My new cable box I have here, a Motorola, is a lot faster than my Scientific Atlanta in Marlton. The Motorola loads the guide within a second (my SA takes up to 5 seconds to load it), its graphics are more sharp, the text is easier to read, and there's more themes to choose from. The picture quality is also crystal clear because I had problems getting my cable box to work, so Comcast kept increasing our signal since I figured it was something wrong with the box. Turns out I had the cable plugged in to the wrong port on my TV.

I also get OnDemand, Music Choice, and a few other digital channels that I never had on analog such as WeatherPlus and AccuWeather. I didn't think I'd get these channels too. My box is also a DVR, but I don't have DVR service.
I like this new box a lot better than my SA. The only downside is that I can't get my cable box remote to control the volume on the TV or turn the TV on or off (with the All On button or by pressing the TV button then power). I have to use my TV remote instead. With my SA, I can use the Comcast remote to control the volume. Any ideas?