat & Beach segment, it loads, then it opens an error message saying "File not found". Is there any point of fixing this?

That's ALL I need to know.

Emulator Videos / Conceptual TWC HD Emulator
« on: January 09, 2019, 12:22:55 PM »
I made this on OpenOffice last night, and it turned out pretty well! Maybe this will work for you too! Click on the attachment below:

Emulator Videos / Local Now Emulator update
« on: November 20, 2018, 11:52:30 AM »
I have made and released my LocalNow Emulator from OpenOffice!

Breaking News [From Local Now]
Local Forecast [From Local Now]
Traffic Conditions [From Local Now]
Airport Delays

Sorry, I didn't include the sports, not gonna happen. :(

Introduction (Breaking News, Airport Delays, Traffic Conditions):
Start Your Engines! (VS Mode) - Mario Kart Double Dash!!

Introduction (Local Weather)
The LOT8s Jingle

Music (Airport Delays)
Mario Kart 8 - Sunshine Airport

Music (Traffic Conditions)
Mario Kart 7 - Menu (Download Play)

Voices: Allen Jackson and Microsoft Sam

You can get this link for free! Just download this attachment...

There were only two production tracks that lasted only one minute back when the "Weather All The Time" STAR debuted back in November 2013. Local Now has these tracks along with the other production songs and the Killer Tracks playlist, but from the prototype design.

Can anyone send me the files of the tracks from the prototype design?

Emulator Videos / My OpenOffice TWC Emulator
« on: July 30, 2018, 08:26:31 AM »
Hi guys! I made my second emulator in OpenOffice Impress, and it's my new and improved TWC Emulator! Download links here!

Emulator Videos / My new Weatherstar 4000 Emulator [release]
« on: July 17, 2018, 08:07:58 AM »
I have made a new Weatherstar 4000 emulator from scratch, and better than my first one! It has the 4000 font, and created in OpenOffice Impress. That outdated one was from PowerPoint. Here is the release link:

Emulator Videos / IntelliStarXL-275 | POWERPOINT PRESENTATION
« on: June 15, 2018, 05:56:38 PM »
I have made another PowerPoint presentation. Presenting... the IntellistarXL-275! Both Intellistar and Weatherstar XL v1 combined! (Download is in the attachment, click it)

TWC Fan Art / YoshiSTAR's Work Of Art
« on: May 12, 2018, 07:25:40 PM »
Here are both Station ID screens used on the Intellistar I created with Paint.NET

Download this emulator!
The ZIP file includes all the current production music, the Akko font, and the presentation.

Also, here are some screenshots below. The city name and all data is made up though.

TWC Fan Art / TWC Icons 2019-Present
« on: April 29, 2018, 10:13:18 PM »
Should The Weather Channel use these icons starting next year, I got those icons from Photobucket.
Here are all the icons placed in a ZIP file. Just click on the attachment below.

The star of all forecasts is a Intellistar Emulator created by me, it is much better than my other created Intellistar emulations.
Download link:

I'll probably make a version 2 of the star of all forecasts, not pretty sure. :P

TWC Fan Art / Custom XL Icons
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:17:35 PM »
Here are all XL icons I created from paint.NET...

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