When you first open the program, please make sure that you click "Yes" on the
Key Required window. From there, you will see your Hardware Fingerprint, a place to enter your name, and a place to enter your key. Below are three buttons. Press "Get My Key". Once you press that, you will be taken into the CINE login portal screen. From there, enter your information and then, copy the key that is provided, and then press "Enter My Key". You will be returned to the original menu for entering your key. Enter your CINE ID by the "Name" field and paste your key by the "Key" Field, then press "OK". A dialog window from there should pop up saying the key is valid and has been stored.
A could of prerequisites go along with this, too:
- Make sure you have extracted the April 2012 release after installing the main setup.exe file
- Make sure you have CINE configured properly for your area, specifically the "Your Local Forecast" product
- Make syre you have entered your CINE ID into the setup.exe dialog box and click "Save"
Hopefully this helps Jim!