You guys have probably noticed lately that my presence here has dwindled to a precious few minutes each day, and my posting activity here has dwindled to practically none. In a nutshell, this is because my life has changed in several ways.
I started this site back in August of 2007. At the time, I was bored, and had lots of free time on my hands. I very seldom went out anywhere, had no friends, and no girlfriends. Nor did I desire any. I didn't like where I lived, and didn't feel compelled to socialize and make friends. I started the site because I figured it would give me something to do, which it sure has (in proportions I never expected!). I also didn't have a problem with spending money on hosting and server services. I really didn't have anything else at the time to allocate the money to, so the ~$25 per month I spend for the site was no big deal.
Fast forward to today. I'm pretty sure I told you guys last August that I had moved back to my hometown, where I grew up and lived for 15 years. If I didn't say it here I know I mentioned it in my blog, so you may have read about it there. At any rate, I had hoped that coming back here would reignite the social fire that burnt out when I left, and it has, in bigger ways than I could have imagined. I've met friends, girls, and just generally have gotten back the social life I left behind when I left almost 6 years ago. I don't spend a whole lot of time in front of the computer anymore. On top of all this, I still have the Amazon/Ebay business that I've been running for almost 2 years now. I've also recently reinstated my car insurance policy, and have also recently purcahsed a cell phone and service.
Simply put, my interest in this site has waned dramatically, and I don't believe its temporary. I also don't think I want to continue funneling money into it that can be better spent elsewhere (my car insurance, for example

). Current TWC has never been a big devotion of mine anyhow. My interest was and still is in classic TWC. Therefore, I've made the heart wrenching decision to cease operations of this site and forum. It was a very difficult decision, but one I think is right.
That said, there IS one thing that can save this site. If there is anyone here who is interested in taking over the site, then perhaps it can continue on. I can transfer everything over to you, and you can assume control of and payment for the site. If your interested, let me know. Barring that, the site will cease operations on or about May 13.
I've had a great time running this site, and meeting all the people that have joined this forum over the nearly two years its been up. We've certainly made alot of very big LF music discoveries here, and had lots of fun.
If you wish to download any of the content on the site, please do so. If you wish to use it on your own site, please get permission from the owner of the content.