BTW Tyler, I thought bad news wasn't allowed on your forum anymore? 
Didn't we agree to stay out of how we handle each other's forums? So far, things have been good between us since my return. Can we keep it that way?

But, since you inquired... that rule was brought about because certain people were posting multiple topics depressing topics daily, which Matt and I, as many others, found unappealing. But, when under control, these topics are allowed in moderation, and only for big events (I.e. not: Johnny La Lou La of East Bumfukt died on the toilet [1) said person doesn't apply to any of us; 2) topic is not relevant]).Get my drift?
Also, as Paul stated concerning the political threads... at one point, they were banned, because several members did not respect others' views. But, several, if not all of those members have since been banned, and I brought the idea up to Matt, and he agreed to try it, as long as all politics were kept in in one thread, and the thread's participants were respectful. So far, things have went well.

That rule is quite like the law-chock full of loopholes. 
And while I know you're just kidding, I don't find that statement funny. The very few exceptions to our rules are spelled out completely by either myself of Matt so there is no confusion.