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Messages - spinnerwv

Pages: [1] 2
Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: June 11, 2014, 05:06:31 PM »
here is the link to the updated IS2 Jr graphics

Local Forecast / Re: Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:40:06 PM »
here's the link for the better quality video of IS 2 Jr.  Couldn't the video embedded into my post.

Local Forecast / Re: Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 08, 2014, 08:54:45 PM »
They are probably going to update the graphics on the IS2 SD when all the legacy Stars are replaced.  Looks like the IS2 SD is currently using the cue tones used for the legacy STARS and that's prob why there is no local LDL.  It would be a waste if they would leave the graphics like they are now. 

Local Forecast / Re: Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 08, 2014, 08:45:59 PM »
I ordered a tv tuner for my computer.  I will post some higher quality videos of the IS2 SD when I receive it.

Local Forecast / Re: Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 08, 2014, 04:06:02 PM »
I'm hoping this new STAR will eventually produce an LDL.  I'm so tired of not seeing a local LDL, especially during long form.  I contacted TWC on and got this response....

We apologize for any inconvenience.  I’ve contacted the Product Manager in charge of this problem and his team is currently addressing and creating a solution in getting it fixed. We appreciate your feedback and your patience in resolving the issue.


TWC Customer Support
 Helpful? Click to give TWC Customer Support thanks!

On Feb 8, 2014 at 2:25 am Jimmy  wrote:

Just noticed that the weather STAR XL on Shentel Cable (SD Ch 28) Summersville, WV Local ID 03028 has been upgraded to the Intellistar. It's also showing pre November 2013 graphics from the Intellistar HD units, not your current Intellistar look(from clips I have seen on youtube). Also not getting any local info on the LDL just National and blank during long form. Just wondering if the unit just hasn't received a graphic update. Thanks

Local Forecast / Re: Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 08, 2014, 04:01:56 PM »
Here is a warning crawl. Notice it's a special weather statement with red and its in the style of the Intellistar crawl.  Sorry about the jerkiness, need to buy a tv tuner for my computer.

WeatherSTAR XL replacement warning crawl.

Local Forecast / Weather STAR XL Replaced
« on: February 08, 2014, 06:25:42 AM »
My weather STAR XL has been replaced with a new unit.  Thought it was an Intellistar, but the graphics look like the IS2 pre November graphics and has Jim Cantore's voice. There is also no local LDL.
WeatherSTAR XL's replacement

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / Intellistar SD showing IS2 graphics
« on: February 07, 2014, 06:47:14 PM »
Cable system just installed the Intellistar today.  The graphics are showing the pre-relaunch IS2 graphics and no local LDL with Jim Cantore's voice not Alan Jackson.  The screen is full screen not letterboxed.  Just wondering if the IS2 is being used as an upgrade to the XL units?  Shentel Cable Summersville WV #03028

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / XL Radar Temporarily Unavailable
« on: January 28, 2014, 06:31:59 PM »
The weather star XL radar has been temporarily unavailable for about the past 24hours.

Shentel Cable
Summersville, WV (Headend location)
Star ID # 03028


WeatherSTAR Tech Support / Re: TWC Off the air
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:59:36 PM »
yes it was on both tvs and at the neighbor's house.  It returned back to normal a couple of hours after I posted on here.

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / TWC Off the air
« on: October 16, 2012, 05:04:41 PM »
TWC is out for Shentel subscribers with a digital box.  TWC is on the air if the TV is connected directly to the cable, but the wrong STAR is showing.  STAR ID is 003028.

Local Forecast / Re: Satellite LF Sightings
« on: March 12, 2012, 07:53:32 PM »
No local forecast here on the XL for the past hour.  Must be a nationwide issue.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: January 30, 2012, 06:33:11 PM »
I emailed Shentel this afternoon here is their reply....

Nice to hear from you, Jimmy.

My engineers said they are not sure of a particular product name, however, Weather Channel engineers told us that they are working on a new platform.  I believe that they said the device would be based on the “Intellistar” platform, but that it would be a completely new platform and not named after the “Intellistar” platform or the “Weather Star” platform.  They said that it would be based off of their HD feed and would allow for HD Local Forecasts.

Hope this is helpful to you.



Her last sentence sorta confused me.  Don't know if she meant that the new STAR will mirror the graphics they use on the HD STAR or they are going letterbox (like fox and cnn) on the SD feed. 

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: January 27, 2012, 06:59:14 PM »
Wonder why your headend refuses to upgrade.. if there's enough hype from viewers, they should. The IntelliStar actually costs less than the XL from what I hear, which is quite ironic if your headend refuses to upgrade.

I've wondered that myself.   They actually bought our cable system about 2 years ago.  Upgrading to an Intellistar  was prob on the bottom of their to-do list.  They will most likely upgrade to the new platform when it becomes available and skip the Intellistar.  I remember when it was Time Warner they went from a 3000 to the XL.

What will the new STAR be called?  Any ideas?   If it looks like the HD Star.  I think Intellistar XL would be cool.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: January 27, 2012, 06:13:08 PM »
I got this email from my cable provider this past September when I inquired about the squeezeback.

Thanks for writing to Shentel. I did not have immediate answers to your questions, so I had to go investigate. Here is what I have found out.

You are correct. About three weeks ago, the Weather Channel changed the Star Platform to only show local on the 8s at :28 and :58 past the hour. We will not be upgrading to Intellistar because TWC has announced an entirely new platform that is supposed to be even better and they have run out of Intellistars. So we have to make do until the new option is ready which our engineering guy said it would be mid-1012.

I'm guessing all intellistars will be upgraded to the new platform and all remaining headends will upgrade to the intellistar.  I hope they retire the legacy stars.  I just can't see TWC using 5 different Star platforms out in the field.    I just remembered about the email or i would have posted it back in Sept.  :)

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