Great work with the graphics. What did you use to get the 3D peacock, the chromed peacock and the multi-layered color spectrum?
Thanks! I used PowerPoint to make the 3D Peacock with the 3D feature
(*You have to have a font that has TV news logos. I found a font set on somewhere a while back that has TV news logos. Not sure where though.)
Then I messed with the filter settings in photoshop. (Used the filter chrome effect.. located in Filter -> Sketch -> Chrome) and then messed around with the blending effects. (I used the overlay blend) and then put the layers on top of each other. (I put 4 layers of the chromed peacock on top of each other).The multi-colored spectrum was really hard. I used the round brush with 0% hardness and transformed it into somewhat of a line like beam and then colored and duplicated it with different colors. That was the most challenging part of making those graphics. If you anyone else need any more help.. just PM me!

Awesome work, Robert.
There is a site I want you to check and I openly invited everyone here on TWC Today to check it out as well.
I have seen alot of great graphics and I think that you and others people might be a great fit on this site. Look for American Media Group on there. That is me.
Thanks for the comments! I'm already a member on ProTV, I'm Emerald Communications on there. It's nice to know someone on here that goes to ProTV!
