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Messages - RSully94

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Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 16, 2023, 12:19:12 AM »
Jeff Morrow is currently with Carl Parker right now for Hurricane Lee coverage!

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Dave Malkoff leaving TWC
« on: March 28, 2023, 02:34:10 AM »
I think financially, twc is barely hanging on by a thread. Someone said something to Jeff Morrow and he implied on Twitter the staff there is very light unlike years ago when they had close to 250-300 meteorologists.

This could potentially explain why the last major exit we had was Maria back in 2018. They probably can't afford to replace people like Kelly Cass (who is around the age of Vivian Brown when she was let go) or essentially anyone there that works hard and has a marketable face to the network (Mike, Stephanie, Jim, Jen, etc)

Alex just posted on her Insta that she's hitting her 10 year anniversary with TWC this week. I'm shocked she managed to stay on the network for so long.

Programming and Graphics / Re: The Weather Channel Winter Moviefest
« on: February 18, 2023, 03:29:30 AM »
Very bad move lmao.

Especially in today's day and age where everything is online.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Dave Malkoff leaving TWC
« on: February 18, 2023, 03:23:03 AM »
We haven't had any major exits in awhile. Not since Maria at least.

I don't know who they could possibly get rid of at this point other than Alex Wallace - like...I doubt he's more popular than Jim, Jen, Stephanie, Mike, Alex Wilson or Kelly.

Nicole Mitchell - Now a Minnesota State Senator
Kim Cunningham - Coach at Speechworks; she also was on a Podcast for awhile as well
Betty Davis - Chief Meteorologist at WPLG Local 10 - the same station Michael Lowry works at now as well
Melissa Barrington - is a meteorologist for WDTNTV in Dayton, Ohio
Eric Fisher - is at the same station he left TWC for in 2013
Sharon Resultan - her kids are grown now but recently I found she is now active at a church she goes to.
Crystal Egger - was most recently at NBC in San Diego but doesn't seem to be a current OCM anywhere. She is the president of something called Monarch Weather however
Kevin Robinson - still chief meteorologist at WLWT in Cincinatti
Alexandra Steele - was at CBS46 in Atlanta as recently as 2021 but not sure if she is still there.
Adam Berg - currently a meteorologist at NBC6 in South Florida
Mark Mancuso - still at Accuweather TV

OCMs & Personalities / Re: New OCM: Jacqui Jeras
« on: January 16, 2023, 08:18:51 PM »
I'm honestly surprised she is now going 7 years on the network now. She's one of the few people hired in the past decade to have stood the test of time along with Chris Warren and Alex Wilson. But she's pretty good at her job. Underrated.

I feel like this ended up being the best thing for the channel in retrospect. It's not any better, but it's not any worse. We haven't had any major layoffs since Kim and Vivian 8 years ago. The biggest departures since then were because of either outside circumstances (Dave Schwartz passing away) or because of voluntary departures (Dr. Greg Forbes retiring). Kelly Cass was also able to get her full time position back and is still in a full time position 7 years later.

Mike Bettes and Stephanie Abrams will be hitting 20 years on the channel this year, and Jen Carfagno is also in the 20+ club and going strong. Chris Warren is also in the double digits and Alex Wilson will be at that channel for a full decade as well. I think even Reynolds Wolff has hit a decade with the network. Jim Cantore recently did an interview on a podcast and he says that he has at least 4 years left in him (he wants to hit 40 years on the network) before he might potentially retire or do other things. Not to mention we still have Carl Parker and Paul Goodloe who are also over 20+ years. and for some reason they have even been able to keep Ray Stagich as a freelancer for 20 years now essentially.

All I'm saying is, the channel seems more stable than it was before.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Samantha Mohr is back as of May 2022
« on: January 16, 2023, 03:28:43 PM »
I feel like she was always a bit overhated because at the time a lot of longtime well-loved OCM's were laid off so she got a lot of the brunt of the hate, although she was better than some of the people that replaced the longtimers at the time like Todd Santos or Crystal Egger.

I (unfortunately) can only see her when those female OCM lusting Youtube channels post clips of the women doing forecast segments or what not. Samantha is still pretty good. She looks better with long hair in my honest opinion. She was most recently on from what I can tell with Jacqui Jeras.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: December 25, 2022, 04:14:54 AM »
Kelly Cass and Ray Stagich were together today according to Kelly's IG.

Sounds like a cool pairing.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: More on Bob Stokes's departure?
« on: November 20, 2022, 01:24:20 PM »
I found it:

So yeah, it was the 5:45 mark where I thought Nicole looked uncomfortable at the beginning of that segment. Given that the court document said that multiple other people besides Hillary reported Bob and a fellow female OCM helped Hillary report him, I'm inclined to believe that it was an open secret among everyone there. However, Nicole wasn't tied down to him like Hillary was since if I recall she was usually on Your Weather Today or as fill-in during the afternoon (i.e. Hurricane Ivan where she was with Alexandra Steele).

Bob also at one point worked with Kim Cunningham and Jen Carfagno (the latter there is clips of them working Hurricane Wilma coverage and the former it was Hurricane Vince) and Kim worked alongside Hillary multiple times. But Kim and Jen also were normally tied to First Outlook or Your Weather Today and Kim was pretty flexible regardless.

But I think that's the point - if another female OCM helped Hillary report him then they had to have either worked with him to know he was like (but not be tied down to working with him like Hillary) or know it through the open secret nature of that place (I'm inclined to believe the former). So it had to have been a female OCM that was not at risk at losing a major position because of this (i.e. Kim or Jen).

Maybe one day Hillary will return but I doubt it.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: More on Bob Stokes's departure?
« on: November 14, 2022, 12:17:25 PM »
After years of knowing about the general consensus of what happened, I finally read the court document. My heart just wants to break for Hillary because she clearly went through absolute hell with him as well as Melissa. It's disturbing just how protected Bob was at TWC. And the fact that this was clearly an open secret among people that worked there makes it worse. I've been watching a lot of hurricane storm alert clips lately and I came across one that had Bob with Nicole Mitchell during Hurricane Dennis coverage. I could tell just from the first shot that Nicole DIDN'T want to be there with him. (And she had worked with Hillary at least once on First Outlook so I'm sure she knew by this point what he was like).

TWC is lucky this occurred a decade before #MeToo happened, because had this blown up during the height of that, a lot more backlash would have happened. I'm glad Hillary won her case but it is sad that we haven't seen anything from her since TWC. Melissa at least got a local gig in the Dayton, Ohio area a few years ago. That genuinely made me happy to see knowing what she had to go through too. Hillary deserves a comeback.

TWC isn't a good channel anymore but I hope it learned their lesson from this utter BS that Hillary rightfully sued them over.

Sending all the love for Hillary, Melissa and everyone else in 2022. We miss you!
Where did you see that video with Bob and Nicole working together? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I came across it by chance. You have to search Hurricane Dennis coverage for the day before landfall on YouTube. They appeared to be doing afternoon coverage because the clip of them together is for 5:45 PM Eastern.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: More on Bob Stokes's departure?
« on: November 14, 2022, 05:15:02 AM »
After years of knowing about the general consensus of what happened, I finally read the court document. My heart just wants to break for Hillary because she clearly went through absolute hell with him as well as Melissa. It's disturbing just how protected Bob was at TWC. And the fact that this was clearly an open secret among people that worked there makes it worse. I've been watching a lot of hurricane storm alert clips lately and I came across one that had Bob with Nicole Mitchell during Hurricane Dennis coverage. I could tell just from the first shot that Nicole DIDN'T want to be there with him. (And she had worked with Hillary at least once on First Outlook so I'm sure she knew by this point what he was like).

TWC is lucky this occurred a decade before #MeToo happened, because had this blown up during the height of that, a lot more backlash would have happened. I'm glad Hillary won her case but it is sad that we haven't seen anything from her since TWC. Melissa at least got a local gig in the Dayton, Ohio area a few years ago. That genuinely made me happy to see knowing what she had to go through too. Hillary deserves a comeback.

TWC isn't a good channel anymore but I hope it learned their lesson from this utter BS that Hillary rightfully sued them over.

Sending all the love for Hillary, Melissa and everyone else in 2022. We miss you!

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Where is Jen Delgado?
« on: June 21, 2017, 05:33:34 PM »
Damn. All because of a stupid comment she made.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: June 12, 2017, 02:28:07 PM »
Julie Martin is on the air today. Very surprised to see her again

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