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Present - The Weather Channel 2000 => WeatherSTAR Tech Support => Topic started by: Evan2015 on July 08, 2011, 05:26:13 PM

Title: IS2 31471 Interstate Shield error plus a couple of city change requests
Post by: Evan2015 on July 08, 2011, 05:26:13 PM
Hello STAR team. Today when I hooked up my kitchen's HD TV to my cable box via HDMI and I saw my IS2, I noticed an interstate number/shield error as shown in the pictures below.


The interstate in question on the map is Interstate 55. I-55 there should be Interstate 64. Can this be changed? All other interstate shields on the map are correct.

Also can Means be changed on our metro/regional map to something like Mt. Sterling or Richmond? Means is not a very big community, in fact, I didn't even know there was a town called that until we got our IS2.

A couple more changes that would make sense. Can Williamstown be changed to Owenton and Bedford be changed to La Grange or Charlestown? It seems this map would make more sense with some cities and towns that are more widely known. I sloppily put together this "concept map" of what would be moved where if this is possible.


I understand if this cannot be done and I don't want to sound pushy, but thank you in advance if you can.
Title: Re: IS2 31471 Interstate Shield error plus a couple of city change requests
Post by: TWC STAR Team on July 11, 2011, 03:42:49 PM
Changed to Owentonand Standton but Bedford is the only city which would fit in the northwest area.  I'll check on I-55.
Title: Re: IS2 31471 Interstate Shield error plus a couple of city change requests
Post by: Evan2015 on July 11, 2011, 03:47:18 PM
Thanks STAR Team!