Well, I came back to my dad's house in Haslett for a few minutes. I see the Falsepoint error is still ongoing. Now, here is what the info looks like:
Data displayed on the LF
East Lansing Jul Precip: 1.8"
Data displayed under the Almanac tab on the LDL during nat'l broadcasts
East Lansing Jul Precip: 2.19"
So, both numbers keep updating, but continue to remain inconsistent. This must mean that two different sites are being used. This error has been ongoing for at least a week, AFAIK. I see the Forecast tabs were updated. East Lansing no longer shows up twice. "Dwntwn Lansing" was changed to "Lansing", and Okemos replaced Haslett, which does not make me happy. As soon as I transfer files that I am recording to my desktop, I will post screenshots here and notify the STAR team.