The second version of the YoshiSTAR 9000 has been released!
1. The 80-second forecast
I have made a 80-second local forecast with empty data (always!, so everyone can create their own forecasts) with the background having purple skies (lol), the font used is Kristen ITC (except for the weather bulletin screen), and it remodels the Intellistar 2 (before 2013)! There is a password for it too.
Password: numberone
2. The squeezeback forecast
I also made a 90-second local forecast with the L-bar and you can use a video on the local forecast too, just like the original Intellistar squeezeback. Just download Camtasia Studio (or any other editor) to do that. The font is also Kristen ITC, with the exception of the weather bulletin screen.
Password: hi
P.S. Enjoy. You need to download OpenOffice first.