A local TV station in Dallas/Fort Worth had the idea of using weather icons that show "Warning" or "Watch" on them on the right top of the screen. Unfortunately it didn't work so well due to the fact that the affected counties are only scrolled on the bottom of the screen at 30 minute intervals. But why not resurrect them...my way? After gaining access to the entire
NWS Icons set, I've decided to resurrect that idea of having icons that have "Warning", "Watch", or "Advisory" on them with the counties listed on the side.
Another idea that popped in my head is that what if we have the current TWC logo change to the said icons and back to the logo every 5 seconds when an alert is in effect for your area? That's gonna come in my art portfolio in a few days.
DISCLAMER: All icons are original property of The National Weather Service. However, some of the modified icons are property of its creator Michael Raymond. They can be used freely, however, it is asked that you do not redistribute them. Thanks for your cooperation.I'll start off with the Warnings and Watches.
Severe Thunderstorm


Flash Flood

Tropical Storm/Hurricane

Winter Storm

Heavy Snow


Excessive Heat


Ice Storm

Red Flag Warning

Fire Weather Watch

High Wind Warning

The Advisory set will be posted in a few minutes.