Ok ok ok..sorry for REALLY bumping and OLD thread.
Throught the months I've read SEVERAL articles saying Katie Couric was going to leave her chair after the Inauguration (sorry for spelling). Obviously, this reason was because of her poor (and I mean poor) ratings. I just came across an article today saying that her and her executive producer are being a little more optimistic, as ratings in mid sized markets are up a couple hundred thousand.
I think that they need to bring the morning guy (Harry Smith, I believe?) to the evening, or bring Bob Shieffer back, and then have Katie go to the Early Show, if they want to have any chance at ratings in the morning, or the afternoon.
Speaking of mornings, I have a feeling Diane Sawyer's days at GMA are limited. I know I've read several articles stating she isn't happy with the format of the show, and that she didn't get the evening anchor position. But, seems like she's gone AT LEAST one day a week. If she does leave, I probably won't view GMA anymore, unless someone OTHER THAN Chris Cuomo replace her. I have never liked Chris. I love Robin Roberts though,.
Well, that is that. I guess this is a very big "bump". Go ahead and give your thoughts too
