Looks great! Was this Photoshopped?
I used Photoshop CS3... Photoshop is the best imo because it uses the layout guides in the .tif files to make sure they snap into the right place
How do you stretch out the tabs to be perfectly shaped?
I used the rectangle tool to make the tabs, then dragged in the tab ends to make it all snap into place.
Very nice! What font did you use for the temperatures, wind speeds, etc?
The Current Conditions title uses Interstate-Bold 30pt
the CAMDEN text uses Interstate-Bold 18pt
Partly Cloudy, Win uses Interstate-Bolt 24pt
the 88* on the left uses Frutiger LT Std (65 Bold) 60pt
the Humidity, Dew Point, etc on the left side on the right uses Frutiger (bold) 20pt
The 41%, etc on the right side on the right uses Frutiger LT Std (65 Bold) 30pt
The miniature INCHES and MILES uses the same font above except 14 pt
the temperature/time tabs in the LDL uses Interstate-Bold 12pt
the tabs on the left will eventually utilize Interstate-RegularCondensed 14 pt, same as I used in the sig
The scrolling text uses Helvetica 18 pt.
I hope this helps
Also, I've updated my signature to look like the LDL too... may not appear correctly on IE browsers 6.0 and lower... :nods: