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Messages - twcfansince99

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There was going to be a rival TWC to be created soon (*cough* called WeatherNation) but I haven't heard anything about it since.

But anyways, to answer your question, seeing some of the old OCMs back in the channel sounds impossible, to be honest. There's a slight possibility that the OCMs no longer on TWC may have left the meteorology field altogether. But if it could happen, I'd be happy again.

It certainly sounds daunting on the surface, but I think it could be done if some of the younger mets who were laid off are interested.  Dave Schwartz would be more than a pipe dream at this point, but maybe the likes of Sharon Resultan, Kristina Abernathy, and even a met like Paul Emmick would be more willing given their younger ages.

Based on my observations and personal thoughts, it sounds like this would be an ideal time for a rival "Weather Channel" to be created, one that would cover the Weather Channel 24 hours a day (like TWC used to).  My question is what would everyone want to be included or featured on it, if a new one were to be created?  Although it may sound like a pipe dream, I have an inkling that it would be possible, and if so, I'd be interested in helping create or at least guide the process.  It is a situation I feel passionate about, creating a channel very close to what we saw a decade or about 12 years ago.  Maybe some of the old OCMs who got laid off would even be interested in joining.  It could be like the channel never as we knew it never even left.  Anyways, enough of my rambling.  What would be integral to include?

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:17:58 AM »
The old studio made an appearance today when experts Steve Lyons and Stu Ostro were talking with Jim Cantore about Hurricane Bill, which begs the question: what was wrong with the old studio?  I mean, I know that HD worked better with a new studio, but I still think, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and the old studio sure isn't broke.

Everything Else TWC / boycotting the Weather Channel?
« on: July 01, 2009, 10:51:19 PM »
It's getting so bad that I'm close to boycotting the Weather Channel entirely!  I used to be an avid watcher in the late '90s and early '00s.  I didn't exactly like the direction they were going, starting in 2000, but it was still a million times better than it is now.  I can deal with one long-form program, like Atmospheres, but weekend programming is about a 50/50 proposition (12 hours programming and 12 hours long-form shows.)  In addition, even when they have live weather shows, half the time they are talking about random news events, probably because NBC owns the channel.  I was just watching, and they were talking about animals from Busch Gardens.  I don't get it.  That's why there's Animal Planet!  The Weather Channel should rightfully be the Weather Channel, and nothing else, and no true TWC fan should stand for this, period.  Thank you for letting me rant.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: More layoffs - 4 OCM'S axed
« on: February 07, 2009, 01:46:14 AM »
Well, if my Milwaukee Bucks get a funeral, we should have one for the Weather Channel:

RIP 1982-2009 TWC:  we hardly knew you before you turned a great classic channel into a ****load of fluff!

1998 was when I became interested.  It was the music that originally captured me, but the aura and soap-opera feel of the channel also enthralled me.  My interest waned in 2002 or '03, then picked up in '04, and has been on and off since.  I'm trying to get into it, but it's hard when many of the old favorites are gone, and the channel has become so commercial and mainstream.  1998-2001 was the best period of the channel, in my opinion, but the 2nd Live by It era was pretty good as well.

So when did you become interested in The Weather Channel? When did it peak your interest or when did you come across it?...

For me, it would be around when Weather Center came into fruition in March of 1998, back when the temperature maps had a different color key, for instance, the 50's weren't depicted by gray, 60's weren't depicted by yellow... they were originally depicted by shades of green. I still don't know why they changed the scheme as I preferred it better. I also, for some reason, remember the radars on the local forecast using shades of blue instead of shades of green. Maybe I was crazy when I was 8-9 years old...

You weren't crazy, there was a period in the summer/fall of 1999 when they experimented with blue for the radar maps.  That experiment was far better than any "experiments" they come up with nowadays, like the blah studio they are located in now.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Changes at TWC: Right or wrong?
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:58:50 PM »
as long as you don't mention the studio. That's not gonna change. Good luck.

Darn!  That would have been my first and most important complaint!  The studio from 1997-2008 was the best!

Your Local Weather / Milwaukee Weather
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:52:09 AM »
I thought it was important, especially in light of the winter this is shaping up to be, and the winter we had last year, to start a thread on the wintry weather about to occur over the next week or two in Milwaukee.  We're expecting 8 to 12 inches of snow Thursday night and Friday morning, then another 5 to 9 inches on Saturday night and Sunday morning.  This is on top of the 20 inches of snow already received this winter!  What is it about December recently that has actually made it the snowiest month on average this decade?  I thought February is nationally-known as the snowiest month normally.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Blooper Thread
« on: December 15, 2008, 11:33:35 AM »
Local forecast blooper just now.  At the 10:28 (Central time) local forecast, there were a bunch of noises to start out the local forecast.  They probably lasted about 50 seconds, then the local forecast went totally devoid of sound.  The sounds they featured sounded like a clown at a party.  There were a bunch of honking noises.  Very weird; at first I actually thought it was a song, but I quickly realized that no song would feature just random noises.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Serious question
« on: November 09, 2008, 09:25:01 PM »
I don't think John Coleman will ever be back at TWC. First, he would have to want to return, and I don't think he does. Second, management would to give John his old job back. Why would they allow someone to come back who wants to take the channel in a direction that they don't?  ;)

I just thought that, as the founder, he might have enough control over those matters.

Everything Else TWC / Serious question
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:25:39 PM »
Do you think John Coleman would ever have the power to become the new manager of the Weather Channel so he can cut all these global warming crap shows, and return TWC to the reliable, 24-hr weather telethon that it used to be.  In the process, he could move them out of that joke of a studio they have now into the old studio, which seemed more lively and realistic, since the meteorologists on camera actually had contact with off-camera meteorologists who produced the forecasts.  That would be the best news I could think of right now; this would put the Weather Channel very close to its '90s glory, but with the current spiffy graphics.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: October 10, 2008, 03:04:41 PM »
According to the Weather Channel schedule, they should not have two hours of special programming in a row on Friday Afternoons. :club:  What the heck are they thinking?  Do they think no one watches in the afternoon? :faint:

General Discussion / Non-edited Barack Obama Speech
« on: October 06, 2008, 01:36:36 PM »
This is not edited, I just wanted to present it to show that Barack Obama is not the great orator the media makes him out to be.

I'm sorry, I'm just really distraught that TWC has gone into the gutter, and I can't find much video from my favorite time period, 1999 and 2000.  I feel as though the more days that go by without anyone visiting his site, it will basically become obsolete.  I know that I might be obsessive, but I just have such a hankering for a time machine back to that period.

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