I'd love to have a WeatherStar XL! Does anyone know where else a WeatherStar XL, 4000 and/or Jr, is used today? Boy I hate the IS!Just one question, if Comcast had an agreement with TWC to use the IS then why do some areas such as Burlington, VT still have an XL? :-\
The "Weather Capital of the World" (aka Punxsutawney, PA) still has the WeatherStar XL. We are serviced by Comcast, but we were serviced by Adelphia until October 2006. I am not sure who else around here (as in my area) has the WeatherStar XL. I know the town south of me, Indiana, is using the IntelliStar.
I am not expecting to be upgraded to the IntelliStar for quite a while. Adelphia was still using the WeatherStar 3000 until the year 2000 when we got the XL (we never had the WeatherStar 4000).
Of course I say that, then tomorrow I will probably see the IntelliStar.