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Messages - NorEastorm

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Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:16:39 PM »
Can anyone provide a recording to watch? Those of us with Verizon can't watch😩

Rumor has it Verizon is going to possibly return the WTC to channel lineup.  Verizon has had a lot of complaints about accuweather channel not being local enough -why they recently changed to more local regional coverage.  And because during storms they are not even close to what the TWC offers.  I have been a huge critic of TWC all these years but one thing I give them is their storm coverage.  If the TWC really is going back to live 24/7 weather then I want the WTC back but I will not change providers just to get one channel.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Production Music Identification Thread
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:05:31 AM »
Ok I see the attachment or link is not there. So I will post link to twcclassics page

And the opening intro here I would love to find

Everything Else TWC / Re: Production Music Identification Thread
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:16:04 AM »
Is this production music from the early to mid 1990's on killer tracks?
! No longer available
   To me this was the best  of the weather channel -1991-1999.  When you can't sleep at night you could put on twc for some great OCMs.  Love you tube and the wayback throwbacks of TWC. 

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: VZ FiOS dropped TWC
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:07:11 AM »
I have no problem with FiOS dropping TWC. Actually I am happy. TWC is nothing of its former self and honestly is getting more and more away from doing the weather.  Before one of the big snow storms this winter in the NE they weren't on the air at all to give updates or forecast and the storm was 36hours out. The bottom scroll no longer would show color coded warnings. All the little things that were once great are gone. And let's not forget the revolving door of OCMs. Cantore is becoming more and more of a pompous @ss.   I welcome Accuweather and a change to someone that will do more weather.  Also Mark Mancuso is on accu this morning. A long time TWC OCM who was fired in 08. Good to see him I always liked him.  It will take sometime for acciweather to get it all together but I have confidence.  Unlike weather nation acciweather has been around for a very long time and they have all the tools for forecasting and I really find their forecast to be very wel accurate.  I always go to their website over the TWC. 

Programming and Graphics / Bottom scroll - whatever happened
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:07:28 PM »
Maybe this was brought up before so I apologize but can the weather channel scroll warning and advisorys on the bottom like they use to? Color coded as well.  With all these winter storms there have been plenty of warnings but you never see anything on the bottom scrolling. Or when they would post NWS bulletins. Really a shame. I won't bring up the fact we all know with Verizon the HD and SD national and local feed driving me crazy. I should just stop complaining, the channel will never go back to what it was or listen to the real viewers.  I'm done with my rant again

Programming and Graphics / Re: Pathetic TWC not showing weather tonight
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:06:17 AM »
Well as much as I and a few of us criticize TWC they were the most accurate of anyone I follow on TV and social media.  Where I am north of nyc they said we would get 2ft +. We got 5-8 and TWC yesterday was actually saying that when everyone else still had us for 24-36inches.  My one problem was that on Sunday TWC should have been on all day informing people and they failed us.  Cantore and there last year blasted Weather Nation and others saying TWC would be here informing us like no one else when storms were coming.  I feel let down. Even though I di t watch them like I used to instill tune in for a big storm.  Especially a day or so before it's predicted to hit. No local channels are going to break from regular TV if the storm is not here.  Seriously TWC and NBC it's time to make changes.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Pathetic TWC not showing weather tonight
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:07:22 AM »
Weather witness I apologize with my tone and blaming you. Very frustrated with how coverage is BEFORE storm hits. Before local stations start coverage.  Very frustrating a great product was ruined

Programming and Graphics / Re: Pathetic TWC not showing weather tonight
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:32:01 AM »
Your right. But you know when you work in emergency services and would like to have the weather channel with their updates and ocm's talking about the storm its helps. We like watching the coverage. Or did. For years the channel has declined we I know, we all know but this is bad. And now I take to Twitter to read meteorologist and amatures state more snow then expected is going to fall now. But hey having that on TV is not important. Then again weather witness you probably work for TWC and helped lead it to the decline we see today. 

Programming and Graphics / Pathetic TWC not showing weather tonight
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:58:05 PM »
A major winter Storm is fast approaching the northeast and TWC has decided showing reality crap is better then having the weather on.  For work and my occupation storms are part of the job and we need to know what's up. Granted we can read everything on NWS website and read discussions. But it would be nice to have a weather channel on a TV that actually shows weather and OCMs talking to us and explaining what's going on. I give up on this channel. I gave up long ago, but now that's it.  Oh I long for the days when I could turn on the TWC, especially with a major storm was approaching and I got the weather and a solid local forecast.  Put this station out of its misery already.

Programming and Graphics / Re: New Morning Show: "AMHQ with Sam Champion"
« on: January 16, 2015, 10:23:31 AM »
I just wish I caiuld tune in to TWC some nights when nothing else is on the 400 channels or middle of the night can't sleep and just watch a forecast. Some good local on 8's tunes. Miss seeing Weekend weather, school day, ski and snow r/ boat and beach report etc.  oh well that's  why we have you tube and TWC classics website for now.   

General Discussion / Weather Channel Founder -there is no global warming
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:34:38 PM »
He was on Fox News Last night with Meghyn Kelly and here is an article on his interview

Everything Else TWC / Re: TWC website criticism
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:30:27 PM »
Sorry for the misunderstanding it was 2 am.  :yawn:   It's just a shame what has happened.

Everything Else TWC / Re: TWC website criticism
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:22:59 AM »
Are you saying I'm wrong for saying false headlines?  Maybe I should have said misleading. Because they are. I agree with that article. 

Everything Else TWC / TWC website criticism
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:45:40 PM »
Interesting article about the TWC website. I also noticed the same thing on air today with TWC hyping a nor easter that is not a nor easter per say. TWC actually did a little segment on this how TWC is calling a nor'easter but other meteorologists, stations and noaa are not calling it one.  It seems to me Twc is really starting to lose credibility and friends in the weather profession circles.  Seem to be on their own. Started w th naming winter storms.  False headlines.  TWC seems to think they know it all and and are rewriting weather.  It's a shame.  A great product ruined.
Here is the article http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2014/10/21/now-more-than-ever-weather-com-is-out-of-control/

 On a side note is the studio new for weather center live? Not bad, now get new OCM and format.

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