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Messages - vbguyny

Pages: [1]
General Emulator Discussion / Re: How do you create an emulator?
« on: October 30, 2021, 09:25:15 AM »
I would recommend looking at the source code for my weather site as a starting point:

You'll need to know HTML and a great deal of JavaScript and Qjuery and a little bit of C#.

General Discussion / Re: WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: February 10, 2017, 03:16:15 PM »
Good evening everyone!

I have just updated the website with the following items:

  • Implemented scrolling text at the bottom of the screen.
  • Added new "Cosmic" theme.
  • Fixed issue with being cut off narration while playing.
  • Fixed memory and CPU usage issues.
  • Fixed misc. bugs reported by various people (you know who you are  ;)).

Let me know what you guys think!


General Discussion / Re: WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: January 31, 2017, 08:49:01 PM »
Good Evening Everyone!  I have updated the website to now have both the Air Quality Forecast and 30 Day Outlook segments up!   B)  Go check it out and let me know what you guys think!


General Discussion / Re: WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:47:42 PM »
@Roly: Hello :).  I am have been getting a few requests for that and I see that the Simulator also supports this feature.  I will think about adding this once I am finished working on the Air Quality segment.  Stay tuned!

General Discussion / Re: WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:53:17 PM »
@WeatherSTAR: Thanks!  I'll write a post when there are any updates.  I am getting suggestions from the fine folks at the WeatherStar 4000 simulator to work on Air Conditions next.

General Discussion / Re: WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:42:44 AM »
@cc17926: Thanks!

@Jonathon: Moving to the good side of the force, eh? ;)  Although the WeatherStar4000 simulator is in the middle of being ported to Mac/Linux, mine being a website you can view the weather from anywhere running a modern web browser!

@ap215: Thanks!

General Discussion / WeatherStar 4000+ BETA
« on: January 22, 2017, 08:56:33 PM »
Greetings, everyone!

I have been working over the past few months on my own web based version of the WeatherStar 4000.  I call it WeatherStar 4000+.  It is currently in beta so it is still a bit rough around the edges and the user interface is basically non-existent.  However, the information which is being displayed is being retrieved from similar sources as other emulators (NOAA, Wunderground, etc.) therefore it has very accurate information.  Unlike other emulators, it does not require any configuration.  You simply type in either the zip or city and state of the place that you want to get the weather for.  Also, because it is a website all you need is an internet connection and a modern browser which supports HTML5.  I have successfully tested the site on Windows 10 Chrome, Edge, and Firefox as well as on Android phones running Chrome and iPhones running Safari.  Please note that this will only work for the United States (so no international support).

Basically, I would like some feedback from the fine people here who share the found memories of the Weather Channel's Local Forecast from the 90's.  :)

You can visit the site here:

1. Enter in the zip/city and state.
2. Select from the list and press enter.
3. Wait for the weather information to load (could take up to 10 seconds but usually faster after it has been cached).
4. You can press the buttons below the weather information for additional options.

Screen shots:

Current Features:
Current Conditions
Latest Observations
Travel Forecast
Regional Forecast
Regional Observations
Local Forecast
Marine Forecast (if available)
Extended Forecast (up to 6 days)
Tides (if available)
Local Radar
Hazardous Weather (if available)
Full screen
Navigation between segments
Getting location from mobile GPS
Background Music
Metric and English units
Different themes

Pages: [1]