Weather Discussion > Your Local Weather
McAllen, TX's Weather
Currently as of 3:24pm:
A *Flash Flood Warning* is in effect until 4:30pm.
A *Flood Advisory* is in effect until 4:00pm.
A *Flash Flood Watch* is in effect until 7:00pm.
Lots of rain is assosiated with this Tropical wave.
Current Temp: 73° with Heavy Rain.
Current Rainfall Total: 2.14 in.
Winds From the SE at 7 mph.
Humidity: 100%
Dew Point:-32° (Data is invalid, my Weather Station acts weird when it rains)
Barometric Pressure: 30.00 and Rising
Decided to make this Topic. Most data comes from my Acu-Rite weather station, and The Weather Channel app, and IntelliStar.
2 more Flash Flood Warnings Have been Issued.
A *Flash Flood Warning* Has been Issued until 5:00pm
A *Flash Flood Warning* has been issued until 5:30pm
This week is going to be brutal! The heat just doesn't want to go away. :cry:
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