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Topics - TWCKelby

Pages: [1]
Contributions / Introducing TWC Archive: An Open TWC Wiki
« on: May 23, 2020, 12:00:39 AM »
Hi everyone! I've got a personal project that I've started on that I think would be useful to the community. I'd like to introduce TWC Archive!

A lot of the information and history of TWC is scattered all over the place. Some of it lives here, a fair amount was removed from Wikipedia because it didn't meet the scope of the site, some of it just lives on random websites and YouTube videos just waiting to be discovered.

My goal is to gather that information in one place and preserve it. I'd love the help to make this thrive, and exist along side sites like TWC Classics and TWC Today. Anyone can join to contribute to the wiki. Right now at launch though, it is quite bare and needs content.

Join us at TWC Archive and help preserve TWC history today at https://www.twcarchive.com

TWC Fan Art / saxlover98's Art
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:33:14 PM »
! No longer available

I developed this as a concept for my TV Production class's weather segment we air during our morning news show on Fridays. They were very heavily inspired by TWC's current graphics set. I'm temporarily using the TWC Icons (animated by Aero Films) until I can find another set of flat animated icons. I take no copyright on this and all copyright goes to The Weather Channel.  I'm leaning towards using the second one personally.
(If the embed doesn't work, use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhFZ8YfwU2E&feature=youtu.be)

Emulator Videos / IntelliStar Emulations by saxlover98
« on: June 02, 2015, 09:48:36 AM »
Hello! I have a emulation of the IntelliStar v2 to share today. I made it completely in After Effects. I made it in honor of our IntelliStar unit that was finally decommissioned on 5/29/15. The weather data and audio is from a LF audio recording I had laying around, along with the forecast copied as text from the LF on 10/28/14.


EDIT: Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ-ZbXdk9bw

Apparently as of the 20th of April, Google removed support for v2 of the YouTube API and switched over to v3. That means any YouTube video embedded just goes to a "device support" message and the original link to the video is lost. Is there any way to update to v3 of the API on this site so that we can still embed YouTube videos?

Local Forecast / IntelliStar 2 Junior Spotted on eBay
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:49:38 AM »
So, people are either going to be really happy I made this thread, or mad for some reason or another. My eBay keyword tracking just picked up that there was a listing for a IntelliStar 2 Junior just posted that seems to be coming from Bethlehem, Georgia. I'm curious to see if this is the real thing and how much it's gonna go for. Here's the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/IntelliStar-2-Jr-The-Weather-Channel-/231531225842?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35e85622f2#shpCntId

The IntelliStar II in Slatington, PA (the provider is Blue Ridge Communications) has been having some problems for the past few weeks with dropping the feed and  low audio issues. Firstly, the feed keeps getting dropped every few minutes just showing a green screen for about 5-15 seconds at a time, and then the audio takes about 5-10 seconds to come back again too. Also, the Star's audio output is very low, on both programing and the Vocal Local on the Local on the 8s. Comparing the TWC HD feed to the SD feed of TWC and any other channel, you have to raise the volume up to hear the HD properly. Switching between the SD and HD feeds shows the volume difference. If anyone from the Star team has time to look at this, it would be appreciated. Thanks and have a good day.

Emulator Videos / saxlover98's Emulations (PowerPoint Download included)
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:08:57 PM »
So, this is where I'm gonna post videos of my recent exploration into emulating the Weatherstar and Intellistar . For my first post, I did the Intellistar 2 HD in PowerPoint for fun. I made this from scratch, with the exception of icons from Tommy Hale on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/tommyhale89). Everything was done completely in PowerPoint 2010. There's even a download for the PowerPoint listed below.

This first one (verison 2) was made on the 19th, a few days before the minor graphics update to the Intellistar.

This one (current version 3) is after the graphics update. I tried my best with the limits of PowerPoint to get it right, and the timing of the slides seems to be off a little bit yet. It's a work in progress.

So, here's the PowerPoint file for version 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/22yh1qyvhloy5tk/LOTA_template_3.pptx?dl=0
Feel free to send me a PM if the download goes unavailable at any time. If you guys could leave criticism or things that should be changed, or things that can be simplified in the PowerPoint file itself (some of the stuff is a bit clunky at the moment), I'd be very happy and try to change whatever needs to be changed. Thanks and have a good one!
P.S. - How do you embed videos on here? I can't seen to get it to work.

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