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Messages - iCDesign

Pages: [1] 2
Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliSTAR 2 HD Emulations by Aero Films
« on: March 02, 2019, 04:44:56 PM »
First and foremost, my apologies in advance for bumping such an ancient thread;however, since this post will still be about my emulator videos I thought it a bit annoying to post a completely new thread that is also about my pet project.
Anyway, after a couple years long hiatus, I decided to reboot the old project and make a couple new emulator videos! I will get around to updating my emulator but for the time being, I really like the "before refresh" look from a few years ago. The links to check my videos out are below if you'd like, as I don't really remember how to embed videos to be honest. If you like them, I would greatly appreciate if you could subscribe! :happy:

Fan requested video of a forecast for his area on a Star 2 Jr. unit:
A new one featuring vocal local narrations by yours truly:

TWC Fan Art / Re: saxlover98's Art
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:18:17 PM »
I've been fooling around a little bit in Photoshop and recreated the TWC ring graphics they use as a segment transition sometimes.

Cool! I've been gone for a long time, forgot about here on this forum. I need to try and recreate these ring graphics, maybe to the visual look of AMHQ.

Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliSTAR 2 HD Emulations by Aero Films
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:13:41 PM »
Can you resave the AE file so I can open it on CS5.5?

I have Adobe CC, and it doesn't give me the option to save to 5.5. The best I can do is save as CS6 and you'd have to see if it will open. Sorry.  :dunno:

Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliStar Emulations by saxlover98
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:47:59 PM »
Did you remake the icons, or are they just recorded? I can't see anyone remaking them, but on mine I thought "If The Weather Chazz can do it, I can too!" lol

TWC Fan Art / Re: saxlover98's Art
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:20:27 PM »
That's pretty good, I made a concept that I need to upload. It's a video background for one of TWC's many set monitors for tropical depression Bill.

I kinda figured that, sorry.

I found this set of gems on TWC's servers while looking for more icons to animate in AE:

After "wxicon" I wrote "X". Replace "X" with a number from 10 to 47.

("" for example shows clear skies, or the moon.)

Hit enter and you should see the icons that were used on the site just before the WATT redesign! Enjoy, and please use responsibly. I don't know if anyone has found these yet, but if they haven't here they are for your viewing pleasure.  :happy:

TWC Fan Art / Re: Weatherlover's Artwork
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:38:24 PM »
Emulated and Modified IntelliStar2 (Work in Progress)

! No longer available

New Things the Real IntelliStar2 Doesn't Have, but This One Does:

- An LDL

- A background that evolves according to the current conditions being reported. In this video, the desert background rapidly changes to show a developing thunderstorm in progress. (This feature will also appear for the local forecast screens) The background goes back to normal once the local forecast transitions to the next product after the "Now" screen which in this test video is the radar.

- Sound Effects (This feature will also appear for the local forecast screens)

- A radar that zooms in real time as it transitions from a regional view to a local view.

Things the Real IntelliStar2 Has, but This One Does Not:

- A Progress Timeline

- A Welcome Screen (I feel it's unnecessary, plus I forgot to add it anyway lol)

- The Weather Channel's logo no longer appears at the top left, but rather the bottom left with the LDL.

Wow! That's really good. I like the ideas for the background. It's cool.  :biggrin:

Help and Support / Re: Need Help with Configuration
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:18:05 PM »
LAS: This is the message you can customize at the start of WeatherScan Local. I have my message set as:

"Coming up, your local forecast brought to you by Aero Films."

Package Selection: Choose six different products for the emulator to display in order from 1 to 6. I have mine like this:

1: Local Forecast
2: Outdoor Activity
3: Aviation
4: Traffic
5: (none)
6: (none)

The reason for it not building the cfg is because these are not filled in: (hence the warning under each "Settings unset")

Probably set them up, otherwise I don't know why it wouldn't build the config.

Hopefully this fixes it. :happy: 

Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliSTAR 2 HD Emulations by Aero Films
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:26:26 PM »
You can try looking in the directory I just found on this site. Then drag and drop them to google images and look under visually similar.

Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliSTAR 2 HD Emulations by Aero Films
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:27:31 PM »
Hey man, I made an emulation using your project. Is it okay that I uploaded this? If not, I can always delete the video.

Here it is:
! No longer available

No it's always ok, you don't have to ask!  :yes: The Week Ahead slide is like a summary of my town for the past two days. Where did you get the backgrounds btw, I'm having trouble finding cool pics to use.

TWC Fan Art / Re: luesjo12's Art
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:20:55 PM »
You're welcome! Any other tips or stuff, just ask. :)

TWC Fan Art / Re: luesjo12's Art
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:17:27 PM »
So, while I was experimenting with AE, I saw a video from TheFilmReel(TWCBen) of the Winter Storm Central Looping Graphics that TWC Uses, so I decided to recreate them in After Effects.
Winter Storm Central Loop Recreation
Keep in mind, this is still a WIP, and I am trying to add more to it to look more like the frost/ice texture and the lopping radar thing plus a better background. Please, give me any suggestions, as they are very much appreciated.

If this is still relevant, try a tutorial on displacement maps. If you have one infront of your other comps, it makes it look look somewhat TWCs loop. I myself am trying to make up the severe storm central loop, including transitions which are super difficult. Hope I could help!  :happy:

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: Intellistar 2 Greetings list
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:21:36 PM »
Blow their minds next time they ask about the weather.

These two fronts walk into an isobar.
OK that's actually pretty funny :lol:

Emulator Videos / Re: IntelliStar Emulations by saxlover98
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:10:19 PM »
Oh, OK. Well hopefully they can fix that. I miss my IntelliSTAR. One morning I just woke up and had that letterbox feed from HD. It sucks on a small TV like mine because especially thin small fonts aren't visible. I don't see why they thought this was a good idea. Sorry about the little rant there BTW... :itsok: What do you think they will do with all of the decommissioned STAR units?

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