I read the article in the AJC regarding this earlier today and wanted to stop by here to get the latest on the situation. I am quite transvexed and perturved to know that TWC would lay off OCM positions, especially when they are shorthanded as it is (compare TWC's OCM lineup now to how it was just 2 years ago, and you'll understand what I'm talking about). I wholly agree that we will probably begin seeing more solo shifts. I think that the termination of Dave is a shame. We always have good things to say about him here on the forums and you can almost automatically assume that TWC knows that his public image interpatation is recieved quite well. Seeing Cheryl go is a shame to -- these two are TWC long-timers and to have their jobs come to such an abrupt end is very sad. However, I am VERY GLAD to know that the Road Crew and Environmental segments of TWC have been eliminated. As I discussed in my post in the environmental unit termination thread, I feel as if both global warming and Road Crew nonsense add to the excess 'fluff' involved with TWC, which in excess, makes TWC's original stance very foggy. When they started in 1982, the mission (surely) was to provide current weather information and forecasts. It seems as if that mission has evolved over the years into making weather fun, relating it to everything, and focusing on global warming, etc. The TWC executives were smart to realize this and I'm glad they did away with this nonsense and realized that this 'fluff' should be the first thing to go if any cuts ever had to be made. Personally, because of this, I like the road TWC is begenning to head down due to the elimation of stuff like "hey man, weather'll bust 'ya kneecaps" (Jeff Mielcarz). It finally seems as if TWC knows that all we want is current weather information and forecasts, just like in the old days!
Thanks to Gary and Tyler for keeping us so (professionally) informed. It's always nice to clear up information when it is foggy at the begenning.