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Author Topic: TWC HD coming to Cablevision  (Read 8107 times)

Offline NYCTWCjunkie

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Re: TWC HD coming to Cablevision
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2008, 02:42:03 PM »
You don't seem to get my point Paul. If your an average Joe (or any one of us) and didn't know it was a secret, why would you not say something?  :thinking:

I got your point. By the way, I apologize, I misunderstood the complete instructions I was given. I was not allowed to talk about being part of a BETA test area before it began on Thursday. It was not where afterwards I could not talk about it as I thought was the case.

Stephen, it wouldn't be fair for me to say whom, but I assure you that I had to honor the request until at least Thursday. If I knew about what I could've done, I would've posted on Thursday about this BETA test and provided snapshots. But either way, NYwxguy and Casey Buck did not do anything by posting about this yesterday. So I wanted to now clear that up.