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Messages - YoshiSTAR_41

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TWC Fan Art / Re: YoshiSTAR's Work Of Art
« on: May 16, 2020, 05:18:34 PM »
To celebrate the beginning of the new YoshiSTAR Channel, I decided to remake my Station ID and my Local Forecast intro.

Station ID (Local Forecasts)
Just like the first version, the narration came from this video:
And it has the same background as the one I had in the first version, from Google Images.
The logo, the cable provider, and everything else was created by me. I made this one separately in Paint.NET, rather than Camtasia Studio 8. A piece of text from the second slide has to be moved to the mid-right to make it and the moon separate places.
I also added the copyright symbol, this is the reason why I created this in Paint.NET then rendered it in Camtasia Studio, since I couldn't use that symbol in Camtasia Studio alone. :P

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Local Forecast Intro/Opener
The narration was created once again in Google Translate. And once again there is a subtitle option for those who don't know what she's saying or for those who lost their hearing (:().
If you hear a jingle at the end, that's the Windows 95 Startup Jingle. I got that from:
Everything else was created by me in Camtasia Studio. Unlike the first version, there is no traffic logo by default (for areas who had traffic products before).

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Here's the Local Forecast opener, with the traffic logo added:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
(Everything else is exactly the same as my last video.)

TWC Fan Art / Re: YoshiSTAR's Work Of Art
« on: May 13, 2020, 04:22:50 PM »
Here's the second version of The YoshiSTAR Channel!

Differences between Version 1 and Version 2:

- Resized it from 72x72 to 64x64
- Changed the background color from black to red
- The text was aligned from the left to the center
- Some font changes, all the text used to be in the "Consolas" font (I think), now the "THE" and the "CHANNEL" are in the "STAR 4 Small" font, and the "YoshiSTAR" is in the original "STAR 4" font.

Cable Provider:
- Resized it from 800x480 to 256x64
- Changed the background color from white to red
- The Red Yoshi from Paper Mario: Color Splash was changed to the Red Yoshi in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- Changed the text size from 108 to 12
- Text color changes, the "Y", the "I", and the "F" used to be in red, now they are in white; the other text's black color remained intact.
- Some font changes, all the text used to be in the original "STAR 4" font, now they are all in the "Press Start 2P" font.

Once again, you can download the files from my Google Drive page (see Reply #21), but you can also click on the attachments since they are below this post. (You can only click on the attachments one by one, so be patient!)

The third attachment features both the logo and the cable provider, along with two Red Yoshis (both were from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) that I may use it in my signature.

Local Forecast / Re: What lf songs do you wish to have?
« on: May 07, 2020, 05:44:35 PM »
Before reading my reply, here is the set order for the song list I'd like to have.
Title by Artist - Played On TWC
Some of the LF songs I'd like to have were off-topic, and will be located at the very end.


I would like to have

"All There Is (Sunny Day)" by Yvonne (Leon) Ayers (Feat. Daft Punk) - June+July 2010

"Gettin' Around" by Trammell Starks - March 1996

"Fizgig" by T. Woods & Tomana - May+June 2001

"Incinerator" by T. Woods & Tomana - May+June 2001

"Keane" by John Maellaro - August+September 2001 + May 2003

"Animistic" by Scott Ward - June+December 2008

"Cadenza" by Scott Ward - June 2008

"Heat" by Ryan Farish - October+November 2009

"Lookin' Back" by Ryan Farish - July 2004 + March+April 2007 + September+October 2011

"Next Time (Taking A Chance/Easy Does It)" by Incognito (Feat. Big Score Music) - September 2008

"How I Feel" by Ficara - 1999

"Suspended" by Doug Granville - March 2007

"Fiesta Sol (Sun Party)" by Max Groove - June 1991

"From Scratch" by Doug Granville - March 2007

"Make Your Own Way" by Doug Granville - March 2007

"Discovery 36" by Doug Granville - March 2007

"Playing In The Cold" by Doug Granville - ???

"Survive!" by Doug Granville - March+April 2009


Off Topic Music

"The Rain and The Storm" by ??? - 2005+2006 (The Weather Network)

"Storm Alert" by ??? - 2017 (YouTube)


All of those songs were on my YouTube music channel as lost tracks, except for "Incinerator", "Discovery 36", and "Playing In The Cold".

TWC Fan Art / Re: Jonathon's Artwork
« on: May 07, 2020, 04:09:42 PM »
I know Weatherscan won't be in HD, but here is an image I created if it WERE in HD. I didn't have enough room to fit the crawl in at the bottom, so I had to exclude it.
EDIT: I know, it doesn't look good. I'll try harder next time.

I enjoyed all your artwork, it feels like if we went back in time. Also sorry for reposting your WeatherScan HD picture, Jonathon. It was in 960x720 format and I wanted to resize it to 1366x768 so it can look like HD.

Here's the true version of your picture:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
Finally allowed to showcase a Test Run of the 5000.

TWC Fan Art / Re: Prevue Guide and Weather Channel (2020 version)
« on: May 05, 2020, 02:57:20 PM »
I loved it as well; just can you PLEASE resize the picture to a smaller size, such as 720x480, so I don't have to scroll between the entire picture.  :worship: B) :)

TWC Fan Art / Re: YoshiSTAR's Work Of Art
« on: May 02, 2020, 08:18:38 PM »
Here's my cable logo and my cable provider, both created by me.
(NOTE: I plan to update my logo and/or my provider, then I will have to make another post with the new art if I do.)
You can actually download the stuff from my Drive right here, instead of clicking on the attachments below, one by one.

Every WeatherSTAR 5000 product in order
Part 2, Slides 18-35 (Special Information & 50 Cities Forecast)

Every WeatherSTAR 5000 product in order
Part 1, Slides 1-17 (Forecast Information)

This might be a little off-topic, but seeing "WeatherSTAR 5000" takes me way back to 2007 when CriminalCola on YouTube made what he called a "WeatherSTAR 5000", though the video in question is either long gone, or has been private for many years. Does anybody here recall what I'm talking about?

Dylan, when you said CriminalCola's WeatherSTAR 5000 video has been private, you're right! I can't find that video on any of CriminalCola's YouTube videos, and I can't find any WeatherSTAR 5000 videos when I was looking them up, however, I found a YouTuber named "Weatherstar 5000video" (also known as "freddyyesdorano") when I was looking up. I only named my presentation "WeatherSTAR 5000" because I wished if The Weather Channel would have upgraded their WeatherSTAR 4000 to the WeatherSTAR 5000.

After making many TWC emulators using PowerPoint and then OpenOffice, I decided to turn over a new leaf and created an emulator on Google Slides! No kidding! I'm serious!

Presenting, the "new" WeatherSTAR 5000! (made on google slides)

The WeatherSTAR 5000 has mostly every feature that the REAL WeatherSTAR 4000 had, but I revamped it by mixing colors!
(Oh wait, mixing colors, oh no, I meant mixing other STAR systems.) This includes the Latest Observations (Current Observations), which has two slides with four cities each (instead of one slide with 7 cities), the 36 Hour Forecast, which includes empty squares for pictures, and more slides.


Here are all the features on the WeatherSTAR 5000 (Version 1):
- Black Lower Display Line
- The YoshiSTAR Channel logo
- Most products used on WeatherSTAR 4000, revamped by me
- The “36 Hour Forecast” and “The Weather Bulletins” screens (new product!) are actually two separate products unlike the original 4000
- Using an Ad Crawl on the Black Lower Display Line is allowed
- The “36 Hour Forecast” allows you to put up a forecast picture of the exact weather
- The "3 Day Extended Forecast” was replaced by the "5 Day Extended Forecast”
- Two different products of the “Almanac” screen
- Beach products
- A “50 Capitals Forecast” screen was added, showing today’s or tomorrow’s forecast for all 50 capitals of the United States Of America (similar to the “50 Capitals Forecast” on my SQUEAK-X1 IntelliSTAR Emulator), in replacement of the "Travel Cities Forecast".
- The "Radar Loop" slide has two indicators: The top indicator includes precipitation of either rain (green), snow (white), or a mixture with ice (pink). The bottom indicator includes whether the precipitation will be light (green) or heavy (red). There's also an "Incomplete Data" on the bottom indicator, where I have no idea what kind of precipitation it is.
- Time Bar on the top right

How to use the WeatherSTAR 5000:
To use the WeatherSTAR 5000, you need to follow these steps:
[1] You must be at the presentation.
[2] Click on "File"
[3] Hover over "Make a copy", and click on "Entire presentation"
[4] Replace the default text with something you like
[5] Click on "OK".
It should take you to your copy of the WeatherSTAR 5000 immediately after. If so, you are ready to create your own forecasts!
Well, sort of, I have another download link for you:
This package features icons from the WeatherSTAR 4000 and the National Weather Service Weather Icons (credit to weatherstooge @ Photobucket). There's also a set of WeatherSTAR XL icons in the pack (also by weatherstooge) as an alternative, but it's highly recommended you use the 4000 icons.
This package also features narrations I created using Google Translate. Feel free to use them for a completely narrated local forecast! :)
Or don't.

Finally, this WeatherSTAR 5000 is only available on Google Slides for PC, Mac and other computer-type systems. If you have a tablet or anything else that's not an actual computer, I'm not sure you can create forecasts with it since the presentation will be so messed up.

Enjoy the 5000! Videos to come soon!

News and Updates / Re: Public Release Now Available (April 2020)
« on: April 27, 2020, 08:34:13 AM »
Yay I tested it out and I like the new regional satellite :)

TWC Fan Art / Re: Local Forecast Pack
« on: April 26, 2020, 10:11:58 PM »
This pack includes:

Backgrounds - This pack has:
The WeatherSTAR XL backgrounds (all 3 versions)
The IntelliSTAR (2007) background (common and weather bulletins)
All the backgrounds belong to weatherstooge @ Photobucket.

Fonts - I found the 3000, some 4000, and the Junior fonts on, and found the other 4000, IntelliSTAR, and the Coolvetica (XL) fonts on the old TWC Today website.

Icons - My favorite part, the TWC icons:
1990 (WeatherSTAR 4000) - The Current Conditions, the Regional Conditions and Regional Forecast, and the Extended Forecast icons belong to weatherstooge. The Moon Phases were downloaded from
1998 (WeatherSTAR XL) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.
2006 (IntelliSTAR) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.
2010 (IntelliSTAR) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.
2013 (IntelliSTAR) - The icons belong to Malek Masoud @ Deviant Art.
2019 (IntelliSTAR)? - The icons were from someone else @ Photobucket. They're mine now.
??? (MSN) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.
Custom - The icons were created by me in Paint.NET
??? (NBC) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.
??? (NWS) - The Local Forecast icons belong to weatherstooge. The Weather Bulletin icons ALSO belong to weatherstooge, except for the High Wind Watch icon, which I created it in Paint.NET
??? (Unused) - The icons belong to weatherstooge.

Lower Display Lines
The black LDLs belong to weatherstooge, while I created the blue LDL in Paint.NET, using presentations I downloaded to my thumb drive (7).
The severe weather crawls belong to weatherstooge.

Narrations (last one)
Some of the narrations come from the "Wake Up With Al" app, with other narrations come from presentations I downloaded almost 1 year ago and some videos I watched almost 1 year ago. I don't have time to create names for all the narration.

I credited everyone who shared everything to the public. Sorry if TL;DR

News and Updates / Re: Public Release Now Available (April 2020)
« on: April 26, 2020, 09:43:11 PM »
That's a very good new update!!!
I'll make you happy by testing out the new feature when I have time!!! :D

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: Weatherscan Topic
« on: April 23, 2020, 11:51:05 AM »
The Weatherscan unit here on Blue Ridge got a new logo for the first time since early 2015 as of the 20th. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the placement of it though

:O There are three different Blue Ridge logos? O_O
What were the other Blue Ridge logos (before 2015, please)?

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