A couple of things that are bugging me regarding the HD launch. It appears as if the L3RDS have trouble animating in. Anyone else noticed that? Also, it's sure as hell taking awhile for me to get used to the idea of using giant screens rather than chromakey walls. IMO, the screens (or maps, either/or) are always off-center, esp. during EEWC. Either it's my SD TV, or the camera operator is not doing too well.

IMO, everything else in that studio is BEAUTIFUL BEYOND WORDS!! I cannot wait until the entire channel broadcasts from that studio one day. I don't know about you guys, but I am getting SO SICK of Studio 1A, I am about to scream! Maybe it's just my OCD'ness, but the mis-matching backdrops is also bugging the heck out of me!

The new graphics to EACH and every show are beautiful, however just like in the recent past, I do not feel as if they are using the new graphics to their full potential. Same thing with music, IMO. TWC still has a terrible addiction to the overusage of production library music, making the new show music broadcast a rarity. The new music of this era is alright, but I feel as if it is very repetitive, kind of like the 03-05 music...don't you guys see a similarity? (Repetition, similar musical signatures, etc.) I think that the new OCM pairings are great as well, but I wish that they would fix up the non-alignment in the new HD studio as far as the map screens are concerned. Once that problem is fixed, everything will look fantastic. :sunglasses: