the signal gets blurry at times. 
I've had people who upgraded 6 months ago tell me that.
I AM a bit of a Technophobe, but I would'nt be so irate if it went smoother, or if people in Comcast's customer service/tech support actually knew what they were talking about. 
I have yet to see one benefit to this.
Customer support is key in transitions like this! Comcast hasn't been the gold star winner in that category! haha
For me, the biggest thing that pisses me off with this transition is activating the equipment, and the problems with the equipment. I set up a Motorola DCH100 for my neighbors, and Comcast decided to screw up yet again with the M-Card I believe... so it kept flashing this red box with a string of errors and memory references... but oh well. I'll be open to change.
And one thing with Comcast is that they try to suck every dime and nickel out of you. They are charging us 8 dollars to rent a box. Sure, not that bad, but for one of the crappiest packages that they can give us (no HD), it totals up to 100$ a month. To add the HD service, they charge 15-20$ here. Ohh, how much I hate money

And aside from that, I bought a new cable box from them to replace the DTA I have on my TV in the basement. I most certainly hope it isn't this one (look at attached picture). I want a clock on it! lol