And we had Time Warner in some areas until it was assimilated into the borg hive mind that is xfinity.
I'm on FiOS these days, but my service was Comcast from the start in the 80s. Hell, we had our service before it became Comcast! Well, kind of. Philadelphia, when it got cable in the late 1980s, had four different zones, each with a different franchise. We were zoned as Rollins Cable, but Rollins got bought out by Heritage right before they launched. So we were Heritage when we originally got cable, but Heritage decided to bail early on and sold to the operator of the adjacent zone.
I can still remember the creepy and cheap
"Comcaaaaaaaast... commmmcast.... WATCH US NOW!" jingle and eyesore logo that started popping up all of a sudden.
I still kind of can't believe that the company that had the
How To Order Pay Per View Rap now kind of controls the world.

And yes. Comcast. took. forever. to add anything. We went to Wildwood, NJ to vacation, and they had TKR Cable (part-owned by TCI). TKR kept adding stuff that Comcast wouldn't. For a couple of years I wondered why
their Weather Channel looked so awesome and
ours looked like crap. (I don't think we got the 4000 until 1993 or 1994.)