Shadyjay - we experienced the same problem.
Earlier this year, my great grandmother, 89, who lives in an old-age home in Penn Hills, lost all the channels she watches. See, she had the basic package, which has about 18 channels, and ran her about $14.99/month, and that price hasn't changed since Comcast took over AT&T Broadband years ago. Then, all of a sudden, she, along with the other older folks in her home, got a message stating they would be loosing EWTN (religious channel), along with QVC and HSN. Now, every person in her building is GLUED to and LIVES OFF OF EWTN, as well as QVC and HSN. They also removed the TV Guide Network and MSNBC. All these channels were moving to the 150s, which require subscribers to rent a digital box to get them, as well as the Digital Classic level of service... which many residents can't afford. So, by removing 5 channels, they were still able to increase the price of basic cable to $19.99.
We contacted the PA Attorney General's office, but they said the claim was pretty much useless, so we let it go.
In the end, the building she lives in ended up subscribing to the digital classic level itself, so non-affording residents could watch Daily Mass on EWTN down in the general sitting area on the TV in that room. Very nice of them to do that.
Shows what ASS HOLES Comcast are. They take channels away but raise the price.