Hello Victor,Thank you for your email message regarding the recent problems you have beenexperiencing with the closed captioning for the hearing impaired on TheWeather Channel.The Weather Channel provides closed captioning to our hearing impaired viewersthrough a Virginia based company, Vitac. The only exception is our local onthe 8s feature which uses only text and graphics with no verbal accompanimentto these weather products.It greatly concerns us that you were experiencing problems with the closedcaptioning on The Weather Channel, but after consulting with our TechnicalAccount Managers, they have informed me that we have not experienced anyproblems or disruptions of our closed captioning service recently. OurEngineering Department and Technical Account Managers monitor an internalclosed captioning alarm that trouble shoots any problems with the service thatmay arise, and would immediately contact our closed captioning provider(Vitac), if the service failed to appear on our network.We want to assure you that we take great measures to ensure our hearingimpaired viewers have closed captioning at all times for all of ourprogramming.We are always happy to hear from our viewers and hope you will continue towatch The Weather Channel for many years to come.Sincerely,Chris HoitsmaSolutions Center/TWC
No, I'll bet Vic sent a pin headed message about having the "narration removed" from the LOT8s segment and some (I'll be it pin head as well) TWC rep thought it meant closed captioning...