Localized Local on the 8s forecasts are only available on cable providers (minus U-Verse, because they choose not to utilize it). The reason being is that cable providers are localized by what's called a headend, thus they can provide a local forecast for their coverage area.
The reason you aren't seeing a local forecast on Dish (same with DirecTV) is that satellite providers are nationwide, thus making it virtually impossible to provide a local forecast, so they settle with the basic national forecast. The reason you saw a local version in Hardee's is because they most likely were using a cable TV service, not satellite.
However, Dish and DirecTV have both provided an alternative. When you are viewing The Weather Channel on Dish, you should see a message pop saying "Press select to view local weather" (or something to that effect). Press that and you should get a local forecast based on your billing zip code.
I hope I provided some insight!

Note to moderators: I know I've been told not to reply to threads in the Tech Support area, but I thought this may be an exception. Sorry if I caused any issues!