July 27, 2024, 01:49:38 AM

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Local Forecast / Re: Question about songs airing on multiple flavors in the 1990s
« Last post by Dylan on July 06, 2024, 05:18:20 PM »
There's something else I've noticed, consistently, "Outside Solaris" by "Clifford Marshall Van Buren" played as an M flavor, but consistently used the L flavor narration, do you know what happened? Did it eventually play as an L with the L narration, was the narration eventually corrected for the M or did it keep playing as an M with L narration? And do you know how that song worked on the 3000 with its narration?

My guess is that the song was initially selected as a L, but they changed it to a M at the last minute. I'm not sure how the narration worked back then. Whether it was recorded on to the song or added every time the song aired. Either way, when they changed it from a L to a M, they didn't bother to change the narration.

I've heard that the narration was hard wired into the LF music. But I think you're right, it was originally selected as an L, then changed to an M, and they didn't bother to edit the song clip to have the proper narration. I wonder if this confused people watching at the time who weren't avid STAR fans and wondered why the narration had nothing to do with what products were shown on the screen.
There's something else I've noticed, consistently, "Outside Solaris" by "Clifford Marshall Van Buren" played as an M flavor, but consistently used the L flavor narration, do you know what happened? Did it eventually play as an L with the L narration, was the narration eventually corrected for the M or did it keep playing as an M with L narration? And do you know how that song worked on the 3000 with its narration?

My guess is that the song was initially selected as a L, but they changed it to a M at the last minute. I'm not sure how the narration worked back then. Whether it was recorded on to the song or added every time the song aired. Either way, when they changed it from a L to a M, they didn't bother to change the narration.
Local Forecast / Re: Question about songs airing on multiple flavors in the 1990s
« Last post by Dylan on June 28, 2024, 09:44:51 PM »
I found an old post where you got excited when "Seguaro" played as a BTF song during a J flavor in 1993 due to an error since you never heard it past the :53 mark before. For a lot of people, that was a blast from the past, previously regularly playing on J flavor LFs in 1990 and 1991.

Yah, I was surprised to discover that "Seguaro" was played before I started watching.

There's something else I've noticed, consistently, "Outside Solaris" by "Clifford Marshall Van Buren" played as an M flavor, but consistently used the L flavor narration, do you know what happened? Did it eventually play as an L with the L narration, was the narration eventually corrected for the M or did it keep playing as an M with L narration? And do you know how that song worked on the 3000 with its narration?
I found an old post where you got excited when "Seguaro" played as a BTF song during a J flavor in 1993 due to an error since you never heard it past the :53 mark before. For a lot of people, that was a blast from the past, previously regularly playing on J flavor LFs in 1990 and 1991.

Yah, I was surprised to discover that "Seguaro" was played before I started watching.
TWC Fan Art / Re: tomcat's fanart
« Last post by tomcat on June 26, 2024, 10:36:12 PM »
not even gonna lie, I'm using some ghetto ahh methods (google slides for some stuff like the LDL)
TWC Fan Art / Re: tomcat's fanart
« Last post by ThrivertonWX on June 26, 2024, 07:21:46 PM »
now that I think about i should have worded it better, i was talking about like how you made the assets (like what art program, for example paint.net, gimp, ect)
TWC Fan Art / Re: tomcat's fanart
« Last post by tomcat on June 26, 2024, 07:02:37 PM »
I use VSDC video editor but I know people use after effects too to create stuff like this. (I only use VSDC since it's free.)
TWC Fan Art / Re: tomcat's fanart
« Last post by ThrivertonWX on June 26, 2024, 02:19:55 PM »
Question, what program are you using to create this?
TWC Fan Art / Re: tomcat's fanart
« Last post by tomcat on June 25, 2024, 11:35:14 PM »
wip of a project im doing based on twc and intellistar stuff (very rough)
Local Forecast / Re: Question about songs airing on multiple flavors in the 1990s
« Last post by Dylan on June 23, 2024, 05:07:19 PM »
The songs were randomly played by a computer. That's how they cued so fast. Why BTF songs played at times, I don't know. You'd have to ask someone that worked there in Master Control, but it's an "error" I saw all the time back then. In fact, there were times I looked forward to it because sometimes they'd play the BTF song longer than 53 seconds.

Here's an example from 1992 from my site:


I found an old post where you got excited when "Seguaro" played as a BTF song during a J flavor in 1993 due to an error since you never heard it past the :53 mark before. For a lot of people, that was a blast from the past, previously regularly playing on J flavor LFs in 1990 and 1991.
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