Everything Else TWC / Requests for Features in a "new" Weather Channel (hypothetically)
« on: May 18, 2011, 06:25:54 PM »
Based on my observations and personal thoughts, it sounds like this would be an ideal time for a rival "Weather Channel" to be created, one that would cover the Weather Channel 24 hours a day (like TWC used to). My question is what would everyone want to be included or featured on it, if a new one were to be created? Although it may sound like a pipe dream, I have an inkling that it would be possible, and if so, I'd be interested in helping create or at least guide the process. It is a situation I feel passionate about, creating a channel very close to what we saw a decade or about 12 years ago. Maybe some of the old OCMs who got laid off would even be interested in joining. It could be like the channel never as we knew it never even left. Anyways, enough of my rambling. What would be integral to include?