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Messages - Eric

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 115
Hurricane Central / Re: Hurricane Central 2015
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:33:23 PM »
There was previously a pre-season storm named Ana back in 2003, an interesting note.

Interesting coincidence! :biggrin:

General Discussion / Re: Making my own "Boyer"STAR
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:33:01 PM »
One hundred degree wind... sounds serious! :smoke2:

Hurricane Central / Re: Hurricane Central 2015
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:22:14 PM »
Within the hour the NHC will start issuing updates on Subtropical Storm Ana.  It's a very early start to what's predicted to be a near-record setting quiet season.

General Weather Chat / Re: Never saw this before
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:19:50 PM »
Nice, I think I'm about to cry after seeing the 4000 again :cry:

I like the WS4000 emulator.  It gives me actual local forecasts when I'm ready for them with the detailed information I want, not the minimal information TWC thinks I should want.

General Weather Chat / Never saw this before
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:38:24 PM »
There's a somewhat tropical disturbance off the east coast of Florida, and while watching my WS4000 emulator I came across an advisory at the beginning of the "Local Forecast" segment I don't think I've ever seen before.

Local Forecast / Re: IntelliStar 2 Junior Spotted on eBay
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:40:50 PM »
Congratulations on your acquisition!

OCMs & Personalities / Re: OCM Kim Cunningham let go
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:08:54 AM »
Yeah, it's only a matter of time before Vivian Brown is gone - I think that, too.  That would really be a shame.

TWC, like pretty much any and every corporation these days, cares less about talent and more about money - specifically, talented, long-time employees cost more in payroll than newer, less experienced employees, so the ones who have proven themselves over time have to go.  It's very, very sad.

I was neutral about Jim Cantore 20 years ago, but ever since he became the "face" of TWC I feel like he's just gotten very full of himself.  I don't like to watch him on TV anymore.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: OCM Kim Cunningham let go
« on: April 11, 2015, 02:13:04 PM »
*does happy dance.* 

I had no idea Kim was leaving...if I had known earlier, I would have tuned in Monday night for her farewell...I could have celebrated that episode of Weather Center Live.  :censored:

But at least she's gone now. ;)

Before you get eaten alive, I'd like to say a couple of things.

First, no one should hold it against you that you have certain opinions for and against certain on-screen meteorologists at The Weather Channel... but they will.  I remember Kim Perez from her earliest days on TWC, and, while she was never one of my favorites, I liked her in the early days as opposed to now.  Honestly, I think it's sad she's had to do what she had to do to conform to TWC's new "Barbie girl" image of its female meteorologists, and that's a shame.  She had talent and experience, but that's what bothers me... regardless of how much I do or don't like her on-screen presentation, TWC is shedding itself of nearly all of its talent, especially its talent with a long time of experience.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:43:49 AM »
I don't like how the IS2 feeds are letterboxed though.  I mean it's a 4:3 aspect ratio, and you have black bars filling nearly half of the screen. I mean those who have those tiny SDTVs, good luck reading the tiny letters!

There's only so much you can do when there are different aspect ratios.  The transition from black-and-white to color wasn't so jarring because people could continue using their old black-and-white sets for as long as they wanted, and the only difference would be the lack of color.  But digital television is an entirely different animal, and there comes a time when people are just going to have to adapt or be left behind.

I'm honestly surprised the 4:3 safe zone is still being used so much these days.  In most European countries, for example, they gave up with that long ago and now people with SD sets just have to get used to everything being letterboxed.  And also keep in mind that the average European lives in smaller quarters than the average American, which means TV sets are generally smaller, too.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: OCM Kim Cunningham let go
« on: March 03, 2015, 10:40:02 PM »
I'm sure The Weather Channel would love to have only freelance OCMs.  Bizarre, non-guaranteed schedules, much lower salaries... and more money saved from payroll goes into non-weather longform programming.

Just how low is TWC going to sink?  Taking away talented, liked, experienced OCMs is literally taking away the face of the channel.  I tell you... the day will come when TWC turns into longform only, maybe still with the LDL and an occasional local forecast segment, but that's it.

Everything Else Classic TWC / Re: Weather Channel Video from April 1991
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:22:59 PM »
That was my favorite local forecast song, too.  I haven't heard it in so long, so for that alone, thank you so much for posting!

Programming and Graphics / Re: Bottom scroll - whatever happened
« on: February 08, 2015, 07:14:31 PM »
I don't think there's going to be any change in the near future.  As important as these warnings and advisories are, The Weather Channel certainly has minimized their size and visibility on the screen.

General Discussion / Re: Sports Thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:24:44 PM »
(Disclaimer: I know nothing about sports.)

I thought the Patriots cheated by using underinflated balls.  (That supposedly makes them easier to catch?)  If that's the case, why are they allowed to advance to the Super Bowl?

General Discussion / Re: WeatherNation
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:42:21 PM »
I never heard of Justice Network until now, but that's what will be replacing WeatherNation.

Help and Support / Re: Travel Cities Forecast
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:14:18 PM »
That's exactly what the problem was.  Thank you very much for your help!

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