To me this coverage seems lacking. Do you notice that not one TWC OCM is going to be at the landfall of the storm? We are used to seeing Jim, Mike and Steph bracing hurricane force winds and bringing live coverage as the storm hits. I am unsure why TWC decided to report briefly on the OBX about the preparations then move everyone north before the storm hit. I guess they wanted their high ranking OCMs in the metropolitan areas of the NE to increase viewership
What are you talking about? Jeff Morrow and Mike Sidel have been in NC the whole time they arrived there and haven't been moved. In fact they have been on this morning. If you ever watched TWC do hurricane coverage in the past, they obviously have a system of where and when you see certain OCMs, Jeff and Mike (occasional reports from Steph and Al) should on during the morning hours while Eric, Jim, and Adam would appear during the afternoon and evening hours.
As far as the coverage lacking and the debate over the elimination of the traditional local forecast, not to defend TWC, but I guess after three years they have gotten rusty. Eventhough I would like to see the traditional local forecast, whether it's the entire hour or only at 28/58 past the hour, it doesn't bother me that I'm not because I'm not watching TWC to see that, I'm watching to see their coverage as the other 100+ million viewers are and many of those viewers are most likely not seeing or expecting any turbulent weather from Irene or anything other disturbances from cold fronts, outflow boundaries, ULL's, etc. so they have not reason to really complain to TWC about not seeing a LF. As Eric mentioned they are just "experimenting" with something new to do during Hurricane coverage as we all know TWC loves to experiment. I'm assuming this experiment is going well or else enough viewers would have complained and we would be seeing the traditional local forecast again by now.
Another "experiment" you would think they would have tried would be to eliminate or reduce commercials and right after finishing a segment of their coverage every let's say 6-8 minutes (I'm not sue how long average wise they are) ,they would cue right to the local forecast whether it's 1 minute, 1 min. 30 seconds, or 2 minutes and cue immediately back to the live coverage while still showing the local forecast squeezeback, making it the best of two worlds.