Really? Ours is quite organized to me. 20's is generally public /educational/government access, 30's has sports and movie networks, low-40's has news, mid-upper 40s has children networks, 50's has MTV and all of that. But, like they say... it's Crapcast 
Oh, ours is very different. In the mid 1990s there was a major channel lineup change (back in the days of MediaOne, if not Continental Cablevision), but there are still remnants of the higgeldy-piggeldy channel assignments from the 1980s that are still sticking around. Even the 1990s lineup change didn't do all
that much in putting things into order. As if the analogue lineup isn't bad enough, the digital lineup, while pretending to be divided into categories based on the hundreds number, is still a complete disaster. Nothing makes sense. Why is C-SPAN 1, for example, 44, but C-SPAN 2 and 3 are in the 200s, separated by, of all things, ESPN Classics?!
BTW, The Weather Channel is 47 (used to be 48 before the 1990s change). WeatherScan is 245. The Weather Channel HD is 847, but that channel used to be just a repeat of WeatherScan (SD) until the TWC HD feed finally made its way here. (Not having an HD TV set, I can't watch it.) Actually, our digital line up contains a LOT of duplicated (and a couple triplicated!) channels!