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Topics - WxFanMatt

Pages: [1]
TWC Fan Art / Matt's Artwork
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:14:31 AM »
I figured that I'd start an art thread since i have been getting back into graphic design.

Well, here's a simple one to start:

Programming and Graphics / New 2012-2013 Graphics?
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:29:44 PM »
You'd be surprised to find what the weather channel has planned to do over the next few weeks/months/years if you read the feedback and suggestions. I was reading suggestions for the programming and someone asked if the weather channel would make a new SD intellistar. One of the directors of programming wrote:

"Thanks for your suggestion Javier, we are working on improvments to the SD Local on the 8’s. Please look for fresh graphics and sounds later this year and a completely new experience in 2013."

Don't know if this means they will have new graphics for the intellistar or for the entire channel (or both), but either way, I don't know if I should be excited or not (considering their graphics haven't been the best lately...). Also, I wanted to mention that this was under the "planned" suggestions, so this isn't just any old idea being considered.

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