Morning: Windjammer by Ryan Farish (best), Green onions (worst, needs a break)
Daytime: Pan Funk by Bickley Rivera (best, fits daytime, not on morning), Take me away (Vocals on jazz music= one ruined song, worst)
Primetime: Diamonds eyes (best, reason: jazz), tie between the 4 most repeated songs (Mag. 11, Emeciene, Cliff of Dover, grew tired of it, and Yet Unknown, does not sounds like Trance Fury at all. this is hate i rock music)
Overnight: Sacrifice by SounDoctrine (best), no worst songs.
Morning: Alright. 8/10
Daytime: best as usual. No rock songs. 10/10.
Primetime: Dissapointing. Rotation is annoying and I kept hearing the same 4 songs (that are my least favorite) over and over. 2 better changes: starts primetime at 6PM, and less rock, more jazz. 2/10
Overnight: 2nd best. 9/10