My name is Patrick, and I just joined your forum this morning. I enjoy the weather and college sports. I've been watching the Weather Channel since 1990, and I even recorded a few local forecast songs from the mid-90's using a tape cassette recorder as digital cameras and YouTube didn't exist at that time. After watching TWC constantly and living through 1996 (a year in which I watched 48" of snow fall from the Blizzard of '96, a flash flood from all of that said snow melting one week later, and a major flood from 10+" of rain courtesy of Hurricane Fran), I realized that I had made my career decision for good!

I just finished my Master's degree and will be looking for my first Meteorology job over the next several months, so please wish me luck!
I'm a little worried about the fact that I'm older than many people here as you can tell from my profile, so I would definitely appreciate any help in becoming comfortable with everyone and making some new friends. I look forward to meeting all of you and sharing the same passion in weather that led me here.

Oh, and if you're wondering why my first avatar is the wintry mix icon, it's because a storm is about to dump a wintry mess over my area in less than 24 hours!