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Author Topic: No Star on ATT Uverse?  (Read 3853 times)

Offline MrGhost14

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No Star on ATT Uverse?
« on: July 09, 2014, 11:55:33 AM »
I have just got att and I have been enjoying it so far but this morning I noticed the weather channel does not show local and it the international one will Uverse ever get a star ??

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Re: No Star on ATT Uverse?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 12:42:45 PM »
As far as I know, UVerse has no immediate plans to use Stars on its network because UVerse offers its own weather service.

I'm actually surprised The Weather Channel allows that situation to exist, but it obviously does.  One of the biggest selling points of The Weather Channel in the early 1980s was the ability to send local weather forecasts and, most importantly, weather bulletins and warnings, customized for each local viewing area.  It was even a requirement at one time for cable systems that carried The Weather Channel to purchase a Star and keep it running.

I don't know when or why that requirement was dropped, or whether it was simply allowed to fade into obscurity, but I still think it's taking away a major advantage of The Weather Channel by not having a Star.

I keep thinking about the differences between The Weather Channel and The Weather Network in Canada.  The Weather Network is actually considered a vital resource and is a must-carry channel for all cable and satellite providers in the country.  While the satellite feed is limited to showing national local forecast segments for the same reason The Weather Channel does, there's no choice in Canada about cable companies using PMX, the Canadian equivalent to the Stars: it's mandatory.  And the network's schedule is filled with, believe it or not, weather forecasts!

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Re: No Star on ATT Uverse?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2014, 12:54:06 PM »
Yes it sucks without the star system the weather channel is useless

Offline WeatherWitness

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Re: No Star on ATT Uverse?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2014, 12:11:10 AM »
Hello, and welcome to the forums.  As has been discussed quite a bit in the past, AT&T U-verse does not offer WeatherSTARs.  An entire thread was devoted on this subject back in 2010.  You can find that here.  Ironically, a four-year-old thread is still valid today!

This particular board (WeatherSTAR Tech Support) is meant for posting problems and/or suggestions for your WeatherSTAR that you see airing on TWC.  The TWC STAR Team then reads these problems and/or requests and makes changes as necessary.  U-verse not offering STARs is a topic meant more for the "TWC and your Cable Company" board.  Additionally, all posts in this board must be approved by an admin or moderator before you are permitted to post.  Thank you for your cooperation, and again, welcome to the forums.

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Re: No Star on ATT Uverse?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2014, 03:59:16 AM »
Wow, I didn't even know this was the case today. I never switched over to UVerse, but honestly today I wouldn't mind since the LFs are so horrendous and hardly ever air to be of any real use. I think they only air twice an hour, which is useless for me since I could just check my phone and I'll be on my way. If they still aired on the 8s... every 8... I'd watch it. For this reason, I just use the XL.

How this was explained to me way back then was that AT&T makes little to no money on their UVerse service... which I find to be a load of horse crap. If I remember correctly, I was also told that the STARs were "incompatible" with the way their service operated. Makes no sense to me since you just stick a computer (the STAR) between the satellite reciever/digicipher and the modulator/amplifiers. That was the excuse that I got.

Bottom line... you're not missing out on much. Just the horrible reality shows with little to no weather coverage (at least when I tune in... maybe I just have a bad sense of timing or something).

EDIT: Wasn't the relaunch last November specifically meant for the forecasts to launch on every :8? It seemed like that was the case for a month then they started pulling the longform stuff again.

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Re: No Star on ATT Uverse?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2014, 10:29:39 AM »
Wow, I didn't even know this was the case today. I never switched over to UVerse, but honestly today I wouldn't mind since the LFs are so horrendous and hardly ever air to be of any real use. I think they only air twice an hour, which is useless for me since I could just check my phone and I'll be on my way. If they still aired on the 8s... every 8... I'd watch it. For this reason, I just use the XL.

How this was explained to me way back then was that AT&T makes little to no money on their UVerse service... which I find to be a load of horse crap. If I remember correctly, I was also told that the STARs were "incompatible" with the way their service operated. Makes no sense to me since you just stick a computer (the STAR) between the satellite reciever/digicipher and the modulator/amplifiers. That was the excuse that I got.

Bottom line... you're not missing out on much. Just the horrible reality shows with little to no weather coverage (at least when I tune in... maybe I just have a bad sense of timing or something).

EDIT: Wasn't the relaunch last November specifically meant for the forecasts to launch on every :8? It seemed like that was the case for a month then they started pulling the longform stuff again.
The Locals do cue on every :8 of the hour during WUWA, AMHQ, WCL but don't cue every :8 of the hour during reality programming. The Weather all the time update was pretty much for the LDL being on during commercials (except locally played commercials ) and reality tv shows. That was all the Update was for.