Well, what can I say. 1 year already, remember as if it were yesterday. No storm will I ever get as hyped for ever again. The anticipation, the hype, as a weather enthusiast, it's a once in a life time experience. Several days before, the ECMWF, the most accurate computer model, predicted that Sandy would make a left turn somewhere in the northeast/mid-atlantic. My excitement grew, everyday I was spending countless hours running through computer models, reading and posting on weather forums. On Oct 29th, little did we know that this is was going to be the storm of our life times. We lost power early, only around 1:30PM. Winds at the time were only gusting 50-60mph, which we normally don't loose power in. All we had a radio and our smartphones. I tried reading the special weather statements, but by 4-5PM most of the cell towers lost power. Never will I forget reading the statement saying the worst winds are yet to come, with 70-90mph winds forecasted over the next few hours. Listening to the radio was insane. Hearing the wind reports, hearing what was happening elsewhere it was just mind blowing. To hear that some areas were completely wiped off the map, ground zero was filling up with water, tunnels were flooded, subways were flooded. Hearing that on the radio is just...words cant even describe. The point at which you realize the scope of devastation of this storm. Having no school for weeks, no power for days, people loosing their homes, everything, and to know that this happened to people you see everyday. Wow. Though the devastation was horrid, if we could have a Sandy like storm happen again without all the damage and destruction, I'd be all in for it. I'd even pay for it. You walk outside your house at night, it's pitch black, moon lit skies, the sound of generators running chainsaws running. Stand on busy road and look down miles into darkness. Looking at a highway and not seeing one light. I'll probably never get to experience a storm like this again.
KISP observations from 10/29/12:
http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KISP/2012/10/29/DailyHistory.htmlKISP Max Sustained Wind: 56mphKISP Max Wind Gust: 90mphHighest Sustained Wind: 75mph(Plum Island, NY)
Highest Wind Gust: 96mph (Eatons Neck, NY)

Buoy Data:
http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/buoy/2012/10/29/44025.html10/29/12 Never Forget