TWC Today Forums
Other => The Game Room => Topic started by: wstarcraze on June 01, 2009, 10:40:56 PM
I obtained approval from Stephen to start this game.
Now here's how it works. Ask a stupid question and someone reply with a normal or a stupid answer. It's your choice.
Now for question number 1.
What would you do if you woke up and you were seeing everything in a weird, psychedelic way? (I'm talking about seeing stuff like the weird crazy colors on those old 70s vans that I think hippies used.)
Take more drugs!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
It'll do four chucks of wood since you mentioned chuck and wood four times each. :bleh:
Why is water so wet?
Because it's a liquid
Did the term TWC come from The Weather Channel?
No, The Weather Channel came from the term TWC.
If it's 3:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday and it's raining in California, where is my dog?
Somewhere in your house
Who is Trammell Starks?
He's just a TWC musician that forgot to name his songs.
Who is buried under General Jackson's tombstone?
Is there really no such thing as a stupid question?
There is such thing.
Can water towers catch on fire? :bleh:
Does Middle School come before Elementary School?
What is your favourite leg?
What is your favourite leg?
The one on top.
Whats your favorite eye?
The happy one.
Where did I put my PB&J sandwich?
It's probably in your stomach by now.
Is it safe to go over Niagara Falls in a canoe?
Why wouldn't it be?
It isn't.
Have people died due to causes of death?
Not many.
What's the number for 911?
If it's 3:00 pm in Chicago, what time is it at O'Hare?
3pm ?
What's a stupid question?
A stupid question is a question a stupid person asks. :bleh:
What channel is this site dedicated to? :unsure:
The Discovery Channel
If I lock my self in walmart, how do I prevent my self from starving to death?
Impossible, you're a goner.
Am I currently asking a stupid question?
Can you eat edible things? :dunno:
New York is a city in which state?
Kentucky :P
What state is Frankfort the Capitol of?
Germany :P (actually there is a city called "Frankfurt" there)
Is Comcast a cable company?
Am I an adult yet?
In Batman and Robin, who is Batman's sidekick?
the Joker.
Who hosts the show "Weather Center w/ Abrams ad Bettes"?
Marshall Seese
Why is TWC's logo blue?
I think the sky might have something to do with that color. :whistling:
Why aren't sundaes just made exclusively on Sundays?
Because it's sunny outside.
When did Jim Cantore begin working at The Weather Channel?
Why is it 76° outside right now?
Because I hardly log into YIM now.
When will I have one year here at TWCT?
You already have been here for over a year.
What happens when I'm 18 years old?
You become a newborn. :thumbsup:
What happened on TWC on 6/2/08?
Every WeatherSTAR Jr. became scrap metal.
Where is San Francisco, CA?
At the Waffle House.
If Bob has 4 pairs of shoes, how many pairs of shoes does he have?
Why do I get headaches every other week? :dunno:
Because that's how often you bash your head on the wall.
If a train leaving Detroit going west is moving at 60 mph, and a train going southbound from Tokyo is going 273 mph, what color is yellow?
That's a hard question.
Is former TWC OCM Jennifer Lopez the actress Jennifer Lopez?
Yes...she was working undercover. :P
In what year did the War of 1812 begin?
What is Andy's first name?
If I eat 4 grapes and leave one in the bowl, how many do I have left? :dunno:
What is an LDL?
Love Ducks, Lawrence?
Can you think about thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking?
/me hides
Can you divide by 0?
*Head explodes*
Yes, but you will get an imaginary number.
If this site is called TWC Today, does it cover information from TWC yesterday?
No, we don't even cover information from today! We only the future.
01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00111111
yes, I speak binary.
How many milliseconds ago was the past?
Why is Vortex2 ending this week?
Because it just started this past Sunday.
What time does Local on the 8s come on?
It's only on during times that start with an 8.
What is the name of this game again?
Quick-Witted Answers
Why am I making improved L3rds? :dunno:
Because you're not making un-improved lower thirds.
Why is the sky not fuschia?
Because it's green. Duh! :P
Why do they call cold fronts cold fronts and warm fronts warm fronts?
Because cold fronts bring in warm air and warm fronts bring in cold air.
Is meteorology the study of meteors?
Yes, but then you'd need to consider rain and snow as meteors.
What do you see in a whiteout?
Green :P
What is 1+1?
Why do I hate Bing so much?
Because it takes after a character on Friends.
Multiple Choice Time:
What is the answer to this question?
A. Choice B
B. Choice C
C. Choice A
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
F. D and E
G. All of the above
H. :wacko:
Why does Firefox 3.6a1pre crash so much?
I dunno, pre-alpha software is known for its major stability, then software companines work to make the version less stable so that you'll want to use the new version when it comes out thinking it will be more stable.
Which came first, the chicken or the window?
I come home and see that my dog ate it's legs, what do I do?
You let it die.
What should I do if I started bleeding?
Do a barrel roll!
Do you like pie?
If i'm 12 and my brother is twice my age, how old am I?
(Hypothetical, I don't have a brother)
11, because you're not 12 yet. :P
Why do I have the IntelliStar and not any other Star?
Because TWC is stupid. :fear:
Why don't I see the SD Satellite LF on TWC HD?
Because that'd make too much sense.
Why has TWC gone down the toilet? :whistling:
Because they went independent.. duh! :rolleyes: :P
No answer.
Why didn't you put a question? :P
Because he is very smart. :yes:
What does this icon mean? ------> (
Snow flurries.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To become roadkill.
Is AIM an IM client?
Why don't I have questions?
Because you don't have any questions.
Why didn't I have a question a few posts back? :huh:
The same reason I have a question here.
Nah. :no:
yep! :yes:
Your mom?
mind reader <_<
mind reader <_<
forest fires
AFAIK what?
AFAYK nothing.
When I went to Target yesterday, what store did I go to?
If I change a light bulb, what will I be doing?
your mom?
No question was posed, so don't expect an answer. :bleh:
Is it a good idea to pet a porcupine?
It's a genius idea! B)
If lightning strikes in my neighborhood one minute, should I go outside the next minute?
No, stay outside as much as possible.
What is this messageboard about?
Everything ABC. :yes:
Is WTVT Fox 13 a Fox station? :unsure:
Your mom.
I like pie.
My mom? :huh:
ur grandma..
lol wat?
nope! :yes:
More multiple choice:
Where is _______?
A. your mom
B. choice A
C. choice A
D. choice A
E. all of the above
F. all of the below
G. none of the above
H. choice A
I. none of the below
J. all of the above
K. your mom
Choice K.
Answer this with one word:
Who are _____?
Do I want to ask a question?
Am I almost a hero member? :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Not even close.
How many videos do I have uploaded on YouTube?
the square root of -1, that's how many videos
Am I me?
If TWC is brought to you by this cable or Satellite provider, then who is it brought you by in this photo? :unsure:
I'll take a wild guess and say DirecTV.
Is there really thunder in a thunderstorm?
Ask it and find out.
What time does Your Weather Today air on TWC?
What is the name of this forum?
yadoT CWT
Why does The Weather Channel talk about weather all the time?
Because they talk about news all the time.
Why is TWC in 4:3 on both TWC |SD| and TWC |HD|?
TWC is run by monkeys.
Who is the head of Microsoft?
Steve Jobs.
Should I use Google to look up something I don't know about?
Never. :no:
What is TWC without Jim Cantore? :o
The Fluffy Channel
Why is TWC going downhill?
Because Nissan should own TWC.
¿Usé un traductor para escribir este mensaje?
Si. :yes:
What color is the White House?
Are you a weather witness?
No, I don't even know what weather is.
Why does NBC give the news stories for the day?
Because they're not ABC.
What is 2+3?
-1 :biggrin:
What happened to my profile information? :huh:
I removed it.
Should I go to sleep now?
Why am I up so late?
Because SNL is on tonight.
Why do so many people don't like Sam Mohr as an OCM?
Because she is very professional. :yes:
Why do I see the Satellite LF if I have Satellite? :huh:
Because martians hacked in to make it that way.
Do I subscribe to Sunlight Cable run by sunlightreport?
If I place a cup on the counter, what did I just do with it? :huh:
You did a barrel roll.
What the pfargtl?
I'll pass? :huh:
Why am I bored?
You're naturally born bored.
If you see a stop sign ahead while you're driving, what should you do?
You're naturally born bored.
If you see a stop sign ahead while you're driving, what should you do?
You come to a gradual stop before you get to the stop sign, then accelerate like a jack rabbit immediately after you come to a full stop :bleh:
If your room and desk are a mess, what should you do?
Bring in pigs to help clean up. :bleh:
Is Spongebob a sponge?
No, he is a squid :bleh:
Er, uh, well, a Sponge.
Are we all TWC fans?
No, were sports fans!
If I turned the tv on is it still off?
Nah. B)
What happens tonight at 7:57 PM ET for TWCT members? :thrilled:
The closure of this fourm.
Who is Molly Franklin?
my next door neighbor. :thumbsup:
What's my username? :huh:
my next door neighbor. :thumbsup:
What's my username? :huh:
Is HiRAD legitiment and the guesses it produces, are they legitiment and proven? Are they the same observations you see online with the NWS?
Who knows
Where am I right now?
Who knows
Where am I right now?
Bensalem (Lower Bucks), PA
What happened on 2 May 1982?
TWC Fell Flat
What watch am I under right now until 10 PM EDT?
A weather-related watch.
What is the weather outside my window?
A weather-related watch.
What is the weather outside my window?
Cloudy and miserable as an extremely long "Extended Miserable Period" finally comes to a close
The answer to your non-question is:
It depends on if your cat chased the squirrel down the tube when the clock fell off the wall and my sister walked around when the dog was around the corner of the ice cream shop that sells bad water on Tuesdays at 73 o'clock.
Exactly what was I talking about in that answer?
You were talking about tonight's Local Across the 48s!! :thrilled:
Am I allowed to roll my eyes at stupid posts? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The answer to your non-question is:
It depends on if your cat chased the squirrel down the tube when the clock fell off the wall and my sister walked around when the dog was around the corner of the ice cream shop that sells bad water on Tuesdays at 73 o'clock.
Exactly what was I talking about in that answer?
Hmm, not sure. You got me :rofl2:
No Zach, you can't ask stupid questions :P
What is the difference between a Severe Thunderstorm Watch and a Tornado Watch? :dunno:
No answer.
Why didn't Aaron answer my question? :huh:
No answer.
Why didn't Aaron answer my question? :huh:
Did you see how I posted immediately after you did?
Do I see a someone who can't play games correctly in here (no offense)? :rofl2:
Do I see a someone who can't play games correctly in here (no offense)? :rofl2:
Nope, you don't. :no:
Do I live in a Great Lakes state?
No, you live in Spain.
Is this game stupid?
No, it is smart.
Do I hate "Extended Miserable Periods"?
Is Google talk an IM client?
Not sure.
Is wind related to weather?
Is Eddie Reasoner a TWC artist?
Uh, is that a trick queston? :bleh:
Is a Flash Flood Warning any different than a Flood Warning?
No :o
Is Trammell Starks at this forum?
Do I work for TWC?
Darn, another trick question
Is it 88 according to HiRAD here?
do I have all my profile fields filled out?
Perhaps not.
Should I use Facebook if it's unsafe?
What is TWC Today?
Part of Second Life
Does XP work on a Mac
The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel? :huh:
No, Toronto Wrestling Communications
Who's Kaki King?
The same as Peggy Hill
Would I Weather The Channel? :huh:
I don't know
Should little kids watch Adult Swim?
Sure. The fact that "adult" is in the name means nothing :no:
Am I sweating while mowing the lawn?
Nope, it's raining.
Which 2 people died today?
Nope, it's raining.
Which 2 people died today?
TWC and TWC Classix
What tyme zown due I live in?
Why didn't you ask a question, and why did I answer it?
because he asked a question, and you answered it :o
When is the 4th of July?
July 5
Which WeatherStar do I have?
WeatherStar 3001.
Why I am posting in this thread?
You love posting stupid questions.
If you want to head to the North Pole, which way do you need to go?
Is Michael jackson still alive
Yes, he was just born this morning.
Why do I exist?
Because you're Scott Williams.
Should Storm Stories be cancelled?
When a Tornado Warning is in effect, what do you do?
Go outside (OT: As a meteorologist, this really is what I do!)
When there is a flood, should I not turn around and drown?
If baseball-size hail is fallling and enough is falling to cover the ground, is it safer to be inside a car/home, or outside in it?
You should remain outdoors, away from any trees or buildings.
How many posts do I have?
Were there a lot of posts here last night?
No, the forum was dead last night.
Why am I tired?
You should remain outdoors, away from any trees or buildings.
How many posts do I have?
Too many more than me! :blink:
What is weather?
The study of planets and space.
Is TWC going downhill?
Nope, they're halfway up Mount Everest
Is it going to snow on Thursday?
Of course not.
Is it winter?
What is a Flash Flood Warning?
It indicates that you could get swept away at any moment.
When you see red lights flashing at a railroad crossing, what should you do?
Stand on the tracks.
Is this a question?
Of course not!
What about this?
Perhaps not.
What is Intellistar?
A weapon of mass destruction.
What am I talking about?
I'm a song from the '60s.
Would you like to see my portfolio?
What car do I drive?
'84 Yugo
How awesome is Comcast?
Incredibly awesome.
What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?
Then put your football throwing right hand in
Is it almost July?
No, it's almost January.
Is TWC logo blue?
Nope it's Green :rofl2:
Is the June playlist the best TWC has ever had?
It certainly was as I know everyone loved it here. :bleh:
Why do backdoor cold fronts not come in through your back door?
Because they're too big to fit through your back door.
Why does First Outlook air so early?
Because it airs on the last part of the day.
Why doesn't Day Planner air at night? :huh:
Because it gets higher ratings during the midday.
Should Jim Cantore be laid off?
Definately. :yes:
What button do I press to make this post? :huh:
Caps Lock
What channel is TWC on here in Lansing and in the E.L.?
What would you do for a Klondike bar? :dunno:
Put on a circus act
Is L.A. far away from NYC?
Nope, it's right across the Hudson River from NYC.
Why does TWC talk about weather all the time?
Because NBC paid them to :bleh:
Can hail do damage?
:clap: <-- Why is this person so happy?
He loves clapping.
What kind of food does Taco Bell serve?
Irish Food
Has the new July playlist started yet?
Hmm, let me check...
Why have we been getting a ton of rain lately?
Because our effects on the planet have made the clouds sad.
Is the "Stay Tuned For Your Local On The 8's" crap annoying?
Why don't I get a marine forecast?
Because you are on the Atlantic Ocean
Is I-76 called the Schuylkill Expressway?
No, I-76 is I-95
Is Comcast a good cable company?
Definitely a corporate model
Does Comcast advertise too much?
Nope, not nearly enough.
Why am I the only person online right now?
Because it's so late in the overnight hours.
Why am I posting this in Mac OS 8.1?
Bcecause you like Microsoft Windows so much.
Why is PM Edition shown in the afternoon?
They couldn't find any other time slot for PM Edition other than the afternoon.
Why is light so bright?
Because light and bright rhyme with each other :P
Is a kilometer smaller than a mile?
no, it's 1000x as big.
Would you need The Weather Channel for everything you do? :dunno:
Would YOU need The Weather Channel for everything you do?
No, only idiots need that.
Why is the IntelliStar so intelligent?
It's not. My old joke goes like this:
There's nothing Intelli(gent) about Intellistar!
Why is that joke funny? :bleh:
becuz it bashes the Intellistar :bleh:
Why is First Outlook called First Outlook? :unsure:
Because it airs at the last part of the day :no:
Why does the IntelliSTAR for DirecTV display conditions and forecasts for 40 cities nationwide instead of just Tampa? :wacko:
Because satellite could never compare to cable when it comes to "local", not even close
Does the new Intellistar have transitions between pages you can easily notice?
No :thumbdown:
Why is TWC HD widescreen? :blink:
Because they wanted to use up more energy by making TVs display more pixels :P
Why doesn't TWC ever mention the LF music live on air?
Because NBC told them they're not supposed to
Why are you recording Xl videos?
Because the XL rocks.
Why doesn't the Northern Burlington County IntelliStar serve Southern Burlington County?
Because Northern Burlington County and Southern Burlington County are bitter rivals.
Why doesn't TWC ever talk about Spongebob live on-air?
Because TWC isn't owned by Viacom.
Why is Michigan shaped like a hand?
Because mother nature needs to have a hand to flip an egg in Texas (Get it, Panhandle?) :bleh:
What is the difference between analog and digital (seriously, I don't know)?
one is buggy, the other is reliable :bleh:
Why does the LDL display weather info?
Because it displays news headlines
If I had a ) for every $ Congress spent, what would I have?
Ask another question.
Why haven't I been in this game for a while?
The game took a break while you were away, which is why you couldn't access it for a while.
Why can I not get a real submarine that goes underwater at Subway?
The game took a break while you were away, which is why you couldn't access it for a while.
Why can I not get a real submarine that goes underwater at Subway?
Because their metal detectors won't allow metal into the store
Why is Interstate 8 out in southern California and US-127 here in Michigan when the feasible temperatures are the other way around?
Because Jim Cantore is back on weekday evenings.
Where is Carmen Sandiego?
In San Diego :P
Why can't I run IE on a Mac?
Because my 8th grade SS teacher, Mr Mac, doesn't like IE.
What STAR did I find in Alpena?
WeatherStar 3000
Why can't the WeatherStar 4000 emulator work on the Mac?
Because you use the Mac :bleh:
Why does Wal-mart advertise so much?
because I became the new CEO just now :thrilled:
why do I need A/C when it's hot? :huh:
Because A/C's are for winter
Why is Target better than Walmart?
because I'm a bad CEO :wacko: :P
what does this question mean?
An answer
Why did Aaron unexpectedly leave the YouTube chat?
because he left his tab open :yes:
why are you and I going back and forth on answering/asking questions? :P
Because I interrupted it
Why did I miss being the first to wish Jesse a happy birthday by 7 minutes?
Because your bus ride home was a few minutes late.
Where in the world is Matt Lauer?
No idea
Why do Meredith Veiera, Brian Williams, and Jimmy Fallon wake up with Al?
Because Jimmy goes to bed with him
Did my Intellistar have a slight glitch this morning?
No, intellistar acting funny is normal, if your intellistar has no problems, that's a glitch.
Did that make sense?
Actually, it did
Do I like the show Home Improvement?
No, I do.
Why is Spongebob a sponge?
Because being a Bob is too generic.
If it is Tuesday afternoon, where is the bat?
In Denver, Colorado
Do I travel a fair amount?
You travel too much.
Are Dave Hillary coming back to host WCWC?
No, they are hosting WCWC.
Is this the in my pants game, in my pants?
Did I get some beneficial rain last nite?
¿Dónde está el banco?
No, and I speak English, please.
What does Live By It means?
It means Death.
Why is there no more Smooth Jazz on TWC?
Because Landmark bought out NBC (We all wish, don't we?)
Why didn't you ask a question? :P
Why didn't you ask a question? :P
Oops, forgot :lol:
AM I bored rite now?
Yes you are,
Why does TWC Keep on all this narration if the Impared dont bother with the forecast anyway?
For people who can't read.
Why did I stay up until 4AM last night?
Because 3:59 AM EDT was too early :P
Am I going to tennis tomorrow?
When will the hot weather ends?
When the sun sets tonight
Why do I receive traffic data?
Because Philadelphia has absolutely no traffic problems and TWC wants the viewers to know that :bleh:
Why don't I receive traffic data?
Because they don't care about Lansing viewers getting stuck in traffic.
Why is TruPoint FalsePoint?
Because none of the results are actually true
Why do I hate Ian Miller with a passion?
Because I don't even know who Ian Miller is. :P
Why don't I ever see Haze being reported by HiRAD?
Because I don't even know who Ian Miller is. :P
Why don't I ever see Haze being reported by HiRAD?
Dr Ian Miller is one of the lead scientists who developed HiRAD <_<
Because I never see heavy precip or low visibilities guesses on my LFs.
Why is heavy precip never guessed on my Intellistar?
Because your IntelliStar is on drugs.
Why does WMG mute their music on YouTube?
Because they have allergy problems with YT.
What is an iPod?
An integrated Person On Drugs
Why is the Mike here different than the Mike I got to know at tennis and have been corresponding with on Facebook?
Because I don't know what the word correspond even is :P
Why was Landmark better than NBC?
Because TWC talks about Landmarks (get it, destinations?)
Do I know an incoming freshman whose last name is Corr (you know, the Corrs, from this month's list?)?
Yes, if his music was on TWC.
Do you think you'll be crazy if Ryan Farish played the sax?
Idk how I should respond to that :wacko:
Do I hate HiRAD and Falsepoint?
When will I reach 8,000 posts?
Absolutely not.
Why am I not interested in seeing the August list?
Because it is predominantly jazz
Why was TWC better pre-HD?
Because the video wall makes things hard to see.
Why doesn't Geoffrey Darby like jazz?
Because the saxophone gave him nightmares. (I know it's a dumb answer lol :P )
Did you complain to TWC about the new selection?
Why are Vic, Aaron, and I the only people who frequently post in the game room?
Because we are
Who is Mike "Toll" Booth?
Why is my last name close to the fast food chain, McDonald's?
Because you like McDonalds
Why are fatty foods bad for u?
They're not.
Why am I posting here on my dad's computer?
Why am I still online?
Because Sam Mohr is on, and she is irresistable.
Is the above statement true.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
The world may never know.
Because ! is not a question mark.
When it's raining outside, what color underwear does my dog wear?
Am I going to tennis at 12:30 PM EDT?
No, at 12:30 AM
Am I going back to Marlton, NJ today?
No, you're going Bensalem, PA tonite
Am I going to show Toll Booth and The artist that hilarious prank call today?
Why would you want to show a prank call to a Toll Booth?
Why would you want to show a prank call to a Toll Booth?
"Toll Booth" is a nick name I give to a friend I met at tennis whose last name is Booth. Anyway, I showed him the prank call clip on youtube, and he said he had already seen it.
Is it over 80º in my room right now?
Did you know I figured Toll Booth was someone you knew and I just wanted to make a stupid question out of it?
Did you know I figured Toll Booth was someone you knew and I just wanted to make a stupid question out of it?
I guess not, lol. Did I also meet someone with the last name of Corr at tennis (Get it, "Toss the Feathers by The Corrs?)?
Is this the "in my pants" game?
No, this is the Word Association game.
How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?
TOTPD! :dance:
by breaking open the gloves and using your fingers :lol:
Would you ever like TWC to consider your Star a BETA Star?
Why do TWC fans hate current TWC?
Because we love NBC.
Why am I posting this in Firefox 3.0?
I'm a song from the '60s.
When can we start the Jeffersons?
When they want to be started.
When did cows come into the picture?
They move very slowly, so it was only a matter of time.
Why is it not safe to point a laser right in your eye?
Because it can cause you to lose your hearing.
Where is Stephanie Abrams this week?
Al Roker hid her behind the set.
Why did Al Roker hide her?
Because he doesn't want the public to know he had an affair with her
Why didn't anyone show up at tennis yesterday?
Because tennis didn't show up at anyone. :P
Why is it almost 80° in my room even with the A/C on?
Because you shorted out the A/C just because you were the one who touched it last
Why don't I have the luxury of A/C at my mom's house?
Because A/C doesn't like you
Why is Bucks County under a Flash Flood Watch but not me here in Burlington County?
Because A/C doesn't like you
Why is Bucks County under a Flash Flood Watch but not me here in Burlington County?
Because Bucks county is green (get it, a buck is green? :rofl2:) and naturally, it is shaded green by the NWS
Why don't I have the luxury of traffic products on either unit?
Because Traffic Pulse doesn't care about what happens in Lansing.
Why do I post so much?
Because everyone at your school helps you :P
Did I have fun making you and Billy guess details of my life last nite?
Yes, if you say so. And do you?
Why is this my 7777th post?
Yes, if you say so. And do you?
Maybe I do, maybe I don't, you don't know me. :bleh:
Why is this my 7777th post?
Because it is you 7,782nd post
Why doesn't Jimmy Ruska have a life?
Why doesn't Jimmy Ruska have a life?
Because he is a fictional character made up by a simulation on the internet to test our nerves and tolerability.
Why didn't I ask a question there?
Because you just did right now.
Where is my headend located?
1401 E Miller Road, Lansing, MI 48911
Do I have to go take a shower now?
Only if you say so.
Does Panasonic make food products?
I don't understand what you're asking.
Why does this game have so many posts?
Because this is the best game ever
Why Does Anyone love the narration on the IntelliSTAR?
Because the narration loves you.
Why isn't Wikipedia always reliable?
Because only exclusive members can edit information
What is the significance of the number 22840?
It's my IntelliStar's ID.
Why does Hauppauge make terrible tuners?
Because they like to rip their customers off
Is Philadelphia a historic location?
When it feels like it.
Does it feel like it?
Idk, does it?
Idk, and I asked first!
So, does it?
Idk, you tell me :P
Are you a meteorologist?
Not like Al Roker.
What would Marshall Seese think of YWT with Abrams and Bettes?
I don't know.
What would he think?
Ask him.
Why didn't the IS cue on time at 5:08 PM ET?
Because you didn't get back from the bathroom in time to catch the beginning :P
Did I meet Mrs. Toll Booth today?
Only if you say so.
Is TWC on channel 53 here in NJ?
I don't know.
Is it?
Of course
Can I eat a hedgehog? :blink:
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
Yes ma'am? :unsure:
Don't call me ma'am.
Should TWC play Billy Mays commercials more often?
No, they should show WUWA commercials more often. :P
Did my Lower Bux IntelliStar change this week?
No, North Philadelphia Arpt was added to the maps and under the airport tab like it should have been.
Is the station ID finally fixed in the E.L.?
I don't know, I'll go up there now and take a look. :P
Why did TWC move the traffic reports to the beginning of the forecast during WUWA?
I don't know, I'll go up there now and take a look. :P
Why did TWC move the traffic reports to the beginning of the forecast during WUWA?
Because people in the Philly area need to know when the roads are in good shape before Mike starts driving so they can avoid an accident or pile-up :bleh: :rofl2:
Why was my original youtube account suspended in February, on the day I caught my first Trammell siting?
I don't know, I'll go up there now and take a look. :P
Why did TWC move the traffic reports to the beginning of the forecast during WUWA?
Because people in the Philly area need to know when the roads are in good shape before Mike starts driving so they can avoid an accident or pile-up :bleh: :rofl2:
Why was my original youtube account suspended in February, on the day I caught my first Trammell siting?
Because youtube finds Trammell tasty
Why is my lawnmower cutting the grass?
Because you forgot to put gas in it
Why is WUWA so hated?
Because WUWA is typed too similar to WAWA, a local convienience store. :P
Why didn't the STAR team change my CC city to Bensalem?
Because WUWA is typed too similar to WAWA, a local convienience store. :P
Why didn't the STAR team change my CC city to Bensalem?
For the same reason they didn't change either of my forecast titles or the almanac title here in Lansing.
Why does the STAR team honor other requests but ignore mine?
Because they probably don't like MI.
Do you know if Jeopardy is on Cartoon Network?
No, it's on Nickelodeon.
Does Nick @ Nite show a local on the 8s?
Yes, on the 7's
Is it time for Nick @ Nite to show a local on the 8's rite now?
Not until 10:07.
Why is Nick on channel 53 here (same channel for TWC in Bensalem), and on 57 in Bensalem (TWC channel in Marlton)?
Not until 10:07.
Why is Nick on channel 53 here (same channel for TWC in Bensalem), and on 57 in Bensalem (TWC channel in Marlton)?
Because TWC and Nick have a contract to switch channel locations in the Philly area
Why don't I get traffic products here in Lansing?
Because Traffic Pulse thought it was too close to Detroit.
Am I about to get a shower?
No, you're about to get a downpour :P
Why doesn't the XL support traffic products?
The XL is too big for traffic products.
How come every time you try to multiply any number with zero that your calculator display just keeps showing that zero?
Because calculators can be dumb sometimes :P
Should I be back by around 3PM this afternoon?
Idk, where are you going?
Why do I hate Nick @ Nite's new scheduling?
Because they are sticking with their roots of showing classic tv and not adding any new or non-classic programming. In other words, they have not been MTV'd.
Has MTV been TWC'd?
Is my AQ Forecast at Moderate today?
IDK, but mine is unhealthy for sensitive.
Do I post a lot here in the game room?
I don't check this thread very often, so I don't know.
Why are Cantore, Goodloe, and Mitchell taking another week off?
To stay away from Al.
Is ABC7 a news station?
No, it's a station that goes over the ABC's 7 times so that you remember them.
Is Omaha, Nebraska in Hawaii?
No, it's in Japan.
Would I get TV from a Dish on Dish Network?
No, you would get hit on the head if the dish fell on you though. You need cables from the dish to the reciever also to get tv from a dish. :P
Why did I stick my tongue out?
Because you wanted to catch a snowflake.
Will there be a chance of thunder-snow this week?
Yes, once the temps reach around 100.
Can you go on a blind date if you have cataracts?
Am I waking up with Al?
Are you going to bed with Al?
Jimmy Fallon already is
Is tomorrow going to be a buy day for me?
Is my YouTube channel popular?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't
Is the kick stand on my bike posing danger to me when I ride my bike due to its extreme level of disrepair?
Yes, if you say that it was
Am I online on Facebook chat?
Idk, why isn't Facebook working for me?
Works for me, what error do you get?
It works now, must have been temporary
Why aren't you on chat now?
Because chat is fun.
True or False: The false answer to this question is not true.
Hmm, true? :P
What went wrong when I went to Romulus (originally tried to go to Ann Arbor) last Thursday nite?
I pulled the plug for the cable at that hotel.
Why do my IntelliStars have unique forecast titles?
Because I just saw a local IntelliSTAR for Tampa on DirecTV!! :thrilled:
Am I an enthusiast of TV Tuners?
Why do my IntelliStars have unique forecast titles?
Because mine don't :P
Why doesn't either title serve my area well?
Because TWC apparently thinks otherwise, when I don't like those titles either.
Am I watching a video of the Dickinson XL right now?
Who knows.
What is a YT stream?
A stream on YouTube.
Is TWC showing long-form right now?
Nope, they got rid of long form in the 2 PM ET hour in October 2007
What is the difference between tennis and football?
Am I an enthusiast of TV Tuners?
No, I've never seen you use one.
Why am I rolling on the floor laughing? :rofl2:
Nope, they got rid of long form in the 2 PM ET hour in October 2007
What is the difference between tennis and football?
They are spelled differently. :P
Am I hosting the YT stream tonight (Thursday night)?
Negatory, I am, so I can fall asleep at midnite again :bleh:
Do I really want to head towards a hurricane to record the emergency management and tropical crawls, along with the forecasts?
Am I worred that the tropical wave off the Cape Verde islands might hit my area?
You shouldn't be, it's going out to sea. :happy:
Is there a chance we could have 3 tropicals storms at once? :dunno:
IDK, is there?
Is TWCC a successful forum right now?
I am too lazy to check.
Is Derek's area evacuated from wildfires?
Nope! :yes:
Did Kyle get laid off from his job in Canada?
Am I a content manager for the site?
Nope, I am (or at least should be)
Did I have an exhausting day yesterday and again today?
Why do I have both my computers next to each other, both turned on?
Why do I have both my computers next to each other, both turned on?
Because I do that all the time too :bleh:
Why wasn't facebook chat working earlier?
I hacked it.
Did Zach encounter a 4000?
Yes, and he certainly did not spread the word enough :P
Do I desperately want to find a 4000?
Is IntelliStar 21884 better than 21872?
Is IntelliStar 21884 better than 21872?
Not at all, and I hate both units. They are configured for worse than 22840 and 22842.
Is 22842's almanac title configured to be one of the poorest area-serving titles ever?
Yes, they changed it to Philadelphia Int'l Arpt.
Is Charter under bankruptcy?
Nope, they passed their bankruptcy on to Comcast (I wish, right?)
Does that scare me that Charter could be on the verge of another Adelphia transaction?
Not at all.
Is Comcast a monopoly?
Not at all.
Is Comcast a monopoly?
Nope, they are a good cable company with a great reputation for caring about their customers
Is Charter a quieter company?
No, Charter is much bigger than Comcast.
Am I talking to you on Facebook chat right now?
It's time for tasteball!
Is your refrigerator running?
I don't know how to find out.
Is that Hurricane Danny that is in the Atlantic?
No, it's Hurricane beanboy89 :P
Did Terminal Frost play only once this past evening, the whole primetime slot?
No, it was the only song to play last night.
Why is NYC called the "Big Apple"? :dunno:
Because it is small enough to have some orchards in the heart :P
Was a car fire reported on I-275 that has been showing up on the LF here?
Are you socool775?
No, I'm wxntrafficfan :P
Did I finally get my internet issues fixed?
No, but the internet issues fixed you :P
Why are you offline on facebook chat?
Because I was once again having connection issues
Why do I seem to talk so much about the Intellistar?
Because you hate the current version of the IntelliStar.
Why do most people hate the newer episodes (season 4-present) of SpongeBob?
Because they're so much funnier :bleh:
Is it easier to bring a laptop places to record TWC than it is to drag a desktop w/ monitor into hotels to do so?
No, it's usually easier and quicker bringing a desktop.
Am I typing this on my laptop?
No, you're writing it on a stone tablet.
Should I go surfing in Antarctica?
Sure why not, the water is frozen all the time..
Am I a content manager for the site?
Why am I typing this on my phone?
Because your computer broke
Why are you typing on your phone? :P
Because it's cool.
Am I asking a stupid question right now?
Which direction should you go if you want to reach the North Pole?
Why am I the only person online at the forums right now?
You're not now. :P
Why does ice cream melt so fast in the sun?
Who knows
Is this week Survival Week on TWC?
No. :P
When did TWC went downhill?
It's not going downhill. NBCU is actually doing nice things to the channel.
Why am I online? :yawn:
Because the little indicator under your name is green.
Why did summer fly by so fast?
Because it rode by in a plane. :plane:
Why am I laughing for nothing? :rofl2:
Because you had a deadly dose of the laughing gas.
Why is high school for older kids?
Because elementary school is also for younger kids
Why do I hate old CRT monitors now?
Because CRT monitors hate you :P
Where are you?
I unexpectedly got some more time due to my sister, so I stayed at the High School for the varsity tennis match against Dewitt
Why do I wish I had texting capabilities on my phone?
So I can chat with you virtually any time of day :P
Why has it been cloudy here pretty much all week?
Because you love cloudy daze and just won't admit it :P
Why does the average person get irritated 30 times a day?
Because you told me that.
Why does Renzi's Cigars always begin their ads with "BREAKING NEWS"?
Why is type in all caps annoying?
What the pfargtl?
Whatever the pfargtl is :P
Is it 12:55 PM EDT right now?
No, it's 2:45
Did I just get home from school?
Nope, you came over to Haslett to watch tennis practice with me :P
Am I still 2 hours from getting home?
Idk, are you?
Why is my TWC feed frozen right now?
Because it wants to inconvenience you in whatever way possible :P
Why do 22840 and 22842 act-up together?
Because they know each other
Do 21872 and 21884 have unique forecast titles?
No, their forecast titles are just as generic as every STAR I have seen in the past year :P
Why do I think all LF's should be 2 minutes long?
Because they aren't 2 minutes long :P
Was I under a tornado watch earlier?
Nope, a tornado watch was under you :P
Is it Partly Cloudy outside rite now?
No, it's raining
Did Rhapsody in White play at 12:58?
Nope, Heat Index did :P
Am I going now? Will I be back before 5 PM EDT if not checking in before while still at Haslett High?
No, you won't be back.
Will I be here when you come back?
Well, you weren't :P
Am I back in Lansing now?
Idk, am you?
Am I going to Bensalem later this evening?
Idk, am you? :P
Is your feed having issues?
No. I'm not getting the feed.
If I get a job at the Hardee's by my school, could I start paying my own cable bill?
Just as long as it isn't Comcast
Am I online?
Nope, you're off.
How happy am I to be in an area Comcast doesn't serve? :happy:
Just as long as it isn't Comcast
Just so you know, Comcast took over Adelphia in Hillsborough County and that's the one I told you about and asked if it could possibly have an XL.
So happy I'm jealous
Why is Comcast the only cable provider here?
Because Bright House hates the Northeast. :lol:
Why is FiOS coming to my area sometime in 2010? :thrilled:
Your cable company doesn't like you.
Why is Comcast showing paid programming on GSN today?
Ask them.
Am I back?
You haven't left.
Why does soda taste horrible when it loses its carbonation?
Because the carbonation makes it taste good :P
Why did I plan to wake up at 5AM this morning but didn't until two hours later?
Because I hacked your alarm clock. :ninja: :fear:
Why did I pass out last night? :yawn:
Ray Stagich was not on at Sunrise Weather.
Should I wake up with Al?
No, you should wake up with Cameron Diaz.
What is 2+2?
What's so special about December 25th?
It's my birthday!
Why do leaves change colors?
People get bored seeing green leaves all the time.
Is it fall yet?
Depends, did I break my bones? :unsure:
Do you get presents on Christmas?
Idk, do I?
What happened to Intellistar 21872?
It needed a vacation from you. It's in Petoskey, and it told me it is having an enjoyable time there. :rofl2: :rofl2: :bleh: :bleh:
Why have I always hated the configuration of 22840 and 22842 ever since the advent of HiRAD?
It needed a vacation from you. It's in Petoskey, and it told me it is having an enjoyable time there. :rofl2: :rofl2: :bleh: :bleh:
Why have I always hated the configuration of 22840 and 22842 ever since the advent of HiRAD?
Good one! :lol:
Because the configuration of 22840 and 22842 has hated you :P (j/k)
Is this my 8800th post?
No, it's your 8801st post :P
Why didn't you ask a question? :P
The same reason you didn't reply to his. :bleh:
Why is it raining at my house everyday?
Why didn't you ask a question? :P
Oops, forgot to. Knew I would at some point :doh:
Do I seem to have a fair amount of internet time during the school day?
No, not at all
Do I wake up with Al?
No, but Al wakes up with you :bleh:
Did Taylor Swift play this morning on the LF this morning?
Idk, did it?
Why do I manage to find online time at school?
The same reasons I do :P
Is Home Improvement still on TBS at noon on weekdays?
Check the TV guide
Why did my TV guide say Home Improvement was on Nick at 6AM this morning when it was actually Family Matters that was airing?
Because everyone (even the TV guide programmers) want you to think you are i your own little world :bleh:
Why is 22840 so problematic?
Because it's on drugs :P
Will 21872 ever come back?
It will once you move outside of its viewing area for good :rofl2: :bleh:
Have I recorded any STARs in any time zones other than ET?
Yes, in EST and EDT :P
Did you grow up with the snow icon?
Nope, I didn't :P
Do you live in 2 states?
Do you?
Yep, MI and MI :bleh:
Is your name Mike?
Yes, but according to you I have tons of other names too :P
Could Heat Index play again today at 12:58?
If the MR cooperates, which it most likely won't :P
Does the station ID of the swamp always show at 11:57 AM EDT?
No, it shows when it feels like showing
When I leave at 12:05 should I be back online at home within three hours?
No, you'll take 3 seconds :P
Is it now the PM?
Check the time on your task bar
Do I have algebra after this?
No, I do :P
Do I have lots of files to go through this weekend?
Perhaps :P
Am I about to leave in a minute or so here?
No, you're going to leave in a second :bleh:
Did you forget to ask a question?
I always do lol
Do I always forget to ask a question? :P
Nah. You always ask them. :bleh:
Am I jealous of not getting 24629? :P
Nope :P
Am I not chomping at the bit to go scope out more legacy STARs in northern Michigan?
Do I always forget to answer?
Does the IntelliStar rely on HiRAD and Falsepoint?
No, it relies on legitament reports from airports and AFBs like it should (I wish lol)
Am I online right now?
You appear to be
Why doesn't DirecTV use STARs?
Because DirecTV is not so Direct, hence why they Only have "direc" and not "direct" in the name :bleh:
Why do I hate satellite TV?
Because DirecTV is not so Direct, hence why they Only have "direc" and not "direct" in the name :bleh:
The same reason I do
Does Nick @ Nite air in the evening/overnite?
Idk, does it?
Do you seem to love my last quote?
Yes, I seem to :P
Did you grow up with the snow icon?
Yeah, it just stands out to me; I seem to have the fondest memories of that icon
Are you in a non-native location rite now?
Idk, am I?
Is Aaron in Lansing?
Yes, yes he is
Is it possible that I could have my first freeze, just one day ahead of the average?
Who knows
Is WMT playing on the LF right now?
No, but it has played multiple times this morning :P
Did I post a clip of my High School's TV channel on my youtube account last nite?
You appear you did
Am I about to watch it?
No, you're not :P
Am I once again watching my clip of WC from Thursday nite?
Idk, are you?
Do Ionia?
lol, no, but I Livonia :bleh:
Do I post from multiple different IP addresses each week?
No :P
Am I typing this on my laptop?
No, you're typing on your desktop as is the case with me (I really am on my desktop though :P )
Was the possibility of a freeze this week added back in again?
I see there is :)
Did Heat Index just play on the last LF?
Perhaps it did, perhaps it didn't :P
Am I beginning to learn how to type without looking at the keys?
Idk, are you?
Have I known how to type without looking at the keys for a while?
Idk, have you?
Am I watching Spongebob rite now?
Check your TV
Is it chilly where I'm at right now?
No, it's unusually warm for this time of year there :P
Is Firecracker playing on this LF?
I heard it, so it must have :P
Do I see the sidebar on TWC right now?
No, I do, especially since I am once again watching Spongebob
Am I watching Spongebob?
Again, check the TV :P
Will Jacob ever stop rating your videos a one star?
I guess not
Do I need your help in rating them a 5 again?
Do you?
Which videos were rated a 1/5?
Hmm, way too many to list
Just start at ( and work your way up, you'll see them :hmm:
Do you live in the Philadelphia area?
I think so
Do you live in MI?
No, but I wish I did :P
Do you live in a historic area?
Is my laptop battery at less than 10%?
No, it's fully charged like mine is :P
Does the Krusty Krab serves all kinds? :P
Only those who live underwater :P
Do I like to stump you in the which do you prefer thread?
Looks like it, but what do you think? :P
I think so :P
Do I need to head off in a minute here? :/
Idk, do you?
Can you send me a PM before you leave?
Will I now?
I doubt it
Is the foliage supposed to be good up there?
It looks good
Am I back?
Nope :P
Do I have a Wind Advisory?
You told me you were
Are you going to upload the 9:59 LF? :P
Nope, I uploaded the 9:59 LF along with the 10:59 LF :P
Are you asleep right now? :P
I was :P
Are you at school right now?
No, I am not :P
Are you online?
Idk, am I?
When will Lansing ever get another record low?
Not in my lifetime, ugh
Did KLAN even dip into the 20's this morning?
Does 21865 serve my area well?
It sure does
Do I go to Haslett for High School?
No, you go to my school :P
Is Nick in Bensalem the same channel # as TWC here in Marlton?
No, Nick is on Channel 46 there like it is on the E.L. headend :P
Am I watching TWC rite now?
Idk, you tell me :P
Am I supposed to be on here?
Idk, you tell me :P
Has the new playlist started yet?
I wish
Am I one of the oldest members here (by join date)?
No, I am way older than you in that regard :P
Have you cycled through multiple usernames like me?
Do you like traffic products?
I sure do, maybe not as much though :P
Am I in Michigan at the moment?
No, you're right next to me here in Marlton
Did I just sent you a PM?
No :P
Do I need to head out rite now to get food?
Well, you did :P
What's the weather outside?
Whatever it's not here :P
Do you live in 2 different zip codes?
Do you?
48912 and 48840. Hmm, is that two? Yes, I see 2 :P
Do you live in two different states?
Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Well, I count 2
Is there an accident involving a motorcycle displaying on my traffic crawl?
No, it's showing on 22842 :rofl2: :bleh:
Did I record today's Vision announcements?
You said you did :P
Does Meredith Vieira wake up with Al?
No, but Jimmy Fallon goes to bed with him :P
Are there a lot of people that quote on quote "Wake Up With Al"?
Too many
Does TWC overpromote WUWA?
Of course they don't :P
Do I completely miss those old LF intros where the person would walk through 2 different weather conditions on the same screen?
Not at all
Is The Weather Channel brought to you by your cable or satellite provider?
Not anymore!
Does anyone care about the music?
Is 21872 finally back?
Why do many people here in Laredo speak Spanish (AKA Dead Langauge)? :no: <_< :wacko: :thumbdown: :club:
Can you see this?
No. :bleh:
Is tomorrow Veteran's Day?
No, it's Memorial Day.
How come I want to become a cartoonist?
This is a good beat.
Why aren't you dancing?
TOTPD! :dance:
because it's not active enough for you
What is New Moon?
A show on TWC. :bleh:
What is the name of today's holiday?
My birthday
Is ICHT on now?
I don't know
DId the November playlist start?
No, the Xmas playlist is starting today.
Is the local news on here right now? :dunno:
Did my clip of this month's David Foster song get muted?
Yes, because you saw my comment
Does the Intellistar suck?
No, it blows. :P
Why is the sky fuchsia?
I painted it fushsia
How do you become a "fn" of weather and traffic (referring to Aaron's username)?
You don't. He is the only "fn" of weather & traffic. :P
Is the American Flag American?
No it's Portuguese
Did Zach IM me at all today?
no :P
Do I ever IM Krishnan these days?
No, I do
Am I looking across Lake Huron at Sarnia as I type this?
No, you are looking across the street at my house :P
Do I like where I live?
Yep, NJ is the best place ever to live in..
Do I prefer NY over NJ?
No, you prefer Ontario over Quebec :P
Is the regional map used on the Port Huron STAR actually centered anywhere near Port Huron?
What Is The Intellistar?
A star that's intelligent
Did I start titling my you tube clips "Local on the 8s" instead of "IntelliStar"?
No, I did.
Do I use Windows 98?
Nope, you're using Windows NT :P
Did Trevor answer my question?
He did. :yes:
Does Aaron always get more YT views than me? :angry:
Why do the same two songs always keep playing in the morning list? (TSOP and Please don't forget)
Because the music randomizer knows us, and already hates us :P
Has the weather this November been quite boring and unchanged here?
I like sporks.
If I see a man waving, does this mean that I'm not alone?
No, but he isn't
Is this a random post?
Did I just lose The Game (
What game?
Does Vince Offer advertise the "ShamWow!"?
Stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life.
Hey Reggie, is that rhinoceros around?
Am I gonna love your nuts?
Do I still hate HiRAD even though I know TWC is not smart enough to decommission it?
Did you forget to answer my question above?
Idk, did I? :P
Will I be posting a clip of my first snow guess for the season this evening?
You tell me
Are we in for snow tomorrow?
No, we're in for a heatwave.
Would you learn functions and equations in Math?
No, you learn how to do squat thrusts in it :P
Did I stupidly leave 5 strands of christmas lites in piles on my deck all year since June, so only one works?
I can check on that for you
Are you the only active TWC fan in Michigan?
Indeed I am, although I'm hoping Curt can post videos of 22842 soon since he apparently got a new laptop
Have I posted clips from now 15 locations?
No, but the 15 locations have posted clips of you :P
Am I gonna upload LOT8s and Weatherscan clips of our first snow yesterday?
No, youtube has blocked you from uploading videos :P
Am I getting worried about Wednesday's forecast?
Not at all
Did you copy my idea of the Best TWC Songs of 2009 without my permission?
Am I about to do a Best of 2009 Music list? :P
Idk, are you?
Was my concept a good idea?
No, it's a terrible idea. If not the worst you have came up with yet.
Do you like every song I hate?
No, but I hate every song you like :P
Is SunLife sponsoring the :28 LFs today?
No, I am
Did Carl Parker just drop his clicker?
No, he hasn't done that for the millionth time.
Do you put a Christmas tree on Christmas?
No, you put it up for the 4th of July
Am I cooking while using my laptop?
Nope, you're doing the dishes while you are using your laptop, like I always do :P
Am I still obsessed with Terminal Frost, even almost 4 months since it last aired on TWC?
Nope, you're doing the dishes while you are using your laptop, like I always do :P
The dishes are my dad's job :P
No, but TF is obsessed with you :P
Why are you depressed?
Because this winter storm is coming right at me, and this low does not appear to be taking the same track that the low during December 2006 did (which was also an El Nino Winter)
Am I watching my favorite episode of Spongebob?
Would that episode happen to be Snowball Effect?
Whoa, how did you know? :blink:
(answer and question combined there :P )
I watched it with you once, remember? (again combining answer and question) :P
I watched so much with you that I can't remember any one instance :P
But I do remember your memory is almost as good as mine :bleh: (Seriously though, I do have a great memory, but only to what I apply it to)
Did a street cleaner finally come down my street and clean the leaves out of the drain by my driveway and along the curb so I don't have to keep taking care of the leaves through the winter?
Yes, and I did that :P
Is my subdivision well-maintained?
No, you live in it, so clearly it isn't (j/k :rofl2: ) :bleh:
Could that have sounded like a real nasty insult?
I do what I'm told...
Can you stay up for the weekend and blame God for looking too old?
Responding to that is not my specialty
Am I in shutdown mode? :P
Should you be online while in school?
Can you find all that you stand for has been replaced with mountains of gold?
Am I in the process of cutting back computer time significantly to spend more time with real-life things?
Am I in panic mode rite now?
You didn't answer my question...
You didn't answer my question...
Fail. :P
You didn't answer my question...
You didn't answer mine...
Is my birthday coming up soon?
Nope :P
Am I 16 1/2 today?
No, you're 4.
Is Chicago a city in the USA?
No, it's a city in Illihnoyse :P
Did I get a Blizzard Warning this week, which I have been wanting to see for years?
No but I should have gotten one
Is Geico so easy a caveman can do it?
No, it's so hard a lawyer could not figure it out :P
Did I get a Winter Weather Advisory, both here in Marquette and down in Lansing?
No, I did. :fear:
Am I watching Fox 13 news now after Waking Up with Al? :P
I don't wake up with Al.
Why does time fly?
Because time flies, how else? :P
Do I talk on Skype a lot?
You never do
Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
No, it's beginning to look like Easter.
Ho ho ho?
Happy New Year!
My local on the 8s are next? :huh:
No, your local on the 9's are next (come on, cue on the 8's for once :P )
Are the local on the 8s really the local on the 8s anymore?
When they want to be.
When will the construction on Route 1 in Bucks ever end?
It ended yesterday. :P
Is my IntelliSTAR a local IS?
Yes, as local as it can get.
Is your lawn looking oogley? Messy, a bit of a disgrace?
No, it's [once again] looking snowy, not oogley :bleh:
How badly do I want to see a Blizzard Warning and an Ice Storm Warning?
As much as I want to see a blizzard warning (already caught an ice storm warning :D)
Is this the Krusty Krab?
No, this is Squidward :P
Did you remove your clips of that Ice Storm Warning?
Why do the January playlists always starts a few days after the month begins? :thumbdown:
Mike, did you remove those clips of the Ice Storm Warning you had from '07?
I just sent you it via YT
Does America really run on Dunkin'?
Yeah, and it's an renewable resource
Is there a Winter Weather Advisory from my area clear down to the ATL?
I don't know.
Why don't you play The Game?
I thought I was...
Am I obsessed with Law & Order and SVU? :P
Yes, I am
Am I bringing this topic up from the dead by answering my own question?
No, I asked that question with your account.
Is becoming a Youtube partner easy?
It sure is
Am I expecting my first record high in over a year on Thursday?
Am I stressed?
No, but I'm not either
Do I hope for some good songs (finally) on WUWA on Thursday?
Did I just make my 2500th post?
Idk, you tell me
Am I in the Eastern Time Zone?
Ehh, probably...
Will this question be in the FAQ?
is Kansas City in Kansas?
Why did I not accept your gamemaster2003 invite on my gaming account yet?
(not part of game): because its not my account, its my brother's and the age on it is wrong (/not part of game) :yes:
Is the HD STAR really HD?
No, it's CD (crappy definiton).
Am I typing this question right now?
No, you were typing it.
Am I the only person here who likes NASCAR?
You know, I'm not sure.
Which has a more beautiful skyline... Philly or DC?
Why did I pick Tampa and not the above choices?
Because Tampa is really Philly backwards, if you think about it :P
Is Florida overhyped by those of us close to the 45th parallel?
No, it is underhyped by those of us close to the 41st paralell.
If it is 4:23 on a Tuesday and I am having a soda at work, why did my dog eat the tree I just planted?
Because it was in a tree-killing mood.
What is a stupid question?
Anything a stupid person asks
Do I hate haze now?
i dont know :bleh:
Does your intelliSTAR talk to you :lol:
Yes, he keeps telling me to burn my house down... :fear:
Are thunderstorms called thunderstorms? :dunno:
Thunderstorms can't take calls :P
Is a thunderstorm really a storm of thunder?
no :bleh:
Is Tucumcari's WeatherSTAR4000 the most degraded star ever to exist and still be running
Yes if your sentence ever made sense. :wacko:
Do you always like to post in the Game Room?
he never does...
Do I have a Jr?
A junior what?
What kind of stuff would you find at a Dairy Queen?
A throne and possibly some decorations for her majesty :P
Do I live in the Central Time Zone?
No, you live in Thonotosassa :P
Does my IntelliSTAR really show an IntelliSTAR? :P
I'm... not sure
Does it look really tacky to capitalize the STAR part of Intellistar?
Why do ppl overuse :P these days like it's funny when it isn't. :rolleyes: (no offense)
Exactly the reason why people say lol when they aren't even laughing. :P
Should Darby go to Mars?
Never. He rocks! :biggrin:
Is TWC in Storm Alert now?
No, they are in Non-Weather OMFG BREAKING NEWS Alert.
Is my IntelliStar the best one alive?
No, but my WeatherSTAR I is. :P
Am I lying my butt off when I say I saw a 4000? :thrilled:
Yes, because you only saw the output of the 4000, not the actual 4000 unit, as you imply.
Is it yesterday yet?
Is it possible to post a stupid question?
Every question but the one not asked is a stupid question
Do I live in New Joysee? (1930's way to pronounce Jersey)
Last time I checked you lived on Pluto. :fear:
Does Geoffrey Darby allow Al Roker to insult other OCMS? :whistling: (refer to the video below)
TWC First Outlook - Good Old Al Roker (
You know, I'm not sure :P
Do I watch much TWC outside of the Local Forecast?
You should, that's what cool people do :P
Does Al Roker scare me sometimes?
Hmm, I don't see why not
Is there a Burlington VT, Burlington NJ, Burlington County NJ, and a Burlington Coat Factory? :P
Can we post in this forum?
I have no idea.
Will my plants live if I feed them Dr Pepper?
Who knows? I heard plants like Dr. Pepper.
Am I alive?
Not sure, but I am.
Should I feed my cat some dog food?
Not sure, but I am.
Should I feed my cat some dog food?
Sure! Your cat will love it! In fact, I think I should feed my dog cat food!
Have I just posted here? Should I drop my laptop?
No, you posted here 2000 years ago, and you should drop your laptop, it knocks your ram back into their slots if they are falling out.
Am I here?
No, you posted here 2000 years ago, and you should drop your laptop, it knocks your ram back into their slots if they are falling out.
Am I here?
How am I supposed to know?
Is Steve Jobs the CEO of Apple?
Am I right?
Am I right?
No clue.
Is my username TWC and Apple 4eva?
And, what is all of this "IntelliSTAR" stuff you guys have been discussing? I don't even know what that is! Should I leave this forum? I mean, I don't know what you guys are even talking about!
If you leave the forum, whos gonna rake it? ;) :P
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
No, it adds 15% to your insurance.
Is Nationwide on my side?
No, it's on MY side
Do smart kids go to Harvard?
Yes they go to Oxford
Why would i want to go to an Ox's Ford?
Should i go outside in this wonderful sunny day today?
Should i go outside in this wonderful sunny day today?
No, you could get hurt!
Does TWC stand for (
Last time i checked it stands for Time Warner Cable
Do i get local on the 8s? (serious question but stupid if you know me)
No, you get local on the 7's.
Am I on AIM right now?
Your being attacked? :P
Since when did a storm alert me of its attack?
No, you get local on the 7's.
Am I on AIM right now?
How in the world would I know?
Is this the TWC Today/TWC Classics Forums?
It is if buffalo fly.
Do buffalo really have wings?
It is if buffalo fly.
Do buffalo really have wings?
I've never seen a buffalo so I can't tell you.
Am I on the Internet?
No your on the intranet
Is my name Earl?
No your on the intranet
Is my name Earl?
No, your name is Gaston.
Am I using a computer to post this?
No, you are using your iphone.
If buffalo don't have wings, what does Buffalo Wild Wings really serve?
No, you are using your iphone.
If buffalo don't have wings, what does Buffalo Wild Wings really serve?
I don't really know.
Is my avatar a sun?
No, you are using your iphone.
If buffalo don't have wings, what does Buffalo Wild Wings really serve?
I don't really know.
Is my avatar a sun?
Do I have a YouTube Account?
I wouldnt know
Am i TWCZach on youtube?
I wouldnt know
Am i TWCZach on youtube?
No your TWCFanChris.
Do I have a computer?
No, you have a DSi
Do i have my own webspace?
Nope :no:
Was the answer above wrong? :poke:
was the answer below correct?
Please hang up and try again.
If the moon is made of cheese, what
does it taste like?
bananas :thumbsup:
Does the sun shine when people forget?
Forget what?
Do I own a Nevada license plate?
Yes because how else could you think of that. :P
Is there a weatherstar xl 3 counties west of me?
Yes because how else could you think of that. :P
Is there a weatherstar xl 3 counties west of me?
No, but there's a WeatherStar III. :bleh:
Hi. Thank you for calling USA Prime Credit. My name is ? . How may I help you?
What is my name?
Rovert :yes:
Does Charlie daniels play a mean fiddle?
I say so.
Thank you for calling The Weather Channel. Do you know your party's four-digit extension?
Yes, it's abcd.
Why is it a bad idea to have all the digits of pi as your password?
I don't know, it seems like a good idea to me.
Does eating lightbulbs make you Ill?
No, it can give you a lot of ideas! ( (
Who do I call in the event of an emergency?
Chuck Norris.
If I have a Porsche Cayenne, what does my dad have?
Chuck Norris.
If I have a Porsche Cayenne, what does my dad have?
A Rolls Royce.
Is the WeatherStar I still being used?
Is the WeatherStar I still being used?
I hope not! Actually, the WeatherStar I caused so much RF interference that it was quickly changed to the WeatherStar II, which itself didn't last long before the more advanced WeatherStar III was developed. Since the WeatherStar III was given the kibosh by the FCC for not being able to sound a warning tone at the beginning of every repeat of a weather warning, I think it's extraordinarily unlikely that there's a functioning WeatherStar I anywhere. In fact, I doubt there was a functioning WeatherStar I in use anywhere by the time the 1980s ended, if even that late.
Apple 4eva, if you're going to use my statement in your signature, does that mean I get paid royalties? :)
(Seriously, though, I don't mind at all.)
Apple 4eva, if you're going to use my statement in your signature, does that mean I get paid royalties? :)
(Seriously, though, I don't mind at all.)
Maybe. You could get a cookie.
How much does that cost?
a leg and an arm!
Can i purchase a STAR commercially?
Of course you can! There are STARs you can purchase off the shelves. :yes:
Do I run Windows 7?
No, you run Anderson windows.
Do I get a free scoop?
No, you run Anderson windows.
Do I get a free scoop?
Once you pay $7,000. :lol:
Would you like a drink with that? :)
No drink for him!
Am i the drink nazi? :wacko: :P
Am i the drink nazi? :wacko: :P
Heil, spritzer!
Is there such a thing as too partly sunny?
Yes, too partly sunny can become too partly cloudy. :P
Can lightning strike exactly 2 miles, 3 feet, and 4 inches from where lightning struck just 15 seconds before?
Yes, too partly sunny can become too partly cloudy. :P
Can lightning strike exactly 2 miles, 3 feet, and 4 inches from where lightning struck just 15 seconds before?
I don't know, but it can strike you because you're the tallest person here. :P Get inside!
What what? :P
You win on a lottery ticket and you go in and cash it, but you find it's a fake. What do you do?
A hangover!
When is Halloween?
94th of Jantember.
What will happen on 11/11/11?
The date will be all 1's.
Are you WeatherProof?
All fingers point to no.
Did you join Jim for Cantore Stories?
No, I joined me for Cantore Stories :P
What airs from 6-11am eastern?
I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here!
If my dog which doesn't exist walk in to my room at 14:33 on the 31st August 1923, where is my dog which doesn't exist?
Nowhere. It doesn't exist. :bleh:
Wonder what it would feel like to wake up dead?
Why is it so warm in Tampa right now? :blink:
Because i turned up our heater :P
Why do the streets of Tampa stop and go all over the place? :wacko:
Just because. :dunno:
Do I own a 3DO? If so, which one?
The best one, maybe?
Why is the sky blue? :P
Because it is.
Why can you be 'under the weather' but not over it?
Going over the weather is what makes people feel sad and depressed, so stay under it!
Do i need any physical therapy? :P
No, but Totodile does.
Why haven't I gotten a job yet?
Because I didn't.
Is The Weather Channel brought to you by your cable or satellite provider?
Neither, I live in England. :bleh:
"Look ma, I'm roadkill"
Did I just type "Look ma, I'm roadkill"?
No, you typed a post.
Do woodchucks chuck wood?
Are the April 06, Nov 06, Feb 07 and April 07 lists posted on
No, theyre posted on Taiganet
Is the new emulator version out of beta yet?
Yeah, it has been for 2 years.
Does it snow in Miami?
It's snowing there now.
When will summer come?
Why do Football players need to tackle each other?
Because they need anger management.
Why don't pigs fly?
Because pigs dont fly
Which way leads towards the road to venlo so i can go south of the market?
The Deux Cafe.
Can I Google your Yahoo?
Try binging it instead
Is the south really a haven?
Nowhere in MI is a haven...
Is New Jersey really new?
Seems as old as can be to me :dunno:
Is my house bright?
No, it's a dim house.
Is my link sudden?
No, but your sudden is link
can my LAN sing?
No, only WEPs can.
Do modems have a mode?
No, they have a route
How much land do i own? (:P)
I see what you did there.
Am I allowed?
Are you a droid app?
do you tap into the app?
No, I click into the app.
Did I die in 1996?
Do hamburgers have ham?
No, they have cows
Is Tampa the city by the bay?
You live there, you should you know. :P
Do you need us, The Weather Channel, for everything you do?
Not anymore.
How much longer is TWC going to call "new," and does it really make my life a breeze?
Until the "breeze" dies down.
Why can't there be sleet in summer and hail in winter?
It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter.
Why can't I realise I'm fighting for my life?
Because you can't realize.
Does make your life a breeze?
There's been no breeze here in over a month.
Why does it seem that everyone I know is clueless?
Because you're looking in the ballroom instead of the kitchen.
Why can't there be real canals on Mars?
Have the humans settled yet? :whistling:
Is nintendo like tae kwon do for gamers?
No it's deja vu
Should I Wait a Minute before I head to Blue Avenue West?
Yes. Don't forget to pick up some Texas Toast on the way there. You'll also be Climbing Green Hills and Taking Flight.
Ooh, can I have some?
No, and quit drooling at it. :P
Where's the snow?
In your imagination.
Where can I buy a WeatherStar?
I have several, so you can buy them from me.
Is TWC "Primed for Excitement"?
No, they're primed for porn ;)
Does Comcast suck?
Why wouldnt they?
Am i at school? :P
No, there's 7" of fresh snow in Tampa!
Why is ice slippery?
Cause snow is fluffy
Should I thank heaven for 7-Eleven or run on Dunkin?
Run on Dunkin
Is Flick and a Forecast still on?
No, I flicked it away with my fingers this morning
Have we had the lowest season to date snowfall of any season in my lifetime?
No, we haven't.
Am I still at school?
your sitting by me :P
Why was i up early today?
Because why waste your birthday on sleep when you can use that extra time to party!
Why does the ß symbol show up when ever I type alt-s on the Vision's Macs?
Because you're smart! (ß...see, now i'm smart, too!)
Why do I only have 2" of snow?
Because I only have 3 or 4, and Mother Nature has apparently decided that this winter is not supposed to make sense.
Have I most likely had TWC HD for almost two years now but didn't know it for half that time?
No, Comcast waited for you to upgrade.
What is the fastest way to clear out the clutters?
Just slide the clutters under the rug. :P
Will there be weather?
There always is weather.
Does a crazy diamond shine?
Only when it hears Pink Floyd music.
Why is water wet?
Because no water can run dry :whistling:
Is this a rhetorical question?
How do I patch KDE 2 under FreeBSD?
I have no idea.
What's a sky? :P
Is it like a ski?
Why don't you want a snowstorm?
Because I have a phobia of marshmallows.
Who invented spoons?
Issac Spoonison in ancient Egypt.
How can I hack bubblegum to turn into a candy of my choice whenever I ask it to?
Just add water. :P
A sentence fragment?
Nah, just a fragmented sentence.
If a 70-story skyscraper has no roof access, then how did Bill get on the roof?
He has magical powers.
Why is chocolate milk brown?
Because it is mixed in with mud
Can you drive from Tokyo to New York?
No, because there is no road from Tokyo to New York.
When does the March playlist start?
Whenever david arkenstone plays
is the carribean breeze a blowin'?
no, the carribean breeze is carribean
Does iTunes play tunes?
No. They play mp4s.
Did Sesame Street sweep the Oscars?
No. Reading Rainbow did. :bleh:
Can you cook snow?
No, but you can freeze fire!
How far is the sun?
From the sun
If I add H2 to Mars alongside its oxygen, will it be Water from Mars instead of oxygen from mars?
No. It would be hydrogen peroxide from Mars. (H2O2)
If its 0000 Zulu, and a weather watch expires at 10:30 PM EST, then what area does the watch cover?
The North Pole
Is a STAR with only a LOT8s bug and station ID the most boring star on the planet?
How could it be on earth? :dunno:
Are you an intelligent guy on Youtube?
No, I'm a bot on YouTube. :ninja:
Does the Tampa Bay really have an elevator?
Yep, but at the moment, it's stuck just below the surface.
What's so new about New Jersey?
I founded NJ yesterday :)
Does timothy live on drury lane ?
No, he lives on Night Drive. :P
Do dogs moo?
No, they meow.
Where is Blue Avenue West?
Perpendicular to Red Boulevard East.
Does Santa live in the North Pole, or Santa Fe?
He lives halfway in between. :P
Does the Easter Bunny live at the South Pole? :P
No, but he knows where bin Laden is :fear:
What is π x π in full context?
:wow: ...I don't know. I just failed math.
Complete the sentence: rain in April, sun in May, and _______ in June and July.
Jule lied to you? :blink: :P
Can you tell funny puns if your in a punny fun mood?
Of course you can.
Excuse me?
Uh, you're excused. :unsure:
Has winter began?
In Australia
Is Peter Lik from the edge?
How should I know?
Can you help me in English?
How should I know?
Can you help me in English?
No my grammer too bad for English to help you. :P
No can form question with grammar either.
Have you seen anyone eat a subway sub in a subway car?
Nope, but I've seen someone eat a subway car while in a sub. :P
Is TWC brought to you by your cable or satellite provider?
Csaabellelite (say-bell-ite), a mix between cable and satellite.
What exact MM/DD/YYYY, hh:mm:ss did TWC air?
How am I supposed to know?
How do I post here?
You post.
Is it easy as pie?
No, not pie, cake! :P
Are weathermen and meteorologists the same?
I guess?
What type of engagement ring was Kim Perez given when her now-husband proposed to her?
A 200 carat ring.
What is gravity?
It is the resultant force on Earth's surface.
Who ate all the pies?
TOTPD! :dance:
Pie-lover to the rescue.
Why is TWC shoving long-form up our throats?
Because they having nothing left to shove up your....nevermind. :rofl2: :bleh:
Why is Manhattan so manly?
Because there's no such thing as Ladyhatten.
Will TWC air rated-R movies that are irrelevant to weather in 2011?
If they're gonna air a late night porn show, then sure, y not?! Why did the chicken cross the road?
To avoid the local KFC restaurant. Do seasons change?
Only if I change the seasons.
Why did the guinea pig cross the road?
He's in love with the chicken.
How come :stupid:
Because you decided to be.
Is Peter Lik an actor?
How am I supposed to know?
How do you spell a?
Is that Alexandra? look at how beautiful she is! :P
I dunno. Are big macs gd for u?
No. Mega Macs are.
If god gives you lemons, what kind of drink can you make?
No. Mega Macs are.
If god gives you lemons, what kind of drink can you make?
Well a Chocolate Milkshake usually, but today I'm thinking Apple Cider.
Why did the deer climb a tree?
Because god called in sick today, so He needed the deer up above. Can humans fly?
Yes, I flew to Japan for Orange Chicken this morning.
When will the big black jet stream on twc's maps finally fall out of the sky?
When there's another big graphic updates. Probably like, tomorrow.
Is Dr. Greg Forbes Storm Master G?
No, Dr. Greg Forbes is Storm Master Which Rules The Universe And Decides What Town Gets Destroyed By The Next Tornado.
Is it fun to fly in an airplane with a giant hole in it? (
Well, only if it has a hole in the engine, of course. :P
Are you a hero if you're a hero member?
only if you make me superman
Do tsunamis hit Kansas City?
Only when the children are bad.
When will it rain indoors?
When it's raining really hard outdoors.
How many snowstorms have you ever saw in July?
I've seen a ton in Siberia.
What is the Canadian catchphrase?
I lift things up and put them down.
Are you asking for a challenge?
Yep! You up for a challenge? :P
What happens when El Nino and La Nina meet?
The world will come to an end.
Did Bob Go to the Store?
I guess so.
Explain a quasi linear convective system.
Simple, it's a QLCS.
If it takes you 16 strokes to complete a par 4 hole, is that a good score?
Even better than Tiger Woods!
What color is the blue sky?
Have I just lost the Game?
No, you've just lost the game.
What color are all of the NBCU-owned channels' logos for Green is Universal this week?
Purple and pink. :P
What does this mean?
It means a lot!
Is the Easter Bunny related to Bugs Bunny?
No, but bugs are sure a pet peeve of mine
Is Tampa the city by the bay in Florida?
It's a Patrick yandall song, so it depends on what he thinks. Do April showers bring may flowers?
No, they bring December Snow
Did Eric Fisher go fishing?
No, they bring December Snow
Did Eric Fisher go fishing?
In 1999.
Why does TWC play The :censored:-sie Chicks?
They have always played i can clearly see why you asked that :noexpression:
Are ray and john lynch related?
They have always played i can clearly see why you asked that :noexpression:
Are ray and john lynch related?
Why does Jim Cantore exaggerate everything?
Because TWC <3 him
Why can't you divide by zero?
Because zero is not a number!
Is Charlie Sheen winning? :bleh:
I heard hes whining
Is Pitts Berg related to Adam?
Nope, but he's related to Jeff Morrow!
Have you heard about the bird?
Yeah, a little bird told me about it.
What does :) mean?
:) means :club:
Why didn't the chicken cross the road this time?
The tornado took it across.
If someone were to tell me "you have no life," would I automatically drop dead and lose my life?
The tornado took it across.
If someone were to tell me "you have no life," would I automatically drop dead and lose my life?
Is Jeff Morrow's birthday toM-O-R-R-O-W?
It would be safe b/c there are marshmallows at the bottom.
What will happen if I play in traffic at night?
You'll become a traffic light.
If Dr. Greg Forbes is Storm Master G, then is Jim Cantore Storm Master J?
No. He is Storm Dr. J. :P
What's up?
The deep blue sea
Does your username represent the city you live in?
I have no idea.
What's gravity? :unsure:
It's what's keeping us from falling. :P
Are you a rider of the ancient winds?
Yes, I rode them this morning.
If its lightning, is it bad to stand in a puddle with an umbrella? I'll go find out :rolleyes:
I'm 12 and what is this?
Should I be asleep now?
No, People run Marathons at this time of night.
Is it illegal to speak Whale?
Whale is not a language. :whistling2:
How is it Fun to Be Happy?
Buy a Love Tractor.
Are you experienced?
Yep. Have a PhD in Stupid.
Is YOUR washroom breeding Bolsheviks? (points to all who get this question)
I don't get it, but yes it is.
Oh no! COULD THIS BE THE END? :fire:
2012, here we come :)
Can I go to the Apple Store to fix my broken PC?
Nope, because yours is out of warranty. :bleh:
Where do I ride the Love Tractor?
To harvest your corn.
Does Kesha really want you to take it off?
Yeah, but not gonna do it for her.
Whose line is it anyway?
My line.
How can Ryan Farish Run to You?
By Chasing the Sun.
Isn't "Friday" by Rebecca Black the best song ever? :dance:
No, it makes my ears bleed
Is it a good idea to get zapped by lightning?
Yeah! I do every day after school!
Isn't it wonderful not having severe weather? (sarcasm of course)
Of course it is!
Do you believe?
trammell does
hows the weather in lincoln park today?
I'll decide when I start caring.
What's the weather in your neck of the woods?
The neck is red.
Why does Al Roker act like he is smart?
His face might explain. xD Can I call 911 if my dog ate my homework?
No, you need to call 311.
Can I ask for a burger, medium fries, and a Coke at a bookstore?
If there's a book with that title, sure!
Should I sell medication with biggg needle?
aye chi papas!
are solar flares a worry?
They Kill Kittens!
Where is the weather?
In your dreams! :P
Do you see what I did there?
Yus I do! Why is the sky blue?
I painted it blue during kindergarten and left it that way as it's my favorite color.
Is it a good idea to turn left when there's a one-way sign pointing towards the right?
Yes, just turn onto the shoulder
Does the iPhone suck?
iPhones arent vaacum cleaners :P
what is school?
I've never heard of school. :dunno:
Where's Waldo?
Was cola invented in Pensacola?
let me ask Stephen :whistling:
do i use proper grammar at random?
Is a heat advisory in effect?
Is a heat advisory in effect?
Not yet, surprised that there isn't.
Is Apple worthy to have a large fanbase?
Depends how many teachers are part of the fanbase. Does a car need gas?
Yeah, unless it doesn't run on gas.
What is the number to 9-1-1?
buttered toast!
Am i TWCZach on Youtube?
eleventy - one
Can I take notes in a notebook?
sure, just write them to your friends i guess :dunno:
did you and i post almost at the same time?
Two minds are better than one.
should a baby be wearing a diaper?
No, a baby should wear Pampers.
Am I posting this from the school's computer lab?
No. You're posting directly from your mind. :thrilled:
hugargggg ??
Is a carburator an emoticon by itself?
Truck drivers aren't supposed to cry?
They can, but they better know how to drive.
Why are there 1,000 stupid questions on this thread?
Because this is post is # -∞ :dunno:
ZOMG what?
zomfg hai
Say what?
Whatever. Why is las Vegas called sin city?
Because sin-sin-city (Cincinnati) was already taken.
Do you push to start?
No, you start to push!
Do you own an XL?
No, but my TV does.
Does Brian Hughes say Oh Yeah!?
Are you obsessed with Brian Hughes' music?
You as in me? No
Will Scott Williams destroy a barn?
yo! just cuz hes a met doesnt mean he cant be a bball player!
carburator !
scuzzball ??
aye chi papas!
free scoops ??
Yes, for everyone!
Do I get a scoop?
In your dreams. B)
Do I have to stop the car, or are you going to behave now?
Did you and i battle an hour ago? :P
We sure did! It was fun. :)
Why does the sky have acne at night?
The sky has gone through puberty!
Was my previous post deleted?
I didnt know you posted :blink:
Did i post?
(I did post, I guess it didn't go through b/c my internet is a tad slow)
and Zach, no I see no post :P
Am I goin to stop at Chincoteague, VA tomorrow?
Chink a whatchamacallit? :blink:
(and Vic, i was playing the game.. i knew you posted ;))
Or wait, did i know? :P
Well it didn't have to be removed because it was nothing more than a sarcastic remark :rolleyes: And Zach, I actually will be going to Chincoteague - will head to the Chesapeake Bay area tomorrow and will try to get some TWC clips at my motel. I hope they don't have satellite.
and yes, you did know.
Is Beyonce Crazy in Love?
I guess so, since she's married.
Can a wishbone give physical therapy?
lemme phone Terry, he has to know :D
Does kenny brooks live above the clouds?
nope, he went solar sailing in the universe
Is 90s Nickelodeon back?
Come back 12-21 years ago. :bleh:
Is Weather Center Live live?
Nah, its always recorded :dunno:
Is there emphasis on First is F1rst Outlook?
Because its the first show?
Why does my weather station say its raining while its sunny out?
Because it's raining in the weather station? :huh:
If I was gonna buy a hamburger, would you like one too?
Nah, buy a vowel instead
Do my cousins write music because their ages are 7 and 5?
Yes, they may as well write with Ryan farish!
Does Apple make apples?
Yes, Macintosh.
If I just ate a sandwich, where is it now?
The blood
If 2(x)2(=)6 and 2(+)2(=)4, what is 2(/)2?
22. :P
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Jim Cantore.
Will TWC ever show sports?
Yeah, those started tonight :dunno:
Do i create XL emulations too much?
Not enough, I'm gonna have to cut your pay. :P
What does rain taste like?
Like marshmallows.
Lorem ipsum?
Blargen-schnomivel nocliffe.
You just lost the game. Will TWC use Layla on the July playlist?
Yes, wouldn't have a doubt.
Did Eric Clapton break up with Layla?
Yeah, Layla left him for Derek and the Dominoes. :o
What is the square root of 0?
0 isn't shaped like a square. :unsure:
Can I get a perfect SAT score by doing the Alaska Dance? :rofl2:
Alaska, 48 ~ America's Got Talent 2011, Seattle Auditions (
Yes, just as horseradish is.
Flip, what the zip? (I dont watch that show btw.. though i know where it originates, i have friends who say it :P)
For hoops
Can you google up google?
Nah, bing!
Becauses its not google?
I guess? :cry3: I dun understand!!!
Party, Disco, Food?
I'll take that!
Is Eric Clapton a professional clapper?
Ya. Does Paul Tegel ask a lot of questions?
Yeah he likes to ask lots of questions overnight.
Is Kim Cunningham related to Kim Perez?
No, I have no idea who they are.
Can Paul Taylor say no more from his moment of truth?
Yeah, that appears to be on the horizon.
When Jesse cooks, do the pots rattle and burn?
Only when the love of his life, Layla, arrives. See what Im sayin??
Yep, with Perfect Clarity.
Is the earth flat?
No, it's square
Do I have DirecTV?
You have the power of 10. No dip, Trevor.
Do they call me Tater Salad???
You have the power of 10. No dip, Trevor.
Do they call me Tater Salad???
Of course! I mean, you are the one and only Ron White :D
Has my Facebook been hacked before?
What's a facebook?
Is trolling fun?
What's a facebook?
Is trolling fun?
Yes, it is! :yes:
What's a Twitter?
Your mind's ninth eye.
Do Scottish people talk funny???
Who the heck knows?!
Would you ever want to live in Weather Center Live City (that "city" in its graphics)?
Only if Tater Salad is there :D
Do they call me Mello Yello??
Is George Lopez's eyes going to pop out?
Is George Lopez's eyes going to pop out?
( Do I even have to answer it?
Did Bryan not answer the last post?
No, you did.
Is it my mai money, do I really need it NAO?
What you need is on the menu.
What was Willis talking about??
People always saying "What'chu talkin' about, Willis?"
Is this a random comment from Youtube?
"i like to sit in the corner of my room and pretend to be a carrot"
What you need is on the menu.
What was Willis talking about??
He was talking about why the sky is blue.
So why is it blue?
Because toast always land sunny side up. :biggrin:
Did Bono find what he was looking for??
Not that I've heard of.
Are you in The Situation Room?
Not that I've heard of.
Are you in The Situation Room?
No, I'm on the set of CNN's version of The Situation Room!
Why does it rain?
Because rain is inevitable, so are vending machines. Am I angry that I don't have teennick, therefore unable to see the 90s nickelodeon blocks?
80s is king.
Do I see dead people??
Yes you do :O
What is 2000+1500?
3100, of course.
Am I seeing a new baby in the horizon?
No, that's a Koala there.
Why did they put me on the short bus?
Because you're the smartest one in the world.
Why am I drinking Coke?
Because you want your kidneys to die.
Why shouldn't you set your hair on fire?
Because you lost your wits, yeah.
Why should the kids with the Pumped Up Kicks run?
Because the gun is coming?
How many hurricanes does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, but it would screw it up. :P
Who shot JR?
Why is everyone playing this game on a national holiday? :dunno:
The turkey is psychedelic, yo.
Root beer? What is it? The beer of the root? What root?
Its the root of the Beer Cactus from the deserts of Australia?
How many cacti does it take to get to the center of the earth?
If my definition of the world was correct, just half a Mojave.
If Bing is Google's brother, who is Google's sister?
Google Custom Search.
A chihuahua barks. What do you hear?
I know you are but what am I?
A fish stick!
Why did Lois say "Peter did you xerox your _______?"
Because she has serious issues.
Who now do you love?
Zune vs. iPod in a duel. Who wins? :biggrin:
Zune, because anything with a "z" in its name trumps all.
Why must I use Lemon Pledge?
Because Billy Mays prefers Orange Glo.
Do you need a cabinet full of cleaners?
If you're a mysophobe. :P
Should I jump out the window?
If you'd like to die, as to die is to gain.
Should I just stand in front of a diesel pipe and inhale deeply for a half minute?
No, for ten minutes, it will make your life successful. :thumbsup:
Should I attempt to be a squirrel and jump from tree to tree in the night?
I don't see why not.
Why is it that “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts”?
I don't see why not.
Why is it that “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts”?
Wow, no wonder stress in this country is at an all-time high. :o
Why couldn't the chick with cataracts go on a blind date?
It was too EYEronic.
How much wood couldn't a woodchuck not chuck since they already can't chuck wood?
An infinite amount of wood isn't chucked.
Why does it always get windy when you stand next to a fan that is turned on?
Because you control the fan of the Earth.
Why name an animal a whale shark?
Because its a shark that looks like a whale.
What's 2-1?
Whatever 2-1 is.. :dunno:
What is 2-1?
Chuck Norris.
What are books?
Book's are the items you wipe you bottom with.
What are puddin' pops?
I don't know, but they taste like burning.
Why did the chicken cross the road instead of taking the bus?
Because it wanted to become roadkill.
What are adult toys?
Adult Toys are the items you hide from your kids and have fun on while they're out.
Why are there nuts in my ice cream?
The ice cream factory hired chipmunks to make their products.
What are calculators used for?
What type of calculator do you speak of?
Was it my birthday a week ago?
It's possible. I only was told that you were going to be gone b/c of it. :P
Why does my Asian teacher think it's funny when she farts?
Think twice about eating sushi.
Did Oprah Winfrey visit the Taj Mahal 2 weeks ago?
No, she visited my house.
Does Dr. Phil think you're nuts?
No, he just likes them.
How many sneeze's does it take to get to the center of the nasal system?
If you're really good, not a single one.
If I say 200, what do you not say?
pie. :D. Am I posting this from my itouch?
Is it possible to microwave a WeatherStar Jr. unit?
Only if the Weatherstar Jr is a new flavor of Toaster Strudels
What happened in April?
I pooted.
How many plane rides does it take to get to the center of the earth? :rofl: (HINT: Go into the sky and fly downwards towards the earth... that'll take you far!)
Uhh...365? :unsure:
Is Atlanta located in South Africa?
Yes, since we did sign Georgia over to them, although Texas deserved it more.
Speaking of which, why don't you mess with Texas?
Because I haven't had a good enough BBQ to mess with that place yet :D
Can I speak americano?
T-bot does not compute...(
Why would I go out of my way to post a smiley that doesn't exist on this forum?
Because T-bot could compute that
When did you go to jail?
Wrong person, dude.
Why is everyone posting references to the judge judy soundboard in this thread?
I have no idea...
What is TWiT?
Is it always sunny in Philadelphia?
Only when God isn't using the restroom.
How do I get to Main Street?
By crossing the road.
Why is Greenland not green?
By crossing the road.
Why is Greenland not green?
Because it probably was green at one time before the ice came in and took over to destroy the "global warming" theory.
Why do I eat morons like you for breakfast, and what am I referring to?
pie. :D . Am I posting this from my itouch?
Off topic joke I heard - Apple had plans that were messed up when the FBI caught them making the new iPod Touch for kids, called "iTouch Kids."
By crossing the road.
Why is Greenland not green?
Because it probably was green at one time before the ice came in and took over to destroy the "global warming" theory.
Why do I eat morons like you for breakfast, and what am I referring to?
pie. :D . Am I posting this from my itouch?
Off topic joke I heard - Apple had plans that were messed up when the FBI caught them making the new iPod Touch for kids, called "iTouch Kids."
Because Miss Cleo loves her morons with extra salt. :D
and LOL Austin, I wouldnt be surprised in that case.
Did you just lose the game?
No, you did.
P^2 x O^2?
Who knows??
Do people overuse the word “swag”?
What the swag does that mean?
Why are you excited?
Not sure...
Why are you pregnant?
I'm not a tranny...
Does it feel like March today?
Nope, it feels like Dejanoveburary. A mix of December, January, November, and February.
Valentines Day?
It's not an official holiday.
What would happen if you heat up a sandwich in a wrapping containing aluminum in the microwave for a minute? (I accidentally did this one day when I was a kid. :blushing:)
You'll get popcorn.
How come it's so dark outside right now? :hmm:
I ate the moon by accident
Is NBC a local channel?
Yeah, the Nantucket Broadcast Company.
What does love have to do with it?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Prekoytyet menya?
Menya Business!
What happens when you burn files? Do they catch on fire?
Depends on if their files on a computer or files you put in a cabinet :dunno:
Can I see that the forums are back? :P
No, you're blinded by the light.
Where is my taco?
Over by the bell at the school
My friend is Thur.. is tomorrow his day? :bleh:
No, tomorrow is my day!
Does Bernie Williams chill in the west?
Why do I care about Bernie Williams?
Does the sun set near Flagstaff, Arizona?
More like Sunset Harbor FL
Is tomorrow Thirsty Thursdays? :D
No, tomorrow is Sleepy Sundays :P
Does Pep Boys do everything for less?
What's a pep boy?
(OT: Seriously though, I forgot about them.. they used to advertise on TV a lot in the late 90s/early 00s here but dont anymore O_o)
What is a pep boy?
A boy who sells pepper? :unsure:
It's been mild here lately... am I still in NJ? :unsure:
Nah, you're in Maine. :P
Am I in Maine or what? :huh:
Yeah, Portland.
Why isn't it snowing in Florida?
Because Florida is overrated.
Can you own a luxury mansion, private island, private jet, and yacht by making $1 a day?
Sure you can. Ask any CEO.
How short was Napolean?
As short as Napoleon Dynamite.
What just happened?
What is what and where and why?
Does Ryan Farish want you to come into his world?
No, he wants you to put your groovemension on.
Is gracias a spanish word?
Je ne sais pas, Je prefer Francais.
Does America have high speed rail?
Only in Florida.. :club:
Who are you?
Baba O'Riely
Do I need physical therapy?
Only if you hurt yourself.
How many bites does it take to get to the center of the doughnut?
And how do you think I would answer that? :P
Should I take electronics into the bathtub?
Is Gorilla Glue made from real Gorillas?
I assume so. :dunno:
Is Bryan playing the game by the rules? :P
D'OH! Is that the actual airport code for Doha, Qatar?
Yes, indeed! :yes:
If you are from Atlanta, does that mean you are Atlantic?
In Narnia, yes.
Are purple mountains majestic?
Only if you pay cash to hear that.
Is the name "Super Duper Doppler 4000 with Advanced Track Precision" a long enough name? :huh:
Are you nuts?
Is Auckland an "awkward" place?
My sources say that is straight from the dunny. :P
Is that Ryan Farish's voice in Come Into My World?
Seems like it.
Am I always making changes to my CC screen? :dunno:
(Off topic: I actually made changes today, if you click the link in my sig, you'll see :P)
No; you haven't made any changes to it since before you were born!
What was that? :rofl2:
^What was that? :P
^What's this??? Hint: It's not the Nazi sign, the Nazi sign would go the other way.
No idea, and I don't want to know.
Administrative Note: This game is about asking stupid questions, and the last several posts here don't strike me as following that theme properly. I don't consider asking "What's this or that?" as stupid. It can lead to more problems than anything, which I won't tolerate if it goes into offending others. :hammer:
Resuming the game to normal now: Why is it always harder to go upstairs than downstairs?
Need I explain that in terms of physics terminology or everyday terminology? :P
Is it possible to defy physics?
No, but you can try falling up a flight of stairs :P
Why do tornadoes damage homes?
Because they have no soul! :devil:
Why do people forget that the sun shines?
Because they stare into it for too long. :whistling: *Mutters to himself "Idiots!"*
Why do I have gas?
Too many Bean Burritos perhaps... :whistling:
Is it safe to wear green after St. Patrick's Day?
Not if you're an OCM :P
So how are you doing overall?
I don't wear overalls...
If i dont use the greenscreen in my room anymore, then why do I still have it up? :dunno:
Because Servine is green? :P
is FiOS an operating system? :unsure:
It's fiber-optics isn't it?
What is adult novelty?
I'd rather not explain...
Does love reign o'er me?
Love reigns over everyone! :P
Dost thou bite thy thumb at me?
No, thy only bite thy thumb :bleh:
Is this a stupid question?
Is answering "no" to a stupid question considered to be stupid?
Only if it's the wrong answer.
Why did I fall down the stairs?
Is answering "no" to a stupid question considered to be stupid?
Just to correct you, you answered no when I asked if it was a stupid but then later you imply that it is a stupid question.
Anyway, going back on topic,
Maybe because you tripped.
Why is the sky green?
Look out west and you'll know why.
What's the difference between a wallaby and a kangaroo?
Do dogs lay eggs?
Do dogs lay eggs?
Bryan, this is like the fourth or fifth time you've done this, but you have to answer the question above and then ask away. ;)
What's the difference between a wallaby and a kangaroo?
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way?
Has anyone found Nemo yet?
Yeah. He and I touched the butt earlier! :thumbsup:
Let's try to ask a question next time...
Do iPads sing songs?
If there's a sing button on that iPad, I guess it could.
Administrative Note: Everyone, please follow the rules of the games as I've seen a few repeat violations from several members lately, including the two posts above from Bryan and Donovan. Warnings can be issued for people who repeatedly do not follow the rules and cause disruptions to others. Thank you.
Now back to the regular game: Who is buried in Grant's tomb?
I remember my parents telling me that one. Of course its Grant's!
Which weighs more? A pound of lead or a pound of feathers?
Neither. A pound of arrogance.
Why is Morgan Freeman such a good actor?
Seriously? It's just a game and I missed the question. I'm sorry guys.
Because he is on the Science Channel...
Why does the sky not fall?
For the same reason that we don't float probably.
Is this the game room?
Neither. A pound of arrogance.
Wait a minute. Was I called arrogant because I said where I've heard it from or I said "Of course"? I didn't mean it in any harsh manor. It may have looked like it, I'll agree but some of you need to understand that you can't judge somebody's tone just by what they type on their keyboard. That's not my job because, technically, I can say what I want to say (with some limits), it's up to you to interpret what tone I'm using. Just understand this from here on out, I don't have an attitude towards anybody online, and I'm sorry if it appears that way. So every time when it seems like I have an attitude, I don't. Not trying to really play the blame game here, but I hope you guys understand that so there won't be further more conflict. Thanks for understanding. :yes:
Back to the game,
What planet do we live on?
We live on Saturn, and I'm pretty sure plane852 was just joking with a silly answer. I at least hope so.
Why is freezing rain cold?
Because it comes from the freezer.
Why is there always hail durring a thunderstorm?
that seems like news to me :huh:
Is Busch Gardens a place to go drink beer fresh from the garden?
Of course, you would have to be insane not to!
Is it easy to make an internet cartoon show?
Yes, you just tell your computer how to do it and walk away and it's done in a few minutes.
Would you egg the presidents house if you could?
If I could I would do it with fish instead. How comes doras parents let their 5 year old daughter go anywhere she pleases without their supervision?
Neither. A pound of arrogance.
Wait a minute. Was I called arrogant because I said where I've heard it from or I said "Of course"? I didn't mean it in any harsh manor. It may have looked like it, I'll agree but some of you need to understand that you can't judge somebody's tone just by what they type on their keyboard. That's not my job because, technically, I can say what I want to say (with some limits), it's up to you to interpret what tone I'm using. Just understand this from here on out, I don't have an attitude towards anybody online, and I'm sorry if it appears that way. So every time when it seems like I have an attitude, I don't. Not trying to really play the blame game here, but I hope you guys understand that so there won't be further more conflict. Thanks for understanding. :yes:
Back to the game,
What planet do we live on?
Craig, I apologize if you interpreted that as a response directly towards you. That was intended as a stupid answer and nothing more. :biggrin:
Because Dora can kick anybody's tail in a heartbeat.
What is a tax on emotions called?
Why is everybody staring at me?
Everyone is staring at you because you're throwing ice-cream cones?
Why does it feel so good outside?
Donovan, put your clothes back on! :P
Where are mine?
They went with the gold rush diggers into the mine (get it? :lol:)
Was that a bad pun above or what?
Yes, indeed it was. :rofl2:
Why do I smell like a hamburger today?
I don't know, but you probably need to put on deodorant. :unsure:
Where's Waldo?
Here he is! :P
( (
Why did I answer your question with a picture?
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Should I go to school naked? Last night's dream, apparently, told me that I should.
I'd recommend you didn't. We don't wanna see you on the news. :bleh:
Why does the sun set? :dunno:
Because it sets itself to sleep.
Can I have it my way at Burger King? :unsure:
Only if you like it McDonald's way.
Does PennyPress print pennies?
No, that's done by PennyGreen
Where can I find PennyGreen's secret recipe for a good lawn?
Off of County Road 541 in Burlington, NJ :)
No, it's lookin' brown as apple pie. :thumbsup:
Why don't I post in the game threads much? :dunno:
The Super Bowl is over..
Are you hidden?
Is TWC a joke nowadays?
^^ Yes!!!!
Does money grow on trees?
Yes, it does, but at the cost of rising inflation rates…Oh well.
Is the $ legal tender?
Depends how tender the meat is.
Is TWC's 30th anniversary coming up?
I've got no clue.
What's a water?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Eat a choco taco
Do you See What I'm Sayin'?
No, I can read what you're saying.
Do you believe?
No, only seeing is believing. Is a fish taco shaped like a fish?
No, it just contains fish.
Who is the mayor of New York City in the daytime?
His mother.
Is daytime television shown during the day?
They show TV during the daytime? :huh:
Do I have cable now or what?
You have what.
Ever get the feeling you're not being watched?
Which goes first, the cereal or the milk?
The bowl.
Why do they make medications for people who forget things when they'll probably just forget to take the medication in the first place?
Short-term memory is a blessing.
How come cheesecake is not the signature menu item at The Cheesecake Factory?
Because no one signed for it. :P
Is the Ring of Fire really on fire?
No. It's really on Uranus!
If I quit my job during the recession, would i be nuts?
As nutty as a squirrel storing Jif.
Why is it so windy?
Because they don't call it the windy city walk for nothin'
How much for the stool?
Just $19.99! :P
Why don't write from right to left?
You no write right left, it very bad. You lose finger.
What make man thinks me speaks Chinese?
Me so sorry. (
Why did I answer your question with a video?
Where's the video?
Did Tavores accidently link to the wrong URL? :P
I have no clue what you're talking about... :unsure: :fear:
Why am I panicking about the last question?
Because you didn't take your medication this morning. Why is the sky blue?
Because children paint it blue in kindergarden.
What is a car?
A large metal object with wheels.
Do you whine for your wine? :bleh:
Is that even legal for me to do right now? :ermm: :P
What did Trammell do to TWC to get his music off of the emergency feed?
Something that was SRS BSNS. Could you watch an Eagles game at the Daytona Intl Speedway?
Yes, on your iPad! Tap into the app!
How do you tap into the app? :thinking:
...and now your Local on the 8s? :P
Wait, did I just reenact an LOT8s intro from 2010 there? :blink:
I plead the fifth to that question. :bleh:
Should dogs be allowed to gamble in casinos?
Depends. Does the average dog live to be 21? Might as well die of excitement on the slots :rofl2: Does Vegas have casinos?
No they don't. It is just a myth. :unsure:
Does Georgia have peaches?
No they have wildebeest. Is Temple University in Philly shaped like a temple?
No, it's shaped like a building.
Am I obsessed with Univision's newscasts?
No, it's shaped like a building.
Am I obsessed with Univision's newscasts?
Yes, blame Jackie Guerrido on that one :P
Are you a charasmatic applesauce?
Um, no.
Why do people not know the difference between cloudy and partly cloudy? (They're no the same, people.) :nono:
Because in their world, they use the terms "overcast" and "fine."
Why is my world turning upside down?
Because your side of the earth is upside down :P
Do mice eat cheese?
No, they eat yogurt. Are guinea pigs pigs?
No they are rats.
Do hamburgers have ham?
Duh. That's why the name is 'hamburger' :yes:
Does the blue sky move away when it's night time?
Yes, because it's afraid of the dark :P
What is the opposite word of stop?
Is Tallahassee the capital of Manitoba?
Probably.... or not.
Where is my taco?
My piggy had it.
Why did Sally collect the seashells by the seashore?
She needed money for college.
Why can't I sit on a cloud?
Because they're made outta rubber.
Can I fly from New York to Dubai in 3 hours by plane?
Maybe if you take an express trip.
Should I put on a cape and jump off my roof to see if I can fly?
Yes, maybe try putting on a helmet too.
Can hurricanes make landfall in Alaska?
Yes, if Global Warming continues.
Would I find polar bears in Hawaii?
Maybe on a Coca Cola bottle. (The old ones...) :bleh:
Can I make it rain?
If you got enough money in your pockets sure why not.
Why does it smell like blue outside?
Because I got the blues. Does anyone honestly watch the Geometry Channel these days?
I do! 2+2=5!
Why am I Walking in Memphis?
You lost your car? (If so, that sucks, Trevor. LOL)
Where is the sun? :dunno:
Across the street at Walmart.
Why does the IntelliStar talk?
OT: Donovan, that was a reference to the song "Walking in Memphis" by Marc Cohn, lol. I can't even drive yet. :rofl2:
Because it's trying to be like you and me :P
Why is the earth always turning?
Because people make the world go round. Do rap artists sing opera?
Nope. They wouldn't be able to do any better than rap, let alone Opera. :P (Joking, and I like some rap, not all)
What is the number for 911?
119. Can I take Amtrak from Oakland to Honolulu?
No, to Finland.
Can you play golf in the Gulf of Mexico?
Yep, you sure can! :D Am I on TWCT?
If Inception taught me anything, then no.
Does clensing your mind require large amounts of bleach?
No, but I hear brainwashing does wonders.
What does it mean to mean?
You're mean, I mean... wait do I mean, I mean? What is does it mean to be mean if you're being mean with the mean and mean means that you're nice but nice is mean.
Why can't I explain the word mean?
I'm not even going to grace that question with an answer because I'll be banned if I do. ...oh wait.
What did I just do to myself?
You should know.
Who let the dogs out?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Do they show the olympics on NBC?
Nah, TWC!
Why am I up so early when it's still summer vacation? :huh:
Because you're not, you're up late :P
Is there a wall on the other side of the bed?
Nope. You've no wall, bro.
If you download a movie in Jamacia, does that make you a Pirate of the Caribbean? :chair:
There is no such country as Jamacia. :unsure:
What's up, doc?
You're despicable
Why would I insult you like that?
Because you're as nuts as Bugs Bunny. Why am I online at 1:33 in the morning?
Because sleeping is too mainstream?
When do the London Olympics start?
In 2115.
m i typin in PrOpAh gRaMmArR n ZpElliNq?
¿Puede conseguirme un taco sin usar Google Translate para entender lo que estoy diciendo?
Hi Pavel!
Is Slender scary?
Only if you choose to.
How did Scatman John get his scat?
Cause his name is Scatman? :unsure:
Can you request cod when you order a package (or packages) from the manufacturer?
They only let me order halibut.
Is Univision like bifocals? Can I order it at the eye doctor?
Only of you speak Spanish. Will tropical storm Isaac bring fig newtons to your area? (corney joke with the Isaac newton tagline I kno)
No, apples.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Oh wait, wait I know this one!... :thinking: Uhhh...something, something Ramen Noodles!
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood while driving to Beaver Dam for a slice of Honey Baked Ham?
None, the woodchuck better focus on the road if he's driving.
Cuantos anos tienes?
Feliz cumpleanos!
Is Stone Mountain in Atlanta made of stones?
No, it's made of stone-ettes.
Which came first, the egg yolk or egg white?
The eggnog.
Is the color of Lao Tizer's piano mahogany?
No, it's azul. Do you study in college?
No, I study in collage. :P
What's the color of air?
Light blue :P
Are there babies born on Labor Day?
I'm afraid so, it's considered the busiest day to deliver babies. :P
What's the difference between midnight and noon?
One of them you see the moon.
What is this moon I keep hearing about? Is it a new celebrity? Everyone talks about it at night. I don't get it. :thinking:
It's just a passing fad.
Will I get arrested if I don't turn in library books on time?
Sorry, Pavel, they're already looking for you. :lock: (Handcuffs)
What is water?
Liquid made by God.
Did NBC make TWC?
Why can't I laugh at a funeral?
Because you'd probably be thrown into a mental institution or be a suspect.
How many seconds does it take to find the boiling point of aluminum?
10,000,000,016 seconds! :P
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie center of a Tootsie Pop?
The world may never know....unless someone decides to find out. :P
It's January 17, 2013, Wasn't the world supposed to explode or blow out a fartball or somethin' like that 3 weeks ago? :dunno:
Yeah. What is today?
Lee-Jackson Day, and I'm not making it up if you live in VA: (
Why do pieces of paper fly away so easily in the wind?
Because they're traitors.
Why can't I be paid to breathe?
We can't afford your CO2 emissions.
Why do computers compute?
Because we are too dumb to think for ourselves. Did Windows 8 come out yet?
Wait, there's a new Windows OS out? :o
Why did I answer Victor's question with a question instead of a sentence?
I thought that was an exclamation mark! Am I posting on my iPod?
No, you need pen and paper to post.
What color is the sky when I'm not looking?
Purple :rofl:
Have you eaten Dairy Queen Blizzard treats when there is a blizzard happening outside?
Yes, on Friday actually.
Is Meteorology the study of meteors?
No, it's the study of meteorites.
Is Barack Hussein Obama related to Saddam Hussein?
No, he's related to Walter Beasley :P (think his February 2009 song Barack's Groove).
Is smooth jazz really smooth?
Physical texture and musical texture are quite different concepts. :P
Could you speak a little louder please?
I would but English is not my native tongue :P
Do they sell checkers at Checkers?
No but I suppose you can turn a hamburger patty into a checker xD
Is it always fresh in the Outback?
Nope, but it's always fresh out front :P
Do two wrongs make a right?
Only if your name is Mr. Wong.
How does the moon illuminate so brightly on clear nights?
flashlight installed in the inside.
Is there anyone out there who will please think of the children?! :cry: :cry3:
That's why we have babysitters. :P
Why can't we have good things?
Because there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Do ghosts live in Casper, WY?
Nope, they live in ghost towns :P
What's 2 and 2?
Does it pay to Discover?
Only if you're subscribed to the Discovery Channel.
Does it make sense to double major in English and Math?
I guess so.
Jul vf guvf dhrfgvba va EBG13?
Eye haf noh ideeuh wot ewe arr tawking abaut.
Did I forget how to spell words correctly all of a sudden? :blink:
Absolutely not. That was perfect!
Who is Chantal?
Nemo's sister
What's wrong with your driving record?
I never consulted with da mare about it.
I really need to go to the bathroom. Can I just do my business onto the third rail? It's not like anyone will be walking on it.
This must be San Francisco ( or something.
Do you really want to unleash the powers of the butterfly?
This must be San Francisco ([url][/url]) or something.
Do you really want to unleash the powers of the butterfly?
San Francisco has noting to do with butterflies! :banned:
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody's around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Yes, even if it can be heard from a long distance.
If the G4 network was* like Spike TV for nerds and was a CNN of Geek America, why were they showing "Cheaters"?
*And by saying "Was", I mean G4 is now a vegetable channel that's now only airing on select providers.
Because they know the Konami Code is a force to be reckoned with.
I'm Ron Burgundy?
You stay classy, San Diego! :cool2: :P
Can a bass fish play bass guitar?
Only if they can tuna piano.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I have.
What is TV?
Telekinetic vision! :P
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Is longform what happens when the IntelliStar's On-board flux capacitor releases mesocyclonic energy?
Only if the IntelliSTAR runs up to 88 miles an hour with 1.21 gigawatts of power.
If there is a state called West Virginia, then why isn't Virginia called East Virginia?
OMG Did I lose all of my subscribers? :cry3:
Today is October 21, 2015... wasn't there supposed to be a flying DeLorean arriving on this date from 1985 or something? :unsure:
No, because October 21, 2015 is the past now and not the future.
Which one of the geniuses in your office didn't buy representation on May 5th?
Your mom.
Is New York City located in Argentina?
What is an IntelliStar?
It's a blue computer running FreeBSD.
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
It's a blue computer running FreeBSD.
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
Because an oven heats food for you.
Why do you get wet from water?