Everyone on this board seems to have their own gripe about Comcast cable. I thought I'd put in my experience with my cable provider Buckeye Cable.
First off my town is an oddity (Waterville, OH), we have TWO cable providers, Time Warner (formerly Adelphia) and Buckeye, originally we had Adelphia and they gave us a ton of crap so we switched to Buckeye in 2005.
We pay approximately $250/month, I know that sound like a lot but we have unlimited long distance phone service, 8mbps internet, and cable with 2 HD boxes, 1 HD DVR, and 2 digital boxes, with all the HD channels available and the Starz pack.
As far as the service goes, I can't be happier! At one point some channels would say that they would unavailable, I called on a Saturday night around 7PM and the service guy was at my house at 10AM Sunday, ran a new line to my house and had it fixed in about 20 minutes! In the three years that we've had them that has been the only service issue.
At the TWC standpoint, they have an Intellistar (I guess could be a bad or good thing) and TWC HD (months before the launch), no Weatherscan

but with the purchase by NBC maybe, we already have the NBC WeatherPlus.
The big reason that I like them is because they are local, they only service northwest Ohio and parts of Southeast Michigan, but they have the capabilities of a large system, they have all the same features of Comcast or TimeWarner but the service is much better!
Thats my two cents... more like $2......