A lot has changed in master these days though. The new production format is almost akin to what can be done from the normal control room, and there has to be some explanation for why there's such a difference in what a master production looks like at different times of the day. Before June 2006, almost every master production did seem the same, but then all of a sudden we started seeing all kinds of odd camera shots being used as well as the use of transitional effects. Things really took off in June 2007 when the aforementioned new production format started, and shortly thereafter, master gained access to the library of production music that the normal control room had been using since 2006, and we've seen a whole bunch of different production styles come out of master. What could explain why the Saturday edition of PM Edition Weekend is produced so poorly, almost always without music and with tons of glitches, but yet the Sunday edition of PM Edition is produced with tons of music, unique transitional effects, and good production. One night, Adam Berg even complimented Dwight on "his choice" of music for the show.
Has something changed with Master protocol?