This morning, thanks to the NBC O&O stations website, I've gotten my hands on NBC's version of the TWC icons. They've got almost all of them coordinated to folow suit to TWC's online order. And yes I've done some modified ones.
DISCLAIMER:All icons are original property of NBC Universal and their NBC owned & operated stations. However, all modified icons are property of their creator, Michael Raymond. They can be used freely, however, it is asked that you do not redistribute them. Thanks for your cooperation.
Sunny & Windy
Clear & Windy
Partly Cloudy & Windy
Mostly Cloudy & Windy
Cloudy/Overcast & Windy
I'm just getting warmed up. There's more to come tomorrow.
BTW, to those who are wanting to see the icons, click on the link below, start from 1 and work your way up.