I think it would be really nice to have some from TWC to join us here on TWC Today, as well as Taiganet and TWC Classics. The Weather Channel is truely the number one best source for weather infomation 24/7. When I was about 1 or 2 years old, thats when I started to watch TWC. I've been fasinated with weather and climate change ever since. Not only that, but I even love watching the Local On the 8s segments. So much technoligy had changed over the years ever since when I first watched TWC. Even forcasting weather and tracking storms had inproved over the years. I also love computers and watching the metoraligests on TV doing the weather segment. I'm fasinated on your WeatherSTAR™ technoligy. When I first watched TWC, I remember watching a plain text-based Local Forecast. Then, I saw a graffical local forecast that includes a radar map, and eventully, a more soomther, crisper softer, colorful local forecast.
Thanks for covering all sorts of severe weather over the years. We love watching TWC!
-WeatherSTAR 3000, TWC Today/Taiganet