Just to let you guys know, the radar returns display underneath the city location labels. It doesn't look bad at all actually. Sorry for the poor image quality as I just snapped a picture with my cell phone.

I do think when all is said and done, I would expect more localized STARs than just the metropolitan area as a whole covered (to match the SD STARs). This includes of course a CC site. I can live with Central Park being that, but White Plains should be it if a new localized STAR is created for me specifically.
Maybe we'll still see some metropolitan area elements still used like the forecast maps for New York City, the Hudson Valley, Long Island and central New Jersey. The daypart forecast pages I can see, too, but perhaps the more important locations like Newark instead of Parsippany. The other three (Central Park, Islip and White Plains) are perfect because they're in my mind the best locations for each part of the metropolitan area. The getaway forecast locations are the same as what I have on my SD STAR, so I see no need for adjustments.
I am surprised there are no animated weather icons for the HD STAR, but given the smaller size icon for each location in the current conditions and forecast pages, perhaps it would be too difficult to detect on the screen. Who knows.