How? I thought Dish didn't have headends.
Weather Cast was going to use specialized broadcast methods to provide regional data. TWC will likely use the same or even (if Dish wants to foot the bill) do like they do with local channels.
Martin, they'd have to go in space and take care of that on their satellites.
And then it wouldn't be local.
You do know DISH has locals right? I am not saying a WeatherScan for every city but strategically placed and layed out it wouldn't be hard to do regional systems.
Its a win win for everyone.
TWC brings more attention to WeatherScan (something they were planning on anyway)
DISH gets local 24/7 weather
Its CHEAP and requires no outside company and personnel.
TWC can keep doing its programming as is.
WeatherScan could probably even be used for the dual feed (can it already?)