SMF SSI.php Functions

Current Version: 2.0

This file is used to demonstrate the capabilities of SSI.php using PHP include functions. The examples show the include tag, then the results of it.

Include Code

To use SSI.php in your page add at the very top of your page before the <html> tag on line 1 of your php file:

Code: [Select]
<?php require("SSI.php"); ?>

Some notes on usage

All the functions have an output method parameter. This can either be "echo" (the default) or "array"

If it is "echo", the function will act normally - otherwise, it will return an array containing information about the requested task. For example, it might return a list of topics for ssi_recentTopics.

This functionality can be used to allow you to present the information in any way you wish.

Additional Guides & FAQ

Need more information on using SSI.php? Check out Using SSI.php article or the SSI FAQ.

Recent Topics Function

Code (simple mode)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?>

Code (advanced mode)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentTopics($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'echo'); ?>


Recent Poll Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentPoll(); ?>


Top Boards Function

Shows top boards by the number of posts.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topBoards(); ?>


Board Topics Posts
General Discussion New 1313 55394
The Game Room New 69 35723
Local Forecast New 667 23835
Everything Else TWC New 367 17128
Programming and Graphics New 277 7849
General Weather Chat New 197 7097
OCMs & Personalities New 273 6615
TWC Today News New 131 4879
TWC Fan Art New 127 4716
Your Local Weather New 104 4461

Top Topics

Shows top topics by the number of replies or views.

Code (show by number of views)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topTopicsViews(); ?>


Code (show by number of replies)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topTopicsReplies(); ?>


Views Replies
The Front Porch 2161654 15151
The Pot Belly Stove 1585382 14426
General TWC Discussion 2231147 9697
Ban the Person above you 615232 6045
General LF Discussion 1345221 5546
Which would you prefer? 551688 4822
What's the weather in your area? 745620 4725
"In my pants" Game 477537 3882
Guess the Next Poster 390065 3267
Word Association 356067 3048

Top Poll Function

Shows the most-voted-in poll.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topPoll(); ?>


Top Poster Function

Shows the top poster's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topPoster(); ?>


Latest Member Function

Shows the latest member's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_latestMember(); ?>


Please welcome daykraba, our newest member.

Member of the Day

Shows one random member of the day. This changes once a day.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_randomMember('day'); ?>


Who's Online Function

This function shows who are online inside the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_whosOnline(); ?>


1 Guest, 0 Users

Log Online Presence

This function logs the SSI page's visitor, then shows the Who's Online list. In other words, this function shows who are online inside and outside the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_logOnline(); ?>


1 Guest, 0 Users

Login Function

Shows a login box only when user is not logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_login(); ?>



Logout Function

Shows a logout link only when user is logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_logout(); ?>


Welcome Function

Greets users or guests, also shows user's messages if logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_welcome(); ?>


Welcome, Guest. Please login or register.
Did you miss your activation email?

Today's Calendar Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysCalendar(); ?>


St. Patrick's Day
Upcoming Birthdays: Jonathan (29), luesjo12 (25), sothemixer (18), mames (38)

Today's Birthdays Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysBirthdays(); ?>


Today's Holidays Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysHolidays(); ?>


St. Patrick's Day

Today's Events Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysEvents(); ?>


Recent Calendar Events Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentEvents(); ?>


Forum Stats

Shows some basic forum stats: total members, posts, topics, boards, etc.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_boardStats(); ?>


Total Members: 1832
Total Posts: 189987
Total Topics: 5223
Total Categories: 8
Total Boards: 45

News Function

Shows random forum news.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_news(); ?>


Board News Function

Shows the latest posts from read only boards, or a specific board.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_boardNews(); ?>


xx Some changes on the Forum

April 17, 2020, 04:37:11 PM by cc17926
Hi Folks - Been doing some house keeping on the forum as of late.
-Fixed the email subsystem, which would affect new users signing up, or exchanging personal messages.
-Removed a bunch of unused user groups, mostly because those people are no longer patrons of the forum anymore.
-Combined all of Matt's ""-related forums into one grouping.
-Eliminated the old website which has not been touched ~10 years. Visiting will immediately redirect to the forum.

There have been thoughts on adding a "home" page which integrates with our forum, and perhaps bringing some of the old website content back to that in a better curated format.

BIG NEWS: I have set up the integration between the forum and the Tapatalk app for mobile devices. This will allow easy mobile access to collaborate and discuss on this forum.

Coming soon, perhaps a visual re-theme and new logo -- something to fit our time.

I know an old legacy admin 'Stephen' patronizes this forum from time to time, and I would like to hear his input, along with everyone else who visits here.

15 comments | Write Comment

xx Martin's passing and the future of TWC Today

October 31, 2015, 01:12:36 PM by jtmal0723
As many of you have heard, unfortunately Martin Cornick had passed away Friday, after having recently celebrating his 24th birthday. He was loved by all who visited both TWC Today and TWC Classics. He was the owner of TWC Today for almost 6 years now. He will be missed.

As for the future of TWC Today, it remains uncertain at this time. Martin has not shared any of the hosting details with anyone so unfortunately there is no possible way to obtain the data at this time. The domain name is registered through June 2016, however I am uncertain how long the hosting will be live. I will be in contact with the admins of the forums and we will, together, figure something out. After a respectful mourning period, we will get in to contact with the Cornicks and see if we can get the hosting details so we can move the forums to a new host.

I know most of you don't want to see TWC Today or the forums end, but we will try to do everything we can.

Rest in Peace, Martin Cornick. October 22, 1991 - October 30, 2015. You will be missed.

33 comments | Write Comment

xx Slow and laggy

January 24, 2013, 11:38:24 AM by Eric
Is anyone else having any problems accessing the forum lately?  It's been rather slow and laggy for me today.
13 comments | Write Comment

xx Weather in posts?

January 18, 2013, 01:13:15 AM by Eric
Any news about when or whether the weather information will be returning to posts?

Not only was it interesting to see the local weather for every member, but it made it so much easier to find out where each member was posting from.

I understand a forum upgrade took this feature away from us, but I haven't heard any updates recently about whether any progress has been made towards getting it back.
7 comments | Write Comment

xx SMF 2.0.2 upgrade complete!...

August 11, 2012, 03:56:04 AM by jtmal0723
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that within the week, I will be upgrading the forums to the latest 2.0 build, SMF 2.0.2. The upgrade will occur on or about August 16th. I do not have a timetable as of yet. To my knowledge, there are no security exploits for our current version, however, I felt it was necessary to upgrade to the latest version to be as secure as possible. If you guys have any questions, please post them here and I, or a member of the Administration team, can assist you. As always, thank you guys for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy your experience on the TWC Today/TWC Classics Forums!~
11 comments | Write Comment

Menubar Function

Displays a menu bar, like one displayed at the top of the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_menubar(); ?>


Quick Search Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_quickSearch(); ?>


Recent Attachments Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentAttachments(); ?>


Show Single Poll

Shows a poll in the specified topic.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_showPoll($topicID); ?>


Not shown because it needs specific topic ID that contains a poll.

Show Single Post

Fetches a post with a particular IDs. By default will only show if you have permission to the see the board in question. This can be overriden by passing the 2nd parameter as true.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchPosts($postIDs, $isOverride); ?>


Not shown because it needs a specific post ID.

Show Single Member

Shows the specified member's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchMember($memberIDs); ?>


Not shown because it needs a specific member ID.

Show Group Members

Shows all members in a specified group.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchGroupMembers($groupIDs); ?>


Not shown because it needs specific membergroup IDs.

Home Page Sample

This sample uses the following features: ssi_recentTopics(), ssi_logOnline(), ssi_welcome(), and ssi_boardNews(). ssi_recentTopics() is fetched using the array method, to allow further customizations on the output.


Code: [Select]
<?php require("SSI.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>SSI.php example for home page</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 80%; background: #DFDFDF; color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 } ul,ol { padding-left: 19px; margin: 0; } li { font-size: 11px; } h1,h2,h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } h3 { font-size: 15px; } a:link,a:visited { color: #FF9000; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #container { background: #52514E; width: 100%; border: 1px solid midnightblue; line-height: 150%; margin: 0; } #header,#footer { color: lightgray; background-color: #2A2825; clear: both; padding: .5em; } #leftbar { background: #DF7E00; float: left; width: 160px; margin: 0; padding: 1em; } #leftbar a { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; } #content { margin-left: 190px; padding: 1em; } #navigation { float: right; } #navigation a:link,#navigation a:visited { color: #FF9000; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> </div> <h1 class="header"></h1> </div> <div id="leftbar"> <h3>Recent Forum Topics</h3> <ul> <?php // Using array method to show shorter display style. $topics = ssi_recentTopics(8, null, null, 'array'); foreach ($topics as $topic) { // Uncomment the following code to get a listing of array elements that SMF provides for this function. // echo '<pre>', print_r($topic), '</pre>'; echo ' <li><a href=\"', $topic['href'], '\">', $topic['subject'], '</a> ', $txt['by'], ' ', $topics[$i]['poster']['link'], '</li>'; } unset($topics); ?> </ul><br /> <h3>Online Users</h3> <?php ssi_logOnline(); ?> </div> <div id="content"> <?php ssi_welcome(); ?><br /><br /> <h2>News</h2> <?php ssi_boardNews(); ?> </div> <div id="footer"> <a target="_blank" rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a> This sample website layout is dedicated to the <a target="_blank" rel="license" href="">Public Domain</a>. </div> </div> </body> </html>
