Rap music is garbage. I don't know why people love to feed that stuff into their ears. I see no novelty in lyrics that talk about junk (however I'll say eminem is an exception)
Agreed. Same with hip hop. I couldn't care less if it has a "good beat." If I can't relate to the lyrics, I'm not listening. I have a hard time relating to telling b****es and hoes to "give it up" and then "get outta the way." I couldn't care less if they're not talking about me. It's still offensive.
Speaking of "they're not talking about me..." I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard for the horrible things rappers say about women in their songs. If you don't care what men say about women that's one thing, but don't tell me your pro woman, but then give rap and hip hop a free pass.

Since I like beats, but hate sleazy lyrics, I love listening to New Jack Swing, a style of R&B that was popular in the late 80s and early 90s. It mixed hip hop beats with traditional R&B. Sadly, it died out in the 90s with the rising popularity of whiny alternative music.