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Messages - Eric

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General Discussion / Re: Windows 10
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:06:11 PM »
I upgraded my computers yesterday.  It was very easy, didn't take nearly as much time as I expected, and everything went smoothly.  Just click on the Windows 10 icon on your taskbar and select "upgrade."

All my files and programs were kept, though, just in case, I made backups before I started.  I did my computers one at a time, and during one of the upgrades I briefly lost power - just enough to lose my internet connection for a few minutes - and the computer had no problem waiting and picking up where it left off.

The best news - my primary computer is five years old and was starting to get pretty sluggish with Windows 7.  It works so much faster with Windows 10!

Everything Else TWC / Re: Is TWC dying?
« on: July 27, 2015, 02:15:25 PM »
I hope TWC wakes up from the coma it's been in. There's one major thing TWC needs to do to repair what it has done to itself, and that's Change.

Sadly, you have to ask yourself when that ever happens.  Once a course is set, no matter how badly things go, that's usually the course that continues to be followed.  They may intensify changes in that same direction in an attempt to "improve" rather than undo in the hopes that that's what's necessary to fix things, but, obviously, if a given course hasn't worked out up until now, it's not going to work no matter how much more money they throw at it.

It would take nothing short of a total catastrophe for the CEO and others responsible for the bad decisions in the first place to admit failure and that their ideas just weren't any good, and it would take an even bigger catastrophe for the company as a whole to admit defeat and try to turn things around again instead of going down the same dark path.  Usually, though, by the time the catastrophe gets to that point it's already too late and a slow decline turns into a more or less rapid implosion.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:30:03 AM »
I can understand the letterboxing, though.

To keep a 4:3 safe area means the extra benefit of widescreen is basically wasted because nothing of any importance can be put on the sides of the screen.  Basically, it's like watching a square screen with just window dressing on the sides.  I prefer widescreen to actually mean widescreen, meaning there's stuff going on all throughout the picture.  Then again, I've been watching HDTV nearly exclusively since 2010 and entirely exclusively a year later.

Of course, it must be getting really annoying if you're watching an analogue set to have pretty much everything letterboxed these days, except for (maybe) local news and a small handful of other programs.  Back in the day I spent a lot of effort looking for widescreen movies on VHS instead of pan-and-scan simply because I didn't want to miss what was going on in the rest of the picture in the original version.  Yes, the resolution suffered - VHS had less resolution than broadcast television, and letterbox made the picture even smaller, but, the videophile I am, I thought it was worth it just to see the entire picture.  Of course, I probably would have started to go insane seeing everything in letterbox on nearly every channel.  So much wasted space.

That said, widescreen and HDTV are certainly the present of television broadcasting, and maintaining compatibility with old technology can only go on for so long.  Digital adapters for antennas and analogue-compatible cable boxes and satellite receivers still allow analogue sets to continue living instead of having to die before their time, and TV sets aren't so cheap that they can be readily discarded on a whim.  (I just got lucky in 2010 when my 17-year-old set finally bit the bullet.  And 17 years is pretty darn good for a TV set!  If it hadn't have died I'd probably still be using it, but I took the fortuitous timing to ugrade to HDTV, especially it had since become impossible to buy an analogue CRT set.)

Then again, maybe there's still an option other than forced letterboxing.  Most digital adapters I know of (and I sell them for a living) allow you to choose between 4:3 and 16:9, regardless of the original aspect of the program, so you can choose to have empty space at the top and bottom of the screen, or you can fill the screen and simply miss what's taking place on the sides.  (I even saw one that will compress the width of 16:9 to fill a 4:3 screen in both directions, but that just looks odd.)  Cable boxes differ widely, but, out of curiosity, I decided to see what options were available on mine for analogue sets.  Before a year and a half ago it was possible to choose between 4:3 and 16:9 on the analogue channels, but now that my cable company has gone all-digital that option appears to have disappeared.  (I have no means of testing it one way or the other, however.)

As I said, I can understand not wanting to get rid of a TV set that's still in perfect working order, even if it is considered "obsolete" by today's standards.  But the price of HDTV sets is dropping.  The cheapest 20" set that I sell is already $119.99.  I'm not saying it's the greatest model in the world, but it's a sign of how prices are slowly but steadily going down.  I bought a 40" set a couple of years ago for just over $200 online, and that was considered a steal at the time.  I didn't need it at the time, since I already had a 32" in the living room and 20" in the bedroom, but it was such a steal that I couldn't let it pass me by.  It's possible now - just a couple of years later - to get the same size on sale for nearly the same amount that I paid.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:35:36 AM »
No I'm talking about TWC not Weathercan. All SD Istars on TWC are gradually being upgraded. Weatherscans fate is undetermined though I'd say it's future looks grim.

It's been posted in this forum for quite a while now that there are simply no Weatherscan updates in the works at all.  In other words, what already exists will continue to exist as it is, no better and no worse, simply because nothing's changing.  Eventually the IntelliStar units will begin to wear out.  What will happen when this becomes an issue?  I don't know.  Maybe there's still a stock of replacement units that can be shipped out.  Or, most likely, maybe the service will just be allowed to die off as IntelliStars begin to stop working, one by one, or as cable companies quietly drop the service, until Weatherscan simply ceases to be.  Or, also a possibility, maybe The Weather Channel will just discontinue the service on its own one of these days.

So, grim, perhaps, but it's not dead quite yet.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: July 13, 2015, 10:36:54 PM »
All IntelliStar SD's are gradually being replaced by one of the newer models.

So are you saying the current IS models can go into Weatherscan mode?

They have different software installed.  The regular TWC Intellistars are programmed for the local forecasts, LDL, and so on, while the Weatherscan IntelliStars have a different software package installed.  One can't just be swapped for the other with the press of a button.

Local Forecast / Re: What do you want to return to the LF
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:31:51 AM »
I can't understand why there's so much desire for a return to analogue.  Why deliberately downgrade a service?  Not only does digital have more to offer than analogue, including a much better picture quality, it also uses so much less bandwidth than an analogue channel that there's so much more room freed up on transponders to offer even more programming from other sources.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: July 11, 2015, 04:05:51 PM »
(So much wasted space on the widescreen Locals.)

I agree.  You'd think, almost two years later, they'd have found something to occupy that space by now other than occasional ads or promos for upcoming programs.  Usually, though, it's just an extended part of the photo with no useful information in there at all.

It's mind boggling how someone can even think or come up with an idea like this.   :dunno:

Really... what goes on in government these days is mind boggling?! :dunno:

I see this failing, i just don't get why they would propose such a thing.

Certain people in office have, in the past, said that the NWS and NOAA are getting a free ride and creating unfair competition against for-profit weather forecasters.  Another reason I can suspect for this is because it would cost less to run only a small handful of larger offices than it does to run a lot of smaller offices.

That said, they obviously don't realize all the work that goes into forecasting the weather, thus the necessity of having much more local offices.

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: June 10, 2015, 10:35:31 PM »
It'll certainly be interesting to see what their new console is.  Hopefully they'll have learned some lessons from the WiiU, too.  Granted, it doesn't have to be another Xbox or PlayStation - they have their niches, and Nintendo can have its own, too... but they need to figure out what that niche is first... before they come out with yet another console.

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: June 10, 2015, 11:43:27 AM »
I was very unhappy when Wii discontinued online play.  The online services actually started to disappear less than a year after I bought it.  (Yes, I'm a late bloomer.)  I especially miss the online voting.
Oh you mean the Wii's "Everybody Votes Channel"? Oh man that's a classic. Yeah it is quite disappointing Wiiconnect24 was discontinued. I loved the Forecast Channel that was provided. I think WNI Weathernews provided weather conditions & forecasts for that channel. I wish the Wii U had the amazing channels that the Wii had.

I think Nintendo made a blunder with the WiiU.  It's not a bad machine in and of itself, but it's not what it could have been.  Disconnecting pretty much everything about the Wii (thus turning it into, basically, a Wii Mini, except for the Wii Store and the internet browser) to kind of force people to upgrade or do without... that was a mistake.  The fact that the upgrade seems like the project lost direction somewhere in the middle doesn't help, either.

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:11:56 PM »
I was very unhappy when Wii discontinued online play.  The online services actually started to disappear less than a year after I bought it.  (Yes, I'm a late bloomer.)  I especially miss the online voting.

The ticker has nothing to do with the IntelliStar...why was this posted here? :blink:

Because the person who posted it didn't know where else to put it?

Daytona Beach, Florida had its first 90° day of the year on April 19th, followed by May 21st.  We've had a handful of 89° days thrown in there, too.  The first day when the climatalogical average high temperature is supposed to be 90° is June 2nd.

Have you contacted your cable company about this, too?  The people who answer the phones are usually clueless about things like this, but maybe they could connect you to someone who has some knowledge?  Maybe a letter or an email?  I'm sure someone there must have answers about this, too.

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